"Villagers of Jiangxia Village, are you here for an interview?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said a word.

It was this sentence that excited the villagers of Jiangxia Village in an instant. After a short period of stupefaction, they became excited, and they all came forward one by one, asking questions in one go.

"Interview? Director Zhao, do you mean that you want to recruit in our Jiangxia Village?"

"Can we come and work in your glass factory?"

"Director Zhao, are you serious?"


Looking at this lively scene, Zhao Shanhe raised his hands and pressed down, all the noise disappeared.

"Yes, I will definitely recruit from your Jiangxia Village. Isn't this a matter of course? And as far as I know, many of the villagers in your Jiangxia Village used to work in the Jinlu Glass Factory. I miss you You also don’t want to see the Jinlu Glass Factory go bankrupt like this, never recover from a setback, and never rise again?”

"Of course not."

A middle-aged man came out from the crowd, he stood at the front, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said seriously: "Director Zhao, let me introduce myself, my name is Yang Xuejian, I am from Jiangxia Village, I used to work in Jinlu Glass work at the factory."

"I want to ask, is what you said just now true? You mean you can revive the glass factory, and are you willing to use us to work here?"

"Of course, that's what I mean."

Zhao Shanhe didn't look sideways, and smiled slightly.

"Yang Xuejian, right? I know you. When the Jinlu Glass Factory was not closed down, you were the director of the third production workshop of this glass factory. You were a hero who everyone admired. wrong?"

"You know me?" Yang Xuejian was taken aback, staring at Zhao Shanhe with wide eyes.

"I know, not only you, but also other people. I have heard of your names, but I have never seen real people. I know that you are all workers in the Jinlu Glass Factory, and you are all workers who were able to create glass in this glass factory. Brilliant heroes. It’s just that because the glass factory went bankrupt, you all left one by one.”

"And mine?"

"Now that I bought the Jinlu Glass Factory, I naturally want to develop it. Otherwise, do you think I have so much money that I have no place to spend it? My money didn't come from a strong wind. What are you going to buy here for?"

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience and talked eloquently.

The villagers whispered.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. He didn't buy this place to build a glass factory at all. He just wanted to use this place for other things. If any of you are deceived by him, you will suffer bad luck. "

Seeing that something was wrong with the situation, Wang Fakui hurriedly shouted.

"shut up."

Zhao Shanhe interrupted Wang Fakui without hesitation, looked over indifferently, and said mockingly: "Wang Fakui, you have no bottom line in doing things and no rules in your behavior. Do you just treat everyone like you? Let's not say anything else, just Tell me about what happened this time, why did you let so many people come here?"

"What the banner says is to give you justice, what is your so-called justice?"

"Is it the land occupation fee you shouted?"

"I also wondered. When Jinlu Glass Factory bought this place, it signed a contract with every household. Every household also signed and stamped to collect the money. Why is it now? If you insist on coming here, you won’t let go of this matter, and you must come up with another land occupation fee.”

Zhao Shanhe walked to the front of the banner, pointed his fingers, and said in a mocking tone.

"Do you think you should ask for the money?"

"Do you think you have the nerve to take the money?"

"I thought I should have it, and I just wanted to take it." Wang Fakui began to play tricks.

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, and said indifferently: "Folks, I know that Wang Fakui did it himself, and he wanted to use it to make money. As far as I know, in Jinlu Glass Three months before the factory went bankrupt, the factory manager Liu Weian gave him a land occupation fee, do you know this?"

"What? And this thing? I haven't heard of it."

"real or fake?"

"Wang Fakui, is there such a thing?"

Yang Xuejian stared at Wang Fakui's face, and asked calmly: "Wang Fakui, I asked you about this at the time, what did you say? You said there was no such money at all? How do you explain it now?"


Wang Fakui was at a loss for words.

"You, you, you, you can't say it, don't you dare to say it? If you dare not say it, I will tell everyone."

Zhao Shanhe turned around and glanced at the audience, and said sonorously: "The factory director Liu Wei'an was entangled for nothing, so he gave Wang Fakui 3 yuan. But now it seems that you don't even know about it, that is to say, he He didn't send you this money at all, and this money was embezzled by him himself!"

"Wang Fakui, isn't it?"

"No, there is no such thing, I never received the money at all."

Wang Fakui blushed, like a gambler who lost everything, stared at Zhao Shanhe with bloodshot eyes, and shouted angrily: "Zhao Shanhe, don't spout blood here, I don't even know the money you mentioned. Don't you Is it because you are afraid? You are afraid that we will come to ask you for money, even if you are afraid, you must compensate us for the land occupation fee.”

"Did you say so?"

It's a pity that this time, except for a few sporadic echoes, the rest of the people kept quiet.

"Wang Fakui, you see, this is the human heart."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head mockingly.

"It's meaningless for you to deny it desperately here. Have you forgotten that the 3 yuan went to the public account, which means that you took it from the bank. You are not afraid of denying it now. If it is transferred from the bank For the record, do you have anything else to say?"


Wang Fakui turned pale with shock.

"Wang Fakui, you are a complete bastard!"

"Brother Kui, is this true?"

"Asshole, it's a pity that we still treat you as a big brother. You didn't even tell us, but you actually embezzled the money."

The villagers were outraged.

The few people who followed Wang Fakui were also furious.

They looked over and wished they could trample Wang Fakui into meat paste right now.


Wang Fakui, who was so accused by thousands of people, was full of blood, his face flushed, and after sweeping around suddenly, he raised his arm and pointed at everyone, shouting angrily: "Yes, I took a sum of money, but that The money is not for you at all, it is for me. I asked for it from the Jinlu Glass Factory myself, so why should I give it to you!"

"If you want money, isn't Zhao Shanhe right here? You can ask him for it!"

"Who is he? He is the owner of Shanqiu Food, the owner of Hetu Manufacturing, and the owner of Zhao Xiaobai Winery. He has plenty of money. He is not short of what you want. If you want money, you can ask him for it, and keep scolding him." Am I interested?"

At this moment, Wang Fakui was barking like a mad dog.

However, in the next second, all his screams stopped abruptly.

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