"I wonder why you developed tempered glass?"

Liu Wei'an's eyes brightened.

"Why are you so persistent in doing something that no one is optimistic about? I don't think it's just me, but many people will think that if you buy Jinlu Glass Factory and hand it over to Shanqiu Food or Hetu Manufacturing as a branch factory, it will be a big deal. It can make money, and this kind of money is safe and secure, without any risk, why don't you do it?"

"Yeah, you're right. I won the Jinlu Glass Factory. As long as it is used as a branch of Shanqiu Food or Hetu Manufacturing, or even a branch of Zhao Xiaobai Winery, it can develop very well. , can create profits in the shortest possible time. This is not only the result I want to see, but also what many people want to see."

"But why do I have to follow the old path you failed and continue to develop tempered glass?"

Zhao Shanhe stared into Liu Wei'an's eyes, and said word by word: "Listen, let me tell you a story, no, I can't say it's a story, because I personally experienced this incident."

"I went to a car shop in Handong City to buy a Hutou Ben some time ago. When I bought the car, I accidentally blocked the way of several maintenance workers. At that time, they were carrying a piece of the front windshield of the car. They Yelled at me, told me to get out of the way, and said I wouldn't be compensated if I smashed this glass."

"Do you know where this glass is made?"

Zhao Shanhe paused, looked at the silent Liu Wei'an, and said unhurriedly, "It's Dongdao!"

"A car front windshield made in Dongdao was sold at a sky-high price of 4000 yuan, and the ones made in Dongdao are relatively cheap. That's not counting. If you want to get this piece of glass, you have to work slowly. Waiting for others to supply you."

Having said this, Zhao Shanhe's face suddenly became serious.

"You asked me why I have to develop tempered glass, that's why I have to do it. I don't want our country's money to be taken by Dongdao like this, and they are disgusted and despised. I want our country to produce The toughened glass is exported to Dongdao, to the United States, and to all countries in the world."

"I want to make Chinese manufacturing popular all over the world. I want to let Chinese manufacturing make their money!"

"Director Liu, this is the reason why I insist on developing toughened glass. I don't know the reason, are you satisfied? Can you be persuaded to join my team?"


All Liu Wei'an's previous guesses and worries disappeared without a trace after hearing this story. He looked at Zhao Shanhe emotionally with a clear voice.

"Director Zhao, your reason convinced me. I have decided that I want to join your team. Even if you don't let me be the factory manager, even if you are just a researcher in the laboratory, I am content! "

"That's impossible, I asked you to preside over the work, but it's a bit overqualified to be a researcher."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"Then Director Liu, welcome to join us."

"Thank you, Director Zhao!"

Liu Wei'an stretched out his hands excitedly and held Zhao Shanhe tightly.

At this moment, Liu Wei'an would never have imagined that from the moment he shook hands, the trajectory of his life would be completely changed.And he is about to witness the birth of a glass empire, and become the most important core of this empire.

Zhao Shanhe said sternly: "Director Liu, since you have already agreed, I will not be polite if you have some words."

Liu Weian nodded: "Say it."

"After all, you know a lot about this glass field. I have three requirements for you. First, recruit talents as much as possible, as long as they are excellent talents in this field, whether they are engaged in scientific research, sales or production. Yes, you can do it all for me, I want our glass factory to have the most solid basic team.”

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"no problem!"

"Secondly, the research and development of tempered glass is not something that can be accomplished overnight. The most important thing involved here is the production technology. If you say that you have a way in this area, don't be afraid of the difficulty, just tell them all, and I will find a solution. " Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's great!" Liu Weian was overjoyed.

"Third, what do you think about your salary, feel free to mention it."

Zhao Shanhe's third request made Liu Wei'an stunned.

Is this turning point a bit too sudden?

What I said earlier was quite exciting. Didn’t you ask for me? How did you ask me to make a request? What can I say?

"It doesn't matter to me, just give it as you see it." Liu Wei'an said.

"Then how can we give it casually? After all, our glass factory is a business that wants to make money, and what we are doing is not a charity."

Zhao Shanhe waved his arm.

"In this way, your salary will be paid according to the director of the branch factory first, and then adjusted after our glass factory officially starts production."

"it is good!"

At this moment, Liu Wei'an didn't know at all what the standard of the so-called branch factory manager was. When he asked him later, he was stunned on the spot and couldn't speak for a long time.

After the two talked for a while, Zhao Shanhe got up and left.

"I have to go back to Zhenghe County. After you arrange your home and work affairs, you can go to the factory. Anyway, you have not been enrolled in the Cultural Bureau, so just resign!"

"it is good!"

After watching Zhao Shanhe leave, Liu Wei'an turned around and walked back to the vegetable market. As soon as he walked in, someone started teasing him again.They seem to have become a habit, and they feel uncomfortable when Liu Wei'an doesn't say a few sarcastic remarks.

As for embarrassment, no one cares, because even if it is embarrassment, it is Liu Wei'an's business and has nothing to do with them. Who made you bankrupt the Jinlu Glass Factory, why don't we say a few words?

"Liu Bureau, where are you going to be chic again? When will you invite us to have a meal?"

"Old Wu, what you said, how busy Liu Bureau is usually, how can I have time to talk to you."

"Yes, yes, look at my memory, I should be busy liquidating the bad debts of the glass factory, right?"

"Ha ha!"

Lao Wu, who sells pancakes, and Lao Li, who sells vegetables next to him, are laughing and teasing. They look at each other with undisguised contempt and ridicule. For them, and even for the whole vegetable market, Liu Wei'an It's a complete joke, a living object that should be humiliated by them.

Anyway, no matter how harshly they spoke, Liu Wei'an dared not say a word.

However, today, at this very moment, Liu Wei'an, who was about to turn around and leave after hearing this, not only did not leave, but walked towards the two of them.

This abnormal behavior immediately stunned the two of them.

"What do you want to do?" Old Wu stared nervously at Liu Wei'an, and couldn't help but take a step back and asked.

"Wu Zhiguang, if I remember correctly, your daughter-in-law should be in charge of material screening at the Jinlu Glass Factory. Tell her to report to the glass factory meeting room at nine o'clock tomorrow, and you won't wait if you're late!"

After Liu Weian put down these words, he turned around and left.

Wu Zhiguang was momentarily stunned.

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