Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 606 Are you trying to use him?

Zhao Shanhe walked to a car not far away, opened the door and sat in directly.

Sitting in the back seat was Liang Xuefeng.

He witnessed the whole incident with his own eyes, so he looked at Zhao Shanhe with appreciation.

"Director Zhao, that's fine. You're a bit of an outspoken speaker, and you solved such a big problem with just one mouth. I think that in this way, not only will the people in Jiangxia Village not bother you, they will also Protect the glass factory more than anyone else. Because only in this way can their interests be protected, right?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Leader Liang is right, and I knew I couldn't hide it from you. It's actually very simple to do. As long as they are all tied to the glass factory boat, I don't believe they can stay out of it and even think about destroying it. The development of the glass factory. But I have to thank you for being able to accomplish this in the end. If you hadn’t taken Wang Fakui away, this matter would have been troublesome.”

"What happened to Wang Fakui was his own fault. Not only is he a bully in the village, but he has also done some illegal and criminal things. It is only natural that he should be arrested."

Liang Xuefeng waved his hands and didn't dwell on the topic.

"What are you going to do next?"

"The next thing I think is this. Isn't it near the end of the year? Before the end of the year, I will sort out the basic structure of the glass factory. For example, the equipment in the factory needs to be maintained and workers must be recruited. So wait until the beginning of next spring , My research and development has progressed, so I can do what I say." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"You mean that in the spring of [-], your glass factory will be able to open?" Liang Xuefeng's eyes lit up.

"Yes! It's definitely not a problem. If it's not possible to drive at that time, just paying the wages of the workers is enough for me, don't you think so?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

Liang Xuefeng raised his head and laughed loudly: "Haha! It makes sense, then I'll wait for your opening."

"it is good!"

After chatting with Liang Xuefeng, Zhao Shanhe returned to the glass factory. When he came to the office, he glanced around the layout and said lightly: "Xiangyang, don't take all these messy things in the house, and move them all to the glass factory. Go to the warehouse, and if it is decorated, it will be made according to Hetu, which is simple and practical."

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to do this." Li Xiangyang said and was about to go out.

Zhao Shanhe stopped him and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I still have something to discuss with you, and I want to hear your opinion."

"what's up?"

After the two sat down on the sofa, Zhao Shanhe handed over a cigarette, and then lit one himself. Amid the swirl of blue smoke, he said slowly: "You have also read Liu Wei'an's information, what do you think of him? Sample?"

"You want to use him?" Li Xiangyang immediately understood what Zhao Shanhe meant.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said frankly: "Frankly speaking, Liu Wei'an's original strategic direction was not wrong. His mistake was in the wrong time, the fault was in the shortage of capital chain, and the fault was in the lack of technical support."

"If he has all these things, he may not fail. And if he is successful, the current Jinlu Glass Factory will not go bankrupt, and it will still be as brilliant as before."

"If you say that, you are right. I have also investigated Liu Wei'an and learned about his reputation. Everyone who talked about him, although they said that he was contemptuous of his research and development of tempered glass, felt that he was ambitious, but apart from this Besides, there is nothing to say. Whether it is management experience or business level, they are all first-class."

Li Xiangyang nodded approvingly.

"The most important thing is, aside from these things, Liu Wei'an is still a glass expert. It was because of this status that he was transferred here."


"Just what?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's just that you can really pull him over? Anyway, he doesn't mean that no one wants him now. He is a serious national public official with his own career and future. I think if you want to persuade him, I'm afraid Some difficulties." Li Xiangyang shook his head and said.

"Yeah, what you said is also correct."

Thinking of how this guy didn't look confident when he was chatting with Liu Wei'an, Zhao Shanhe knew that Li Xiangyang's worry was not unreasonable.But it doesn't matter, since I am going to take him down, even if there are many difficulties, I have to try to overcome them.

I still don't believe that Liu Wei'an would leave the glass factory so willingly.

Doesn't he want to pick up where he fell when he was a technical person?

"Let me do this. It just so happens that I will stay in Nanjue County for the next few days, so I will ask him out sometime to talk about it." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"it is good!"


Nanjue County Cement Factory Office.

Zheng Nanrun, who was sitting here drinking tea leisurely, couldn't help feeling elated when he thought of Zhao Shanhe's troubles at the stall today.

He is very clear about the Jinlu glass factory, and he also knows that it is a hot potato.After all, not everyone can handle the affairs of Jiangxia Village well. If you can't handle it well and take over the Jinlu Glass Factory rashly, it will be a disaster.

If it weren't for this reason, would you, Zheng Nanrun, watch such a piece of fat in your mouth but refuse to eat it?

It's not not to eat, but not to eat.

But now Zhao Shanhe plunged in, determined to take advantage of it.Are you in trouble now?Hehe, if you are entangled by those people from Jiangxia Village, it will be difficult for you to get away.

"I think Zhao Shanhe is doomed this time. Not everyone can deal with Wang Fakui's hob meat." Sitting across from him drinking tea was Xu Weidong, the director of the cable factory.

It was he and Zheng Nanrun who joined forces at the beginning and wanted to use the transport team to hold Zhao Shanhe hostage, but who would have thought that instead of being able to hold back Zhao Shanhe in the end, Zhao Shanhe formed a transport team instead.

Just thinking about it made him very depressed.

If you say it's just an ordinary transportation team, Xu Weidong can just turn a blind eye, but it's not.In the management of that boy Zhao Shankai, the transportation team is getting bigger and bigger, and now he has started to compete with Xu Weidong's transportation team, robbing him of many customers and making him lose a lot of money. Do you think he can't be angry? ?

Now that he heard that Zhao Shanhe's glass factory would be surrounded by people from Jiangxia Village, he just came here to drink tea with Zheng Nanrun and prepare to watch a play. He wanted to see if Zhao Shanhe could carry it this time. past.

"Who said it wasn't that? I have dealt with that Wang Fakui. Although he is nothing in front of my eyes, that guy is a bad breed. It is impossible to say that he is capable of causing trouble. With him as a shit stick, It is enough for Zhao Shanhe to drink a pot."

Zheng Nanrun picked up the teapot and poured tea for Xu Weidong as he spoke.

Xu Weidong quickly took it over and poured it himself.

"I really want to go and see it."

"Don't worry, just calculate the time, it should be the most intense time, why don't we go and see?" Zheng Nanrun raised his hand to look at his watch and smiled.

"Let's go."

Just when the two were about to get up and leave the office, there was a knock on the door, and then the door was pushed open from the outside.

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