"Say it again and say it again."

Liu Xifeng was a little scared at first, but when he thought of the gossip outside and the current situation of the transportation department, he gritted his teeth and said everything he knew.

"Mr. Xu, you are also the director of the cable factory after all, right? Although our cable factory is not making money now, your identity is there, and you can be regarded as a respectable person in the business district of Nanjue County."

"But why are you so willing to work with Zheng Nanrun? Take a step back and say, even if you work with him, there is no problem, but we can't lose money in it, right? No one will do business that loses money, right? ?”

"On this matter, it is clear that you did things for Zheng Nanrun that caused Zhao Shanhe's revenge. Now that we have an accident, Zheng Nanrun can't stand by and watch, he must give us an explanation."

Speaking of this, Liu Xifeng said fiercely: "As far as this matter is concerned, if Zheng Nanrun says he won't help you, his reputation will be bad. And if you don't get his help, your reputation will also be bad. .”

"That's the thing. I've said it all. If you want to be beaten or punished, you can figure it out!"


Seeing Liu Xifeng's attitude of seeing death as his home, Xu Weidong swallowed the words abruptly. He knew that Liu Xifeng was right, and many people thought so.

But the problem is, Xu Weidong can't do what they want.

Xu Weidong frowned, and waved his hands impatiently: "You go out first, I will find a way to solve this matter."

"Mr. Xu..."

"Get out!" Before Liu Xifeng could finish speaking, Xu Weidong shouted sharply.


When he was alone in the office, Xu Weidong took a deep breath, grabbed the phone on the desk and made a call.

"Zheng is always me!"

"Old Xu, is there anything you can do to find me early in the morning?" Zheng Nanrun asked with a smile.

Are you pretending to be stupid?

Xu Weidong felt contemptuous in his heart, and said calmly: "Mr. Zheng, have you heard about our transportation department?"

"Transportation Department? What's the matter with your transportation department?" Zheng Nanrun's puzzled voice came from the phone.

Are you still pretending?You really can pretend!Zheng Nanyun, others don't know, how can I not know you?As far as the business community in Nanjue County is concerned, as long as there is any disturbance, can it be hidden from your ears?

My side is already so noisy that it is about to explode, but you tell me that you don't know, do you think I will believe it?You are just talking nonsense!

"Mr. Zheng, let's meet. I have something to tell you."

"Okay, then we will meet at the old place in half an hour."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Weidong muttered to himself with embarrassment: "Zheng Nanrun, don't let me down!"


Jinlu Glass Factory.

Although he said that he had already signed contracts with six partners, Zhao Shanhe did not say that he should take it lightly, and still arranged for people to keep an eye on Xu Weidong.When he knew that Xu Weidong really did not give up and started desperately contacting those partners, Zhao Shanhe was secretly on guard.

And knowing that those partners finally ignored Xu Weidong and chose to cooperate with him, Zhao Shanhe showed a victorious smile.

"Shan Kai, I've already done this for you, so the next thing will be your turn."

"Listen, I have only one request for you, and that is to ensure that the goods of all partners can be delivered to the designated destination within the specified time no matter what. As long as you can do this, then your transportation team will He will completely stand firm, and in the transportation circle of Nanjue County, there will be no such thing as Xu Weidong."

Zhao Shanhe exhorted solemnly.

Zhao Shankai listened carefully.

"Yes, I will do it."

Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile: "Then let's do something."


After Zhao Shankai left, Zhao Shanhe turned to Li Xiangyang and said, "You should continue to focus on this matter, but don't worry too much. If there are no accidents, we have already secured the victory."

"it is good!"

"I'm going to the lab."

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe came to the laboratory and met Gao Shaoyuan and Liu Wei'an.In front of the two of them, he smiled and took out Wang Houde's research results.

"This is what you want. I think with this thing, your research and development progress can take a big step forward."

"Show me now!"

Gao Shaoyuan couldn't wait to snatch it up, and then began to immerse himself in the pages.

Liu Wei'an could only wait by the side.

"Director Liu, when Mr. Wang and the others arrive, you will be in charge of receiving them. After all, you and him know each other well, so you can communicate with them easily." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Liu Wei'an nodded and said, "I've already contacted Mr. Wang, and they said they would come within a week. I will arrange their accommodation then, and then start research and development."

"Director, I believe that with the participation of Mr. Wang and the others, our tempered glass research and development speed will definitely be greatly advanced. You can look at the sales arrangement here, after all, sales are the most important thing."

"I will arrange the sales."

In this kind of small chat, Gao Shaoyuan also finished reading the materials.There are a lot of information, and he just scanned it briefly, but such a rough look has already made him amazed.

"It is said that there is specialization in the art industry, and now I am convinced. This old Wang is indeed a leader in the field of glass. If his research results are published in a paper, it will definitely shock everyone."

"Is it helpful for your research and development?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's more than helpful, it's just enlightenment. You don't know, there are a few places in our previous research and development. It turns out that we took a detour and got into a dead end. If we do what we thought before, it will not only be a waste of time. , and a lot of materials will be wasted. But now with this research result, everything can be avoided.”

Gao Shaoyuan said happily.

"That would be the best."

Zhao Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

What he is most afraid of is that Wang Houde's research results are very valuable, but such value cannot be integrated with Gao Shao's original research and development site.If that's the case, no matter how valuable it is, you have to give up.

But now it seems that I think too much.

"Factory Manager, when will this Mr. Wang come? Can he come sooner? If yes, I still have a few immature questions to ask." Gao Shaoyuan asked excitedly.

"I'm talking about Gao Gong, you are also the chief engineer of our Hetu Manufacturing, can we be more reserved?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Reserve the hammer. This is related to the revolution in the glass field. Why should I be reticent? Just tell me, can you let Mr. Wang come earlier?" Gao Shaoyuan asked eagerly.

"It's really hard to say. It depends on the arrangement of Mr. Wang. After all, he didn't come here alone, he brought a whole team." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

Gao Shaoyuan was a little bit disappointed: "Then we can only wait, but it doesn't matter, let's develop it first. Director Liu, let's go together?"

"it is good!"

After Liu Wei'an glanced at Zhao Shanhe, he followed Gao Shaoyuan to get busy.

Zhao Shanhe didn't speak either, and when he turned around and was about to leave, the big brother suddenly rang.

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