Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 615 Promise me a condition

"I said Mr. Wang, Liu Wei'an asked me to say hello to you on his behalf. He said that he is busy with the glass factory recently, so he can't come here to listen to your teachings in person, or else he plans to come in person this time."

Zhao Shanhe said gently.

It was these words that made Wang Houde's anger suddenly cool down, and he looked over with a kind of doubt in his eyes.

"Do you know Liu Wei'an?"

"I know, he is following me now." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"Follow you?"

Wang Houde became more and more puzzled.

He knows who Liu Wei'an is.Although the two do not have the name of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice.And he admires Liu Wei'an very much, he is a person with unparalleled enthusiasm for the glass field.If he could be kept in his research institute, maybe the research institute would not be closed down like it is now.

After all, Liu Wei'an's vision is quite advanced.

And it is such a person, Zhao Shanhe actually said that he followed him, isn't this a joke?

"As far as I know, Liu Weian should be the director of Jinlu Glass Factory?" Wang Houde asked suspiciously.

"Mr. Wang, what you are talking about is the old calendar of many years ago. The Jinlu Glass Factory has gone bankrupt long ago. Now this glass factory has been bought by me. And Liu Wei'an is also working with me and is developing toughened glass. Of course If you don’t believe me, I can call him right now, and you can ask him yourself.”

Zhao Shanhe originally wanted to use Liu Wei'an to open the scene, but now it seems that Liu Wei'an seems to be quite famous with Wang Houde.If this is the case, then let them talk on the phone, so as to save yourself a lot of talking, and the most important thing is to change Wang Houde's view of himself, which is the most important thing.

Only in this way can he be willing to continue talking.

Otherwise, judging by Wang Houde's appearance, I am afraid that he will not give himself a chance to continue the conversation.

"The factory manager."

Zhao Shanhe quickly dialed the number, and Liu Wei'an said respectfully after connecting.

"Director Liu, I'm sitting in front of Mr. Wang right now. You can have a word with Mr. Wang."

"it is good!"

Wang Houde picked up the big brother dubiously, and when he heard Liu Wei'an's voice, he stood up in surprise, walked straight to the bedroom, and asked as he walked, "Wei'an, what's going on? You Why are you hanging out with others now? And why did your Jinlu Glass Factory go bankrupt and close down?"

Zhao Shanhe watched Wang Houde go into the bedroom to make a phone call, and he didn't intend to eavesdrop. He just sat on the sofa calmly and picked up a newspaper casually to read it.

About six or seven minutes later, Wang Houde came out of the bedroom, and when he handed over the big brother, the expression on his face was not as hostile and hostile as before, but looked at it intriguingly.

"Are you Zhao Shanhe from Hetu who produced the Whale Pump?"

"Yes, I am Zhao Shanhe from Hetu Manufacturing, Mr. Wang, have you heard of our Hetu Manufacturing?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"heard about it."

Wang Houde sat down slowly, and said with emotion: "I have heard Liu Weian talk about his situation, and he also talked about yours. I didn't expect that you have made such great achievements at such a young age."

"What I didn't expect was that you have never been in contact with this industry before, and you dare to develop tempered glass on such a poor and white basis, just to win for us in Huaxia."

"To be honest, your layout is huge, and I admire it very much. But..."


Do you want to be so exaggerated?

Zhao Shanhe looked over speechlessly, what you said earlier was so good that I thought you were going to agree to my request, but unexpectedly there was a sudden turning point in the end.With such a turning point, does it mean that my affairs are over?

It shouldn't be!

I have come here to talk to you in person, and Liu Wei'an must have spoken well of me on the phone. You can't be like what Wang Jiangchuan said, can you really be so old-fashioned?

If so, I have nothing to say.

"Old Wang, but what?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with bright eyes, and said word by word: "If you have anything to say, please speak up, and you can say what you have concerns."

"The purpose of my coming here this time is very simple. I just hope to cooperate with you. Whether you want to directly transfer the research results, or you want to take the research results to buy shares in the glass factory, as long as you say it, we will We can discuss it."

"Tell me!"

Zhao Shanhe clearly stated his purpose, and then began to wait for a reply.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you know about me?" Wang Houde didn't follow Zhao Shanhe's words, but asked seriously.

"Know something."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said slowly: "I did some homework before I came here, some of which were given by others, and some were told by Liu Wei'an. I had dinner with Mr. Wang last night, and he also told me some .Although I dare not say that I know everything about your situation, at least I know a thing or two."

"It's enough to know a little bit."

Wang Houde didn't mean to explain in a long way, but said calmly: "It's easy to talk about it if you know about me. My research results on tempered glass are not due to me alone, but to the owners of the scientific research institute." brainchild."

"Although the scientific research institute is gone now, and my colleagues and students are scattered all over the place. But what I want to say is that it's okay for you to buy out this achievement, but you have to promise me something condition."

"Tell me." Zhao Shanhe looked at Wang Houde solemnly.

"I want you to give them all a decent job." Wang Houde said seriously.

"Decent work?"

A flash of astonishment flashed in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

"Old Wang, do you mean that they are not doing well now? But they shouldn't be. As far as I know, they are all people from scientific research institutes. Everyone has real talents and real learning. Wherever you go, there are characters who can shine and shine, how can you say that you are doing poorly?"

"You are wrong, they are really having a hard time now."

Hearing this, Wang Houde couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Each of them is indeed capable, and I can guarantee this. Take Liu Wei'an as an example. He was also an intern in a scientific research institute. You should know about Liu Wei'an. Is it your job?"

"I know." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Each of them is no weaker than Liu Wei'an, do you think they are incompetent?"

When Wang Houde said this, he couldn't help but said with a wry smile: "But it's precisely because they all have some skills, and they are all arrogant. If I am here, I can control them. If I am not here, the scientific research institute is gone, and no one can control them." hold them."

"Although they don't say anything, I asked someone to inquire about them, and I know that they all did very poorly in their respective units because of their bad temper."

Speaking of this bad, Wang Houde paused, stared at Zhao Shanhe and said a word slowly.

These words made Zhao Shanhe's complexion suddenly change.

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