Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 622 This is also the problem


"Didn't you say that there were a dozen or so friends who were not married two days ago? Make a list and arrange for our Section Chief Yang to go on blind dates one by one."

"You have to let our Section Chief Yang know that we are a big warm and loving family. For her lifelong event, everyone will take action to help, you know?"

Zhao Shanhe said seriously.


Chen Ju turned around and said to Yang E seriously: "Don't worry, Section Chief Yang, I will arrange this matter, let's start counting from tomorrow, one a day, take turns, until you agree."

Yang E: "..."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed and walked forward.


Nanjue County Shanqiu Food Branch.

"The matter has been investigated very clearly. This matter was done by Xu Weidong. Although he did not admit it publicly, I have obtained definite evidence." Zhao Shankai said with a serious face.

"This Xu Weidong is really trying to die."

Li Xiangyang smoked a cigarette, and said with contempt in his eyes: "You said that his cable factory didn't have much business in the first place, and it was barely maintained by a transportation team. Wouldn't it be good for him to do his own thing well? You have to come Provoke us. Okay, since he has done this, then we don't have to be polite. "

"Director Li, tell me, what should we do?" Zhao Shankai asked.

"He has shown his sword, of course we are going to accept the move. There is nothing to say about this kind of thing. Just fuck him." Li Xiangyang picked up a document as he spoke.

"Look, this is the list of all the partners of the cable factory's transportation team. Xu Weidong's transportation team can maintain a profitable state because of these few people. If we take all these people down, you say Xu Weidong What will happen?"

"Going crazy!"

Han Chunming said with a smile: "The cable factory's biggest source of income is the transportation team. If the transportation team can't make money, Xu Weidong will definitely die like an ant on a hot pot."

"And if it really comes to that time, Zheng Nanrun may not help him. Because Zheng Nanrun has always had his own transportation channel, and Xu Weidong has never been used at all."

"Yeah, that's the problem too."

Li Xiangyang smiled gently.

"Zheng Nanrun has a lot of money, and he would rather give it to others than let Xu Weidong earn it. You said that Xu Weidong usually forgets when he can earn money by himself, and he doesn't care about it."

"Although I can't make any money here, following Zheng Nanrun has other benefits after all. But if Zheng Nanrun refuses to help when the business of the transport team drops, will the two of them be as close as brothers?"

Han Chunming spat on the ground disapprovingly: "The shit is as close as brothers, and they can also be called brothers? They are simply friends."

"Then you will be responsible for this matter."

Li Xiangyang handed over the list as he spoke.

"Try to get rid of all these people today! As for the favorable conditions, you and Shan Kai can decide. You don't have to be afraid of giving up a little profit in the early stage. As long as you can get Xu Weidong down, it's worth it."

"Okay!" Han Chunming and Zhao Shankai replied in unison.

"and also."

Li Xiangyang looked at the two of them and said: "The factory manager has finished his work and is on his way back. He told me that we can handle this matter. Since the factory manager trusts us so much, then we can't leave it to us. It's a mess, understand?"


Sparks of excitement flashed in the eyes of Zhao Shankai and Han Chunming.

Everyone wants to be recognized by Zhao Shanhe.

With such fighting spirit, the two quickly walked out of the office to start the matter.

The time soon came to five o'clock in the afternoon.

After Zhao Shanhe came back, he didn't take a break, but rushed to the glass factory in Nanjue County immediately. After seeing Li Xiangyang, the first thing he asked was how the transportation team's affairs were handled.

After Li Xiangyang briefly explained the solution, he raised his hand to look at his watch, and said with a smile: "This matter has been done since nine o'clock in the morning. Calculate the time, Han Chunming and Zhao Shankai should It's almost done."

"I think that as long as those businessmen's positions are not firm, they will agree to our conditions and sever relations with Xu Weidong."

"Just like Xu Weidong, do you think he can win over a group of loyal partners? Impossible. Don't worry, it's absolutely fine if Han Chunming comes forward." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"I think so too."

Li Xiangyang put the matter down with a smile.

"How did you go to Wucheng this time?"

"Very good, let me tell you, this time not only won the tempered glass research results, but will solve all the problems in our research and development at one time, I also packed up all the people and brought them back."

Zhao Shanhe couldn't hide his smile when he thought of this.

"I know this. Didn't you tell me to hurry up and arrange accommodation? I want to ask, how did you do it? Tell me quickly."

What Li Xiangyang was curious about was this.

"Just talk about it."

Zhao Shanhe began to speak vividly.

at the same time.

Han Chunming was also talking to a person, who was Wang Dongfang, the director of Nanjue County Brick Factory.Looking at this familiar friend, Han Chunming said with a bright smile: "Old Wang, do you know why I put you in the last place?"

"Why?" Wang Dongfang raised his head.

"Because I think we have a good relationship. At least compared with the other people, our relationship is the closest. As long as I tell you about it, you won't refuse, because you know it well, I, Han Chunming I'm not the kind of liar who ostentatiously, I'm a person who tells the truth, and I will never cheat you, right?"

Han Chunming said sincerely.


Wang Dongfang nodded, and said calmly, "You and I, Han Chunming, haven't known each other for a day or two. We've known each other for a long time. I still know something about you. It's just what you asked me to do, right? A little outrageous? If I said that I broke the contract with Xu Weidong like this, wouldn't that be too good?"

"What's wrong with that? It's as if you and him really signed a contract. Old Wang, it's not that I haven't heard you say that there is only a verbal agreement between you, and there is no written contract. Right?" Han Chunming asked.


Wang Dongfang hesitated.

"Old Wang, to be honest, why do you think I would do this? Do I have to confront Xu Weidong? It's not what you think! It's him, Xu Weidong, who is not authentic and insists on doing that kind of shit to us. The trick came, and I was forced to fight back like this."

"You said to cooperate with someone like him, are you assured of cooperating?"

"Say more!"

Sensing that Wang Dongfang was a little moved, Han Chunming struck while the iron was hot, and threw out his trump card neatly.

As soon as the trump card came out, Wang Dongfang didn't have any hesitation, and made the most sensible choice without hesitation.

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