Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 614 What did you say?Say it again!

"What are you going to tell me?"

Wang Houde looked over with displeasure.

"I want to tell you about the research and development results of tempered glass..."

Who would have thought that as soon as these words came out of Wang Jiangchuan's mouth, Wang Houde's face turned livid in an instant, he interrupted Wang Jiangchuan's words unceremoniously, and said indifferently: "How many times have I told you, this is my Don't meddle in the matter, why are you thinking about this again?"

"How many times do you have to tell me to understand that this research and development result is not mine alone, it was jointly developed by the big guys. If you dare to say something about selling it, be careful that I will sever the father-son relationship with you!"

"Did you develop it?"

When Wang Jiangchuan heard this, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Dad, what are you guys? This is obviously the result of you alone. Why do you have to include them? Besides, even if you really have their share, it will be enough to sell them and give them money. What's more, your The scientific research institute has long since disappeared, and your students have all gone their separate ways, why are you still sticking to it here?"

"shut up!"

Wang Houde scolded sharply, pointing at the door with a cold tone.

"Get lost! I don't have a son like you!"

"Go away."

Wang Jiangchuan stood up angrily and walked out.


As the door was closed heavily, only Wang Houde was left in the room.Looking at the closed door, Wang Houde had an inexplicable expression of grief and indignation on his face.

"You bastard, you dare to teach me a lesson, you deserve it too!"


the next day.

Hilton Hotel.

As soon as Zhao Shanhe woke up, his elder brother started to poop. It was Wang Jiangchuan who called, and he said in a low tone, "Director Zhao, I'm really sorry, I didn't do what you asked me to do. Success. My father is stubborn, and he is unwilling to sell the research results, so I have nothing to do."

"Is that so?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, as if he had expected it a long time ago.

"Then can I go see Mr. Wang? I want to talk to him about it myself."

"Of course!" Wang Jiangchuan agreed.

Zhao Shanhe looked at his watch: "Then let's meet at your door in an hour."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe packed up in an orderly manner, and after breakfast, he took Lin Chaoyang and Chen Ju to Wang's house.Although Wucheng in this era is not as prosperous as later generations, it is also a first-class big city in China.

There is a lot of traffic and flowers are blooming.

No matter where you go, you can smell the smell of hot dry noodles in the air.

It is not the first time Zhao Shanhe has come to Wucheng, but every time he comes, he will have a different feeling.Because he knew that Wucheng would contribute an indispensable force to China's economic development in the near future.

Lin Chaoyang raised his hand and pointed forward: "Shanhe, Wang Jiangchuan is there."

"I saw."

After getting off the bus, Zhao Shanhe and Wang Jiangchuan greeted each other and said, "Let's go in together."

Wang Jiangchuan stopped Zhao Shanhe at the door: "Director Zhao, I want to tell you something in advance."

"You said."

"That's right, my father is a bit of a man in doing things, and he admits to death. He said that the research and development results of tempered glass were obviously developed by himself, but he wanted to bring the scientific research institute with him, and wanted to let his students Share a share with your colleagues. You'd better be aware of this matter, and when you talk to him later, you can also be targeted." Wang Jiangchuan reminded.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "Thank you Teacher Wang for reminding me, I will remember."

"Then let's go in!"

Several people walked into the Wang family's house in this way.

And suddenly seeing these outsiders walking into the house, Wang Houde's face darkened on the spot. Although he said he didn't lose his temper, everyone could see the anger he was holding back.

"Wang Jiangchuan, what are you going to do? You have to be clear, this is my home, not yours, and it's not up to you to decide. If you entertain guests, you can go to your home or go to a restaurant outside, but you can't get them. I'm here!"

Holding a thick document in his hand, Wang Houde said impatiently.

"Dad, you misunderstood. They didn't come to me, they came to you specially." Wang Jiangchuan said with a smile.

"Find me?"

Wang Houde glanced at it.

"Do I know you?"

"Old Wang, of course you don't know us. Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhao Shanhe. I'm from Eastern Province. I came to Wucheng this time to visit you specially. It's my first visit, so please forgive me if I didn't think carefully."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he put down the gift he had brought.

"Zhao Shanhe? I don't know you, let's go." Wang Houde waved his hand lightly.

"Dad, Director Zhao came here with sincerity. He really wants to cooperate with you. Don't go too far." Wang Jiangchuan couldn't see this kind of tug-of-war between you and me, so he immediately pointed out Zhao The intention of Shanhe.


After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help frowning slightly.


At the same time that Wang Jiangchuan said this, Wang Houde's suppressed anger burst out. He stretched his face and said in a cold tone: "I have no intention of cooperating with anyone, so please leave my house. You are not welcome here. If you don’t leave, don’t blame me for calling the police and let the police chase you away.”

"Dad, why are you like this?"

Wang Jiangchuan looked over speechlessly.

"How am I? You didn't hear what I said to you last night, did you? You think that your wings are hard now, so you can do things unscrupulously, right? You dare to do things even to my lord Now, can you do it? Can you do it? Go away, go away, I don't want to see you, and I don't want to talk to you."

Wang Houde said angrily.


"Mr. Wang, why don't you go out first, and I'll talk to Mr. Wang."

Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, Zhao Shanhe quickly stood up to dissuade him.Don't say that you, Wang Jiangchuan, messed things up for me before I spoke. I would be wronged if that happened.

"Yes, Jiang Chuan, let's go out and smoke a cigarette."

Lin Chaoyang dragged Wang Jiangchuan out, and soon there were only two people left in the room.But until this moment, Wang Houde still looked at him with anger.

"What? What do you want to tell me? Let me tell you, I've seen a lot of businessmen like you, don't you just want the fruits of my hands? Tell you, it's useless, I won't sell it to you , you should die as soon as possible!"

Faced with Wang Houde's attitude, Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly and said calmly: "Old Wang, I did come here for your tempered glass research results. Of course, whether you sell it or not is up to you. I will never force you to do anything."

"It sounds nice." Wang Houde sneered.

"Ha ha."

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently, and said calmly, Wang Houde's aggression disappeared immediately on the spot with a single sentence, and he looked over with a somewhat dull look, his face full of surprise.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

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