Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 623 Such a one-to-one comparison

"Old Wang, as long as you are willing to terminate the cooperative relationship with Xu Weidong, then I can assure you that according to the transportation fee you gave him, I will give you a [-]% reduction, and besides that, three orders will be exempted every month."

This is Han Chunming's trump card.

Why do you, Wang Dongfang, hesitate so much?It's just that the price is not attractive enough for you. If so, I will give you one that can attract you.I don't believe that you are still not tempted by such a condition.


After hearing the preferential terms of exemption, Wang Dongfang's eyes lit up immediately, and he asked with a smile, "Is what you said true?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, we can sign the contract." Han Chunming smiled slightly.

"In this case……"

Wang Dongfang's eyes rolled slightly.

Before Wang Dongfang could say the rest, Han Chunming said first, "Old Wang, I forgot to tell you something."

"What?" Wang Dongfang was slightly taken aback.

"Before I came here, our director Zhao said that it's best if you promise. It's okay if you really don't want to promise. We won't force it. It's just that after we really defeated Xu Weidong, do you want to be with us again?" Cooperation is not the current condition, it has to be reopened."

Han Chunming said without haste.

Wang Dongfang's heart trembled slightly immediately, and he felt a rush of pressure.

He knew that Han Chunming's words were a threat, and compared with the previous lure, the threat seemed harsh.But he also knew very well that what Han Chunming said was right, at least he was helping him in a timely manner. If he really waited until Xu Weidong failed and went to find Han Chunming himself, it would be icing on the cake at best.

In such a comparison, the judgment is judged.

The so-called multiple-choice questions suddenly became less difficult.

"Chunming, don't say anything else, I am willing to cooperate with your Shanqiu food transportation team, we can sign the contract now." Wang Dongfang said firmly after making up his mind.

"Old Wang, congratulations, you made the most sensible choice, and wish us a happy cooperation."

Han Chunming stretched out his right hand with a smile on his face.

"Happy cooperation!"

Wang Dongfang also happily held it tightly.


After half an hour.

In the meeting room of Jinlu Glass Factory, an impromptu meeting is being held.

Han Chunming respectfully handed the contract he had already got to Zhao Shanhe, and then said with a smile: "Director, Xu Weidong's transportation team has a total of six partners in Nanjue County, and now these six people have all agreed with each other. We signed a cooperation contract."

"That means Xu Weidong is alone and helpless now."

"Are there any of these six people who don't want to cooperate with us?" Zhao Shanhe asked while looking at the contract.


Han Chunming shook his head and said with a smile: "Actually, these six partners have already had other ideas, and the reason is very simple, that is, even if we don't give them discounts, let's just say that the current freight standard is already higher than Xu Weidong's." Much cheaper."

"You said it can save money, why would they think of giving all the money to Xu Weidong for nothing?"

"That's their business, and the preferential treatment that should be given will still be given."

Zhao Shanhe closed the contract calmly, and said lightly: "Our goal is very simple, that is to take down Xu Weidong's transportation team. As long as we can achieve this goal and give up some profits, it is worth it."

"I guess Xu Weidong should know about this by now, but I don't know what his expression will be. I really want to see it." Han Chunming laughed.

"Ha ha!"

Several people laughed.

After laughing, Li Xiangyang suddenly said: "By the way, there is one more thing that I almost forgot to mention, the factory manager, there is a Qingyun Chamber of Commerce in Nanjue County, do you know about it?"

"Qingyun Chamber of Commerce? Is it the Chamber of Commerce accumulated by enterprises in Nanjue County?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

Li Xiangyang nodded and said, "Yes, it is the chamber of commerce formed by several enterprises in this county."

"I know, what's wrong?"

"They have a banquet tomorrow night, and they sent us an invitation letter. I want to ask, are you going to attend?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"The president of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce, if I remember correctly, should be Chen Peiwu, the director of Nanjue Iron and Steel Factory?" Zhao Shanhe showed a thoughtful expression.

"Yes, it's Chen Peiwu."

Li Xiangyang nodded, and said seriously: "I suggest that if you are fine, you might as well go to participate. After all, the scale of Qingyun Chamber of Commerce is not small, and they are all entrepreneurs from Nanjue County. Go and participate." , not for anything else, just to know a few more people and develop our network of contacts."

"Okay, you've said that, what else can I say, then go and participate."

Zhao Shanhe turned to Yang E and said, "You go with me."

"Me?" Yang E pointed at herself in surprise.

"That's right, it's not you. If you don't follow me, am I going to take them with you?" Zhao Shanhe said as it should.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Yang E glanced around, and found that Li Xiangyang and the others were all sullen, so she couldn't help but curl her lips and agree.

"That's it, if there is nothing else, the meeting will end!"

"it is good!"


Nanjue County Cable Factory Transportation Section.


Xu Weidong patted the table angrily, the teacup on the table jumped up, and the hot tea was spilled all over the table.

"Talk! Are you all dumb? I let you stay here to make you dumb?" Xu Weidong raised his arm, pointed at the men in front of him and shouted angrily.

Several men stood awkwardly, none of them dared to speak.

They all know that whoever dares to stand up at this time will be severely punished.

"Liu Xifeng, tell me!"

Seeing this situation, Xu Weidong directly started roll call.

Liu Xifeng, who was named, groaned inwardly, but he didn't dare to continue pretending to be stupid. Instead, he suppressed the panic in his heart, carefully raised his head to look at Xu Weidong, and said with pale lips: "Mr. I don't know the situation."

"It's just today. We received calls from those six partners one after another. They all said that they would not cooperate with us."

"It's up to you to say, don't I know? What I'm asking you is why?"

Xu Weidong scolded sternly.

"You are the chief of our transportation department. It is understandable for others not to know, how about you? Do you dare to say that you know nothing about this matter? If you don't know anything, this chief should not do it Already!"

"Me!" Liu Xifeng's face was full of bitterness, he really didn't know!

It wasn't long after I received the news. After I received it, I started to contact those people, but they seemed to have disappeared from the world. No one answered me. Even if I wanted to inquire about the news, there was no way for me.

"What are you, if you don't give me a reason today, I will kill you!" Xu Weidong was furious.


Liu Xifeng hesitated to speak.

Just when the atmosphere in the office was frozen, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.

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