Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 620 Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water

"You don't have to say any more, I won't go back."

A beautiful woman in a black windbreaker with ponytails and a frosty face said coldly to a man in a suit and leather shoes beside her, "If you want to go back, go back yourself, don't try to persuade me."

"Teacher, how can you do this? Do you know how many people envy your job? Do you know how embarrassing you will embarrass me?"

"You have to know that I put a lot of effort into your work. You just walked away and lost your job. What should I do? Have you ever thought about my situation?" The man in the suit said angrily Said.

"What is your situation?"

The ponytailed beauty raised the corners of her lips and said disapprovingly, "What's the situation with you? Chen Xingyu, stop pretending to be wronged in front of me, don't think I don't know your little thoughts."

"Don't you just want me to be your bond, so that you can climb up the big Buddha in Perth? I said, can you be a little bit promising? Don't just embarrass us Chinese people."

"Chen Xingyu?"

Zhao Shanhe, who originally didn't want to deal with this matter, subconsciously looked over when he heard the name.When he saw that the man in the suit was really Chen Xingyu, the son of Chen Jinjun from Yongxing Department Store, he couldn't help being a little surprised.

This is really where life does not meet.

You can meet this guy on such a random flight!

Thinking of what Chen Xingyu had done to him before, he slowly raised the corners of his lips.

"Chen Xingyu? Why is he also on this flight?"

Yang E saw it too, with a surprised expression.

"Normal, we can sit, and of course he can too. Leave him alone, let's watch a show." Zhao Shanhe said casually.

"it is good."

It's just that Zhao Shanhe, who originally wanted to watch the show, felt that something was wrong the more he heard it, and he couldn't help but gradually wrinkled his brows, and the eyes he looked at Chen Xingyu became more and more disgusted and annoyed.

"Cai Shishi, are you sick? What nonsense are you talking about! What do you mean I want to climb Perth? Perth and I already know each other, okay? Do I need to cling to him? I say this, do this, for the sake Isn't it all you?"

"I'm thinking of you so much, it's fine if you don't appreciate it, don't you think it's too much to say these heartless things here?" Chen Xingyu scolded angrily.

"Am I going too far?"

Cai Shishi glanced at it, and said mockingly: "Chen Xingyu, don't put on a show for me here, who doesn't know who we have been friends with over the years? I know exactly what kind of virtuous bastard you are. .”

"Ask yourself, do you really want to help me? What you mean by helping me is to let me sleep with that dead foreign devil, and want to send me to his bed?"

"I do not have!"

Chen Xingyu sternly argued that the clamor just now had disappeared a lot.

"I never thought about it that way. If I knew what kind of person Perth is, I would never let you be his secretary. You must believe me on this point!"

"Trust me you idiot."

Cai Shishi adjusted his sitting posture, found a comfortable position and sat down, then said mockingly: "Do you really think I don't know about those nasty things between you and Perth? I didn't say it to save face for you, you Don't push yourself too far."



Cai Shishi obviously didn't want to continue talking, and said in an agitated mood: "Chen Xingyu, listen clearly, the relationship between the two of us is over. After a while, we will part ways when we get off the plane. From now on, you go your own way." I will cross my single-plank bridge, and we will never meet again in this lifetime."

"Are you serious?" Chen Xingyu asked with a straight face.

"What do you mean?" Cai Shishi said impatiently.

"You are cruel enough to say such a thing. But Cai Shishi, since you have said that, then I will not hide it."

"Let me tell you the truth, Mr. Perth has just fallen in love with you and wants to be your man. If you are sensible, agree to his conditions as soon as possible. It will also be good for you."

Chen Xingyu said shamelessly, but Cai Shishi interrupted him by raising his hand before he finished speaking.

"Chen Xingyu, that means this is on the plane, otherwise, I will really slap you in the face. Can what you say be called human words? Are you sacrificing me for your own benefit?"

"Do I have anything to do with you? Apart from the fragile friendship, do we have any other relationship? Why do you decide for me?"

"Just because I'm richer than you, you have to listen to me."

Chen Xingyu said with fierce eyes: "Cai Shishi, I know the situation of your family very well. If you don't listen to me and do what I say, believe it or not, I will torture your family to death."


Cai Shishi turned pale with anger.

"You are shameless!"

"I am shameless? You are right, I am shameless, what can you do?"

Chen Xingyu put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, with a smirk all over his face.


Cai Shishi was furious at his rascal appearance.

After hearing such a conversation, the people sitting around gradually understood the relationship between the two of them. After they understood, they looked over with a kind of contempt and ridicule.In what age, there are still people who worship foreigners like this.You say that it's fine to flatter yourself, but you still want to use other people's bodies as a stepping stone.

Is there anyone as shameless as you?

Are you doing this as a human thing?

"Girl, don't be afraid. If he dares to move a finger of yours, I'll make the decision for you."

"That's right, and me, this person is too shameless!"

"Are you still Chinese?"

Chen Xingyu, who was glared at by everyone around him, raised the corners of his lips mockingly, and said dismissively: "I said it's none of your business, it's a private matter between the two of us, if anyone of you dares to meddle, believe me or not!" Write down your information one by one, and slowly settle accounts with you in the future."

"Come whoever is not afraid of death!"

"It's too arrogant! Do you think you can be lawless with two stinky money? Girl, you are right, I support you, such a scum and scum, stay away from him as soon as possible, or you will be unlucky in the end It's all about you."

"Fuck off."

Being scolded like this, Chen Xingyu's eyes flashed fiercely, he stood up abruptly, pointed at the man who spoke and opened his mouth to swear, the words were simply unbearable.


The man who was insulted was also angry. Seeing that the two were about to perform martial arts, Cai Shishi stood up and shouted anxiously: "Chen Xingyu, is what he said wrong? Why are you yelling at him? It makes sense Do you think it's reasonable for you to yell so loudly? People like you are really tasteless. "

"Who do you say didn't taste that?"

Hearing such contemptuous words, Chen Xingyu, who was already full of anger, couldn't hold back anymore, raised his hand and slapped Cai Shishi in the face.


However, in the next second, he screamed in pain.

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