Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 621 Has it disappointed you?

Chen Xingyu, who was screaming, raised his head and looked over. He wanted to see who grabbed his wrist, but when he saw clearly who was doing it, he was shocked on the spot.

"Zhao Shanhe, how could it be you, why are you here?"

"Zhao Shanhe!"

And the moment Cai Shishi heard the name, Cai Shishi's angry expression suddenly became exciting. She looked over subconsciously, and asked almost instinctively: "Are you Zhao Shanhe?"

"you know me?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Cai Shishi.

"I don't know you, but I heard Chen Xingyu say your name more than once."

Master Cai pouted.

"It seems that what you heard should not be a good thing." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Cai Shishi snorted softly: "Where did the good things come from? It's all hatred for you. He, he can't wait to swallow you alive. Why do you think he went to the United States to avoid you."

"Master Cai, shut up!"

Chen Xingyu, who was already in pain from being grabbed by his wrist, felt even more ashamed when he heard such words. While yelling at Cai Shishi ruthlessly, he looked at Zhao Shanhe more and more angrily.

"Zhao Shanhe, hurry up and let me go!"


The more Chen Xingyu thought about it, the more angry he became. You said that you just wanted to go back to the Eastern Province, so why did you take this flight and meet Zhao Shanhe.

What's even more hateful is, Zhao Shanhe, you just slapped me in the past, but now you're still slapping me here.You humiliated me in front of so many people, are you addicted?You let so many people see me in a mess, are you happy?

Chen Xingyu's teeth itch with hatred.

He really has the heart to tear Zhao Shanhe apart.


Zhao Shanhe let go of Chen Xingyu's hand suddenly, glanced at the stewardess who came over, and said mockingly: "Chen Xingyu, pay attention to your identity, if you want to make trouble, that's your business, but don't disturb others."

"Sir, please return to your seat."

The stewardess said to Zhao Shanhe with a gentle smile.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, turned around and walked back to sit down.

"Zhao Shanhe, you wait for me, I..."

"Sir, please calm down, please don't shout in the cabin."

The stewardess showed a formulaic smile and interrupted Chen Xingyu without hesitation.


Chen Xingyu just wanted to yell at the stewardess, but when he met the disgusted eyes of other people, he shrank his neck, swallowed all the words, sat down suddenly, and closed his eyes.

Although his eyes were closed, his heart was burning with raging anger.

He knew that the occasion was not right here, and it was impossible to cause trouble unscrupulously, so he could only be ruthless in his heart: "Zhao Shanhe, wait and see, when we get to Zhongzhou City, I will see how I deal with you."

The noisy cabin quickly quieted down.

"Is this considered a hero saving the beauty? Did you see that? That girl named Cai Shishi has been looking at you all the time. I bet she should have fallen in love with you!" Yang E winked and joked in a low voice.

"Go to hell."

Zhao Shanhe pouted silently.

"But seriously, did you hear it just now? That girl has worked on Wall Street before. Such an excellent person, why don't we just take her in?"

"Anyway, our talent echelon will never be enough, and we can't let go when we meet the right one. And I think, with this story of a hero saving the beauty, she will definitely look at you differently."

Yang E couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

"I said Yang E, why are you becoming so gossip now? I suddenly remembered that when I was talking with Mr. Yang two days ago, he told me that he wanted to introduce you to a blind date. If you say yes If you gossip like this, don't blame me for helping Mr. Yang as your staff." Zhao Shanhe said slowly with the corners of his lips slanted.

Hearing this, the corners of Yang E's mouth twitched involuntarily, and then she simply closed her eyes.

"Well, pretend I didn't say anything."

A flight tour ended after more than two hours.

The plane landed at Zhongzhou Airport on time.

The first one to get off the plane was Chen Xingyu.

He didn't want to stay here for a moment, and when he got off the plane, he asked Cai Shishi indifferently: "Cai Shishi, I'm giving you one last chance now, are you really sure you won't come back to Perth again?" ?”

"It's very sure, I want to answer it yourself." Cai Shishi said with a snort.

"You are ruthless! I remember you!"

Chen Xingyu turned his head and walked out of the airport. As soon as he walked out, he ran into Uncle Li who was waiting here.

"Chen Shao."

"Uncle Li, let's go!"

Chen Xingyu strode out without looking back.

Seeing his gloomy expression, Uncle Li was also a little dazed. He didn't know what happened, so he could only follow up quickly in three steps at a time. Hurry up and go home, something happened at home."


"Hi Zhao Shanhe, let me get to know you officially, my name is Cai Shishi."

Under the plane, Cai Shishi waited for Zhao Shanhe, without any sign of shyness, he stepped forward generously, and stretched out his right hand, his jade-like fingers looked extremely white and tender under the sunlight.

"Zhao Shanhe."

Zhao Shanhe was not pretentious either, he shook hands politely and then let go.

"I didn't expect you to be Zhao Shanhe. Really, I don't lie to you. I actually wanted to know you a long time ago, because I wanted to see what kind of person a man who can drive Chen Xingyu crazy is like." Cai Shishi came Said familiarly.

"Did that disappoint you?" Zhao Shanhe smiled.


Cai Shishi smiled coquettishly.

"You're pretty good, almost as I imagined, but I want to remind you that Chen Xingyu is very narrow-minded, and he has the kind of personality that will repay you. If you are missed by him, be careful, and don't fall into it someday. His way."

"This is what I want to tell you. If you refute his face like this and offend him, you should be careful." Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.


Cai Shishi pointed to his nose and shrugged indifferently.

"I'm like this anyway, and it's not the first day I know him. Even if he really wants to deal with me, he doesn't have the courage. Forget it, let's not talk about it, thank you for the incident on the plane, can you give me If there is a chance in the future, I will treat you to dinner."

"This is my business card, please keep it!"

Zhao Shanhe took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over.

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi glanced at it and remembered the phone number, then raised his business card and said with a smile, "See you later."

"See you."

After Cai Shishi finished speaking, he turned and left.

Seeing Cai Shishi's graceful back fading away like this, Yang E pretended to smile mysteriously, and nudged Zhao Shanhe with her elbow: "Do you like it? If you like it, I really suggest you take her down."

"Isn't there a saying that an enemy's enemy is a friend? Don't say anything else, just because she and Chen Xingyu have broken up, you should take her down."

"Chen Ju."

Hearing Yang E's teasing words, Zhao Shanhe suddenly turned to look at Chen Ju.

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