Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 605 Can you compete with such a person?


Yang Xuejian, who had been holding back his anger, couldn't bear it any longer. He punched the roaring Wang Fakui on the spot, and then pointed at his nose and yelled angrily.

"Wang Fakui, you are a bastard."

"How many disgusting things you have done in the village, don't you know? You think we don't know if we don't tell you? It's our magnanimity if we don't care about you. Now you dare to stir up trouble here and want to destroy it. Our future, are you crazy?"

"Do you think we can tolerate you if you do this?"


Wang Fakui, who was overturned by a punch, looked at Yang Xuejian in a daze, and when he woke up, he shouted at his followers.

"You guys, what are you doing standing there, do it, hit him!"

But no one moved.

Thinking of Wang Fakui's deception to them, these servants were only angry now, and they wouldn't listen to him.They were originally friends of wine and meat, and you still pointed out that it would be impossible to spend too much time?


"Wang Fakui, this is called self-death if you do many unrighteous actions."

Zhao Shanhe glanced contemptuously, and then slowly said: "Also, do you think your butt is clean? You are dirtier than anyone else, so you should stay somewhere else now."

"What do you mean?" Wang Fakui was taken aback, suddenly feeling that something was wrong.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, and several policemen walked in from the outside. When they came to Wang Fakui, they immediately showed their arrest warrants.The leading policeman said solemnly, "Wang Fakui, you have committed a crime, please come with us."


"take away."

Wang Fakui was taken away just like that.

None of the cronies and friends who hang out with him ran away, they were all taken away.

Seeing such a scene, the villagers of Jiangxia Village were secretly shocked.They were angry at Wang Fakui's deceit in their hearts, but they didn't expect him to be arrested by the police just like that.What does this mean?It shows that Zhao Shanhe in front of him is really a very capable person, and he has done things that many people dare not do.

Can I compete with such a person?

What's more, they also said that they would give themselves a job opportunity.

"Folks, I believe you all know what kind of person Wang Fakui is. You probably only know how heinous things he did and how much he violated the law. So now that he is taken away, he will definitely Sentenced. This is the end of his business, and now we can talk about our business."

After Zhao Shanhe drew everyone's attention, he said in a gentle tone: "The land occupation fee and compensation that Wang Fakui said are impossible. Don't say that this matter was not handled by me, even if it is true In my hands, we also had a contract at the beginning."

"Since there is a contract, we must act according to the contract. I say that, do you all have any objections?"


After a brief silence, Yang Xuejian was the first to stand up and said: "Director Zhao is right. If there is a contract, we must act according to the contract. In fact, we didn't want to do anything about this matter. It was Wang Fakui who made it up. ghost."

"That's good, this matter is considered a turning point."

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said with a smile: "Then let's talk about the second thing. The second thing is that since my glass factory is built in our Jiangxia Village, it must have something to do with our village. Take care. The villagers in our village, as long as you pass our interview, you can find a job here."

"For example, those with skills can enter the workshop as workers and technicians; those who are older can do some watering and sweeping work. Although the division of labor is different, they are all for the future of the glass factory. I welcome them all. .”

"Director Zhao, what about the salary?" Yang Xuejian asked.

This is the most critical question.

After all, no matter how much you talk, no one will be happy if you can't give a satisfactory salary in the end.

"Good question. In terms of salary, I can assure you here that as long as you are a skilled worker, it will not be less than 200 yuan. And this is just the beginning. With the development of our glass factory in the future, your salary will not be lower than [-] yuan. will increase.”

"On this point, I think if you know about the branch factory Shanqiu Foods built in our Nanjue County, you should know that I won't lie to you."

When Zhao Shanhe said these words, the audience immediately cheered up.

200 yuan!

Not to mention the salary increase in the future, even the current salary is already very high.With such a sum of money, it is no problem to feed a family.Sure enough, it was rumored that Zhao Shanhe was not stingy with workers' wages, and now it seems to be true.

Now no one thinks about the land occupation fee anymore, and no one cares about Wang Fakui. Everyone is attracted by Zhao Shanhe.

"Director Zhao, is what you said true?" Yang Xuejian asked excitedly.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said kindly: "These will be marked when signing the contract, so you can rest assured. I still say that as long as you can pass the interview, I will not treat you badly here. But if anyone passes But in the interview, or if someone has ulterior motives like Wang Fakui, don't blame me for not being sympathetic."

"No, anyone who dares to do that will be making things difficult for everyone in our Jiangxia Village. At that time, we don't need Director Zhao to tell us, we will solve this problem ourselves." Yang Xuejian said quickly.

"That's good."

Zhao Shanhe raised three fingers.

"If you say you have nothing else to do, go back and make preparations. We will conduct interviews in the factory in three days. There will be many positions at that time. I hope you can all sign up enthusiastically."

"Three days later, that's pretty fast, let's go back and get ready."

"A salary of 200 yuan per month is unimaginable."

"If I say that I can earn so much money, I wonder if my mother-in-law would dare to yell at me."


All the villagers turned and left talking and laughing like this. It was still a tense scene just now, and disappeared without a trace after a while.If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe it at all. Zhao Shanhe settled the matter with just a few words.

"Xiangyang, you heard me, the interview will start in three days." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Director, are we really going to recruit everyone in Jiangxia Village?" Li Xiangyang asked hesitantly.

"of course not."

Zhao Shanhe looked in the direction of Jiangxia Village and said: "Seven old and eighty-year-olds are definitely not allowed. We are not a nursing home here, and children who go to school don't need to be recruited. In addition, every family has to keep someone to take care of the family. So in the end There should not be many people who can apply for the job. I probably calculated that there should be only a hundred or so people."

"Our glass factory needs to be up and running, and we need to recruit people. It's definitely not enough to recruit all of them, so let's recruit, it won't get in the way. After all, most of them used to be in the It's been done here."

"Like that Yang Xuejian, he can continue to be the workshop director without our training, which saves trouble."

"That's right, fine, I'll take care of it." Li Xiangyang smiled.

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe walked forward.

"Director, where are you going?"

"Go to meet someone, you don't have to follow!"

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