"Boss, something happened."

It was Liang Haoyang, Zheng Nanyun's secretary, who entered the door. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he walked in eagerly.

"What happened?"

Zheng Nanyun hurriedly asked.

"Didn't you let me stare at the Jinlu Glass Factory?"

"Yes, what happened over there? Did those villagers beat Zhao Shanhe?" Zheng Nanrun laughed and asked gloatingly.


Liang Haoyang shook his head, and said with a helpless expression: "Not only did it fail, even Wang Fakui was arrested, and those villagers went back happily. They didn't even ask for land occupation fees."


Zheng Nanrun was taken aback and was dumbfounded.

"what happened?"

"It's like this..."

After listening to what Liang Haoyang said, Zheng Nanrun and Xu Weidong looked at each other, neither of them wanted to watch the fun, so they just sat down on the sofa again and remained silent.

"This Zhao Shanhe is not easy, Old Zheng, do you think we can really beat him?" Xu Weidong asked with a frown.

"If you can't fight, you have to fight!"

Zheng Nanrun's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said in a cold voice: "Old Xu, you know that the business circle in Nanjue County is so big. Over the years, although we dare not say that we are the only one, we should say it anyway. Are the words useful?"

"But now that Zhao Shanhe has come in, it will definitely affect our interests and authority. Do you think we have a way out? No, we must suppress his arrogance! If we don't suppress him, we will all be in trouble! "

"Yes, you are quite right." Xu Weidong nodded repeatedly.

He didn't have any doubts about this, he just said that Zhao Shankai had become a big threat to him now.If there is no way to solve it, the entire transportation market in Nanjue County will be swallowed up by Zhao Shankai.

Then what will happen to him.

Do you really think the cable factory is doing well?No, the development of the cable factory has been going downhill in recent years. If it hadn't been supported by the transportation team, it would have gone bankrupt long ago.

I am like this, and the situation in the cement factory is similar.Otherwise, do you think why Zheng Nanrun is so anxious to deal with Zhao Shanhe, isn't it because he is afraid that he will be swallowed by Zhao Shanhe one day?

"The question is what to do now? I feel like Zhao Shanhe is a raptor crossing the river." Xu Weidong said with a sigh.

"Crossing the Raptors?"

Zheng Nanrun snorted coldly, threw the teacup in his hand on the table, and let the tea scatter.

"I've only heard that a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake! Even if he is a raptor crossing the river, we will kill him. Old Xu, let's think about it carefully and see how to deal with this matter."



Li Xiangyang's management of personnel is something that is easy to come by. Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing are on such a large scale that Li Xiangyang can play it skillfully here, let alone such a glass factory.No matter who it is, as long as they pass through his eyes, they can be arranged in the most suitable position.

So with him in charge of the early recruitment of the glass factory, Zhao Shanhe was very relieved.

And Zhao Shanhe is going to see Liu Wei'an now.

Because there is no contact number of Liu Weian, it is said that after he knew where Liu Weian lived, he brought Chen Ju to find him.He didn't mean to deliberately play some tricks of courteous corporals, but he just felt that it was the most direct way to do so.

If this kind of thing can be done simply and directly, don't make it too complicated.

"Are you sure it's here?"

Looking at the chaotic vegetable market in front of him, Zhao Shanhe raised his brows slightly in disbelief.

"right here."

Chen Ju scratched his head and said in a deep voice: "Factory Manager, it's true that Liu Wei'an works in the Cultural Bureau, but his wife sells pork at a stall here. He usually comes to help whenever he's free."

"In that case, let's go in."

Zhao Shanhe walked into the vegetable market after speaking.

He is no stranger to this kind of place, and he doesn't think that since he is rich now, he shouldn't come to such a messy, dirty, messy place.On the contrary, he enjoyed the fireworks here very much.

Before he made a fortune, he spent his time in the vegetable market.

And when he started selling shaved ice, Zhao Shanhe also frequented this kind of place.

So walking here, listening to the constant hawking in his ears, and looking at the vegetable stalls in front of him, there was a smile of enjoyment on his face.In this kind of enjoyment, the two soon came to a pork stall.

"Boss, give me a pig's head!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Pig's head?"

Hearing this suddenly, Liu Weian, who was wearing an apron, raised his head subconsciously. He really wanted to see who was willing to buy a whole pig's head.Then, he saw Zhao Shanhe's smiling face.

"Director Zhao! Why are you? Why are you here?" Liu Wei'an was taken aback.

"Why can't I come here? What do you think I'm here for? Of course I'm looking for you." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Find me?"

Liu Weian was stunned.

"Yes, I'm looking for you, Factory Manager Liu. If it's okay, is it convenient for Fang to find a place to chat for a while? Don't worry, I won't delay you for too long." Zhao Shanhe said gently.

"This one……"

Thinking that he still had to sell pork, Liu Weian hesitated, and couldn't help but look at his wife next to him.

"Go, I'm here."

Seeing this scene, the daughter-in-law Cai Wei agreed without any hesitation. She didn't know who Zhao Shanhe was, but seeing his appearance shouldn't be easy.That being the case, of course Liu Wei'an should be let out.

She still has this point of view.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"It should." Cai Wei showed a kind smile.

"Then I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

Liu Wei'an said to Cai Wei and took off his apron and handed it over.

The three of them walked out.

"Director Liu, where are you going? Don't sell pork anymore? I'm still thinking about eating braised pork tonight, and I'll go to your place to cut two catties!"

"I said, Lao Huang, don't you ask this question knowingly? Our factory director Liu can't sell meat here all the time. He is now a member of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, and he is taking care of everything."

"It's true, look at my memory, I still want to call you Director Liu, but Director Liu."

Liu Wei'an, who was yelled like this, looked as calm as before.

Zhao Shanhe looked playfully.

And the three of them hadn't gone far, the voice of conversation behind them made the corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips twitch slightly.

"How to pretend, a good glass factory has been ruined by him, and now he dares to pretend to be arrogant, can he pretend?"

"Bah! He deserves to sell pork all his life."

"If you want me to say that this is all done by himself, you said that he insisted on making some toughened glass, so he killed himself? You said that he died by himself, and so many workers were laid off. My wife was He's a fool, he can only push a tricycle to sell vegetables, now I see him and I'm angry!"

Liu Weian walked out of the vegetable market with the same face as before.

Zhao Shanhe didn't go far, but found an elegant room in a nearby teahouse. After everyone sat down, he thought about his words and spoke slowly.

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