Seeing that Wu Zhiguang was about to utter nonsense again, his daughter-in-law interrupted on the spot, roaring angrily, and looked over angrily, and said resentfully, "Who told you that was a joke?"

"Let me tell you, Director Liu has returned to the glass factory to be the factory director. That's not counting. Many of my former workers have returned to work. If I didn't hear this from them What, are you still in the dark?"

"What? This is actually true?" Wu Zhiguang was dumbfounded.

"Do you think that? Of course it is true. I also want to tell you that all contracted workers can have a salary of two hundred yuan in the first month, which adds up to at least four to five thousand yuan a year!"


Wu Zhiguang was completely stunned.

Four or five thousand a year!

real or fake?

This is not a small amount!

Liu Wei'an can make such a high salary?Is this too exaggerated?What's wrong with Liu Wei'an?What kind of shit luck did he have, how did he suddenly have so much money?


Thinking of how he treated Liu Weian before, Wu Zhiguang became afraid.Liu Wei'an doesn't hold grudges, does he?It would be terrible if he held grudges and refused to let his wife go to work.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhiguang quickly wiped his hands and ran to the vegetable market.

"where are you going?"

"I'm going to buy pork."


Wucheng Railway Station.

There were two people standing at the exit. They looked in anxiously, fearing that they might miss it.

"Li Qiang, open your eyes a little wider, don't lose sight of it."

"Don't worry, Brother Dong, my eyes are very bright, and I will definitely not lose sight of them. But Brother Dong, why did our Section Chief Yang, who you said was so good, remember that he was going to come to Wucheng? Did the sales on our side appear?" What's the problem?" Li Qiang asked in a low voice.

"What's wrong with our sales? Don't think about it here, you'll find out in a while." Chen Dong said calmly.

"All right!"

Even though he said so, Chen Dong was also in a state of anxiety.

He was notified temporarily that Yang E was coming to Wucheng and asked him to drive to pick him up.He didn't know the reason why Yang E came here, Li Qiang was worried, didn't you think about it when he was him?But after thinking that his recent work has been done well, he is a little relieved.

Maybe Yang E is here on a business trip?

In this pondering, Li Qiang suddenly pointed to the front and shouted: "Brother Dong, here we come, my God! Who is that?"

Looking in the direction of Li Qiang's finger, Chen Dong was also stunned on the spot. He wiped his eyes vigorously, and after making sure that he read correctly, he also shouted in surprise: "How could it be Director Zhao? Why is Director Zhao here? "

"Brother Dong, let's go there quickly." Li Qiang reminded.


Chen Dong and Li Qiang hurried forward, and after a few people met, Yang E introduced with a smile: "Director, this is Chen Dong, the sales director of our factory in Wucheng, and this is his assistant Li Qiang. "

"Hello, factory manager!"

Chen Dong and Li Qiang quickly greeted each other respectfully.

"Chen Dong, I know you. When Section Chief Yang recommended you to me, I was very satisfied. Facts have proved that Section Chief Yang has a good vision. You have done very well in Wucheng." Zhao Shanhe praised.

"Factory Manager, you've flattered yourself." Chen Dong hurriedly said with a slight bow.

"Let's go!"


After making arrangements at the Hilton Hotel, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. After checking the time, Zhao Shanhe said to Lin Chaoyang, "Brother Chaoyang, how about your appointment with Wang Jiangchuan?"

"I've made an appointment to have dinner together tonight," Lin Chaoyang said.

"Okay, then let's take a break and go there together."

"it is good!"

When Lin Chaoyang was making preparations, Zhao Shanhe, accompanied by Yang E, listened to Chen Dong's work report.When he saw that Wucheng's sales market had a good prospect, Zhao Shanhe praised it without hesitation.

"I have two things to do when I come to Wucheng this time. The first is to see your work situation. It seems that your work is doing very well and is worthy of recognition. Chen Dong, tell everyone to work hard , there are bonuses at the end of the year."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


Chen Dong nodded excitedly.

"Director, what about the second thing? Do you want me to help?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand: "I don't need the second thing for now, so you can go about your work."


In Zhao Shanhe's opinion, it is better to keep a low profile when meeting Wang Jiangchuan.After all, you don't know how many people are secretly staring at Wang Houde's piece of fat. If the noise is known to the world, your side will definitely be affected.

The best way to do this kind of thing is to make a fortune silently, before others understand what's going on, act first and succeed in one fell swoop.

A Sichuan style hot pot restaurant.

Here, Zhao Shanhe met Wang Jiangchuan, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and a face with Chinese characters. He looked like a very bookish type.

Actually it is.

Wang Jiangchuan is now engaged in education. He works as a chemistry teacher in a high school.

After the simple greetings, Wang Jiangchuan looked at Zhao Shanhe and said solemnly: "Director Zhao, I am friends with Chaoyang. Since you are his cousin, there is no need to hide some words. Open the skylight and speak up."

"This is the best." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"It's like this. My father does have some experience in the research and development of tempered glass. I also believe that his research results can help you. If you want this result, I can help you talk about it."

Wang Jiangchuan paused at this point.

"But at this price..."

"Don't worry about the price, as long as I am sure that Mr. Wang's research results are valuable, both Mr. Wang and you will be satisfied." Zhao Shanhe agreed without hesitation.

"Happy, Director Zhao is really quick to talk! I like a straightforward person like Director Zhao. Come on, let's have a drink."

"have a drink!"

After drinking a bottle of white wine, Wang Jiangchuan waved his hand and promised to talk about it when he went back tonight. Regardless of whether it was successful or not, he would give Zhao Shanhe a reply tomorrow.

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

A banquet ended in a pleasant atmosphere.

After the two parties separated, Zhao Shanhe returned to the Hilton Hotel, while Wang Jiangchuan returned home.When he pushed open the door drunkenly, Wang Houde greeted him with somewhat annoyed eyes.

"Where did you go drinking?"

"Dad, I had a drink with a friend."

After speaking, Wang Jiangchuan sat down on the sofa, picked up the water glass in front of him and began to drink water.

"Have you had a drink? Do you look like you've had a drink? Let me tell you, you're not young anymore, you've been married for three or four years, and you can't mess around like you used to. You have to know that you are a teacher, yes A person who is a teacher."

Wang Houde took off the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and sat across from him, a suppressed anger appeared on his old face.What he hates the most is that Wang Jiangchuan drinks, and when he drinks, he turns into such a disappointing appearance.

"Dad, I have something to tell you."

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