Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 608 1 Chao was bitten by a snake and was afraid of the well rope

"Director Liu, are you interested in returning to the glass factory to continue working?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't beat around the bush, but asked straight to the point.

Liu Weian was stunned on the spot: "Go back to the glass factory and continue working?"

"That's right, I just want to invite you back to the glass factory to continue to preside over the work. As long as you agree, I have no problem here, and your appointment can be announced at any time." Zhao Shanhe nodded and said loudly.


Liu Wei'an hesitated for a while, shook his head and said bitterly: "Forget it! Thank you Director Zhao for your trust, but I still don't want to go back to the glass factory."

"Why that?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"There's no reason, I just don't want to go back." Liu Wei'an continued to shake his head.

"Don't want to or don't dare?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were sharp.

Liu Wei'an was slightly taken aback, but did not speak.

"Director Liu, although I don't want to say this, but this is how you feel to me, and you dare not face your past failures. To be honest, before I came here, I had a strong self-confidence. I think as long as I If an invitation is extended to you, you will definitely accept it."

"If you want to ask me why I think so, it's very simple, because the Jinlu Glass Factory is your painstaking effort. As long as you are a little bit bloody, you won't just watch your hard work go to waste."

"But now your answer really disappoints me."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and sighed.


Liu Weian hesitated to speak, his face full of confusion.

"Yes, I can understand it this way. You have failed once, and you don't want to fail again. You don't even have the courage to face it because you are worried about failure. But have you ever thought that you are a coward if you do this!"

"It's fine if you're a coward, but you'll hurt your own family. When we came out just now, what those people said and the expressions on their faces, you and I know very well. You say you If you can bear it, have you ever thought about sister-in-law? What would she think?"

"She sells meat here all day long, and bears these rumors every day. Will she be happy? She doesn't say it just because she doesn't want to burden you, but as a man, you can't turn a blind eye, right?"

Zhao Shanhe's words were like needles, piercing into Liu Wei'an's heart fiercely, making it difficult for him to breathe in pain.

He wanted to argue, but found that the language was so feeble.

Because he knew that Zhao Shanhe was right.

"Director Liu, there is a good saying, you have to get up wherever you fall. If you say that you don't even have the guts to get up, your life will be ruined. I said what to say, and what to do is what to do." It's all on you."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and looked over quietly.

I want to use you, Liu Wei'an, but that doesn't mean it has to be you.If you say that you are still so stubborn, then I will leave without saying anything.

Is it true that no one under my command can play around the glass factory?

The world lacks everything except people!

"Director Zhao, can I ask, why did you choose me? You know, Jinlu Glass Factory went bankrupt after all under my hands. If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely not want to use me again. "Liu Weian asked after taking a deep breath.

"Two reasons!"

Zhao Shanhe raised a finger.

"First, you are the director of Jinlu Glass Factory. You have feelings for this factory, and you are familiar with the workers here. With you, you can ensure the normal operation of the factory in the shortest possible time."

"I said so, do you agree?"


Liu Wei'an nodded.

There is nothing wrong with saying this, and Liu Wei'an is absolutely confident that he can do this.


"The second is because of your failure." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"My failure?" Liu Wei'an was puzzled.

"Yes, it was because of your failure. Let me put it this way, I didn't take over the Jinlu Glass Factory to produce ordinary glass. What I wanted to produce was tempered glass. And it was precisely because of tempered glass that you took over the factory. It was bankrupt, so I chose you." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Although this sounded awkward, Liu Weian understood it immediately.

And the moment he understood, his face suddenly darkened, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said calmly: "Director Zhao, if this is the case, I will stick to the attitude just now, I refuse!"

"Why?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Because you developed tempered glass."

Liu Weian didn't dodge his eyes anymore, but said firmly: "Facts have proved that the research and development of tempered glass is a systematic process, and it is a long way to go. If there is not enough financial support, there is not enough energy Without a considerable amount of research and development personnel, this matter cannot be done at all.”

"I've failed before, so I don't want you to fail too."

"Does that mean you don't like this matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Liu Wei'an said softly: "I just don't like this matter, I became what I am today because of this matter, you said you still want me to be optimistic about this matter, is it possible?"

"Director Liu, you have been bitten by snakes for ten years and are afraid of well ropes. You can't say that because you failed once, you choose to escape for the rest of your life, right? Also, if you say you failed, let it be, how can you even No one else believes it?"

"Since you have studied this matter, you should understand that tempered glass is not a complicated problem. At least it has been developed abroad."

"Since they can develop it, why can't we?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, interrupted Liu Wei'an who wanted to interrupt, and continued: "If I said that I could satisfy you with the conditions you just mentioned, would you still doubt it?"

"All are satisfied?" Liu Wei'an was taken aback.

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"I will allocate the funds you want, unconditionally!"

"As much energy as you want, I will put all my energy into doing this!"

"The research and development personnel you want, I will move the entire laboratory of Hetu Manufacturing!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled: "I can give you everything you want, so what do I want? The tempered glass I want must be developed, can you do it?"


Liu Wei'an was stunned.

He didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would say such a thing, and he must know that such a condition cannot be satisfied by anyone who wants it.If I had said that I could have such conditions at the beginning, I might not have come to where I am today. Toughened glass may even have been developed.

I admire it!

Liu Wei'an now admires Zhao Shanhe.

Thinking about it, it is true that only such a person with great courage and a big structure can start from scratch and lay down such a large business as Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?" Liu Wei'an stared into Zhao Shanhe's eyes with excitement.

Zhao Shanhe nodded of course and said, "Of course, I couldn't be more serious!"

"In that case, may I ask you one last question?"

"You ask."

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