Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 603 What does this mean?

"This Wang Fakui is really lawless, and he wants to stir up trouble by inciting the masses. Director Zhao, don't worry about this matter, I'll handle it for you."

The person who called to notify was Liang Xuefeng.

Naturally, Liang Xuefeng couldn't stand by and watch this happen.He promised Zhao Shanhe at the beginning that as long as Zhao Shanhe agreed to give priority to solving the employment problem of the villagers in Jiangxia Village, Wang Fakui would be arrested if he dared to make trouble, so now he must stand up.

He hated Wang Fakui to death.

"Leader Liang, I don't think it would be good for you to come forward directly in this matter. After all, many of these villagers may become my workers. In this way, you let your people prepare outside the village, and I will handle it myself first." Look, if it really doesn't work, I'll trouble you again. What do you think?" Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure?" Liang Xuefeng asked worriedly.

"Do not worry!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "I don't want to disturb this matter either. Believe me, I want the Jinlu Glass Factory to have no accident more than anyone else. That's why I want to come forward to settle this matter myself. I think , I am afraid that in this matter, it is better for me to come forward than anyone else. Do you think so?"

Liang Xuefeng thought for a moment, then nodded and said: "That's true, whoever asked you to be the new director of Jinlu Glass Factory, it's more effective for you to come forward than me. If this is the case, then follow your method first, but You have to remember, if it doesn't work, you must notify me in time, and don't be brave."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Li Xiangyang: "Xiangyang, it's up to us to sing in the next big show. Try to get rid of this trouble once and for all."

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang said with persistent eyes: "Let's sing an opera, but the factory manager, have you really thought about it clearly, won't you pay a penny for the land occupation fees they ask for?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded calmly, and said in a solemn voice: "Xiangyang, these are two different things. You must know that there are some things we can make concessions to, but there are absolutely no room for negotiation on some things. If you break this hole now, it will ruin the situation. , what should we do if we encounter such a thing in the future?"

"That's right, this precedent cannot be set."

Li Xiangyang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Then let's do things according to the original plan."

"it is good!"

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The Jinlu Glass Factory, which was empty and no one had come here for a long time, suddenly became lively.A mighty group of people came from a distance, they were old and young, men and women, some were carrying a Maza, and some were carrying a banner.

"Give back justice to our Jiangxia Village!"

The words on the banner are shocking.

The leader of this group was Wang Fakui.

Unlike the embarrassment when he left in the morning, he is arrogant now.With the support of everyone behind him, he is like an invincible pioneer, with his head raised and his chest high.

"Listen to me, I'm here to ask for money from you, not just for myself. You'll have to look at me for a while, and you'll do what I say."

Wang Fakui shouted loudly.

A group of villagers who didn't know the truth followed suit.

This is what he wanted.

This is so cool!

Zhao Shanhe, let me see if you still dare to bully me like this morning. If you dare to touch me again, I will make all your money for buying the factory this time be in vain.

Wang Fakui muttered happily in his heart.

However, as soon as this kind of joy rose, a younger brother beside him hurriedly shouted to the front: "Brother Kui, look quickly, there seems to be something wrong, there are people at the gate."

anyone there?

Wang Fakui also looked over, and then his eyes narrowed, and two unbelievable gazes shot out from the bottom of his eyes.

How can it be?

Shouldn't Zhao Shanhe be hiding?Why now instead of hiding, why did he stand up so openly?Is this too exaggerated?

Yes, Wang Fakui read it right.

Everyone read it right.

Just at the gate of Jinlu Glass Factory, Zhao Shanhe stood alone in the front, wearing a black windbreaker, looking at him with a calm expression, neither tepid nor angry, neither happy nor sad.

And behind him, there were a few people standing quietly, all of them were wearing neat black suits, and they looked over with plain expressions.There is no sign of timidity in them.

"How is this going?"

"who are they?"

"Didn't it mean that those people were hiding in fear? Is this hiding?"

The villagers also started whispering.

Don't be intimidated by Zhao Shanhe.

Thinking of this, Wang Fakui raised his finger and pointed forward, shouting, "Did you see that? The man in the black windbreaker over there is Zhao Shanhe, who bought our Jinlu Glass Factory. Say, we want If you want money, should you go to him?"


"Should he give us money?"


"Okay, that's right, he should give us money, go, follow me, I'll ask you for the land occupation fee! I want them to compensate us for the loss!"

Wang Fakui waved his arms and strode forward, and the rest followed suit.

"Zhao Shanhe, I said that I will come again, now you know you are afraid?"

When he came to the front, after the hand-to-hand combat, Wang Fakui raised his chin and said arrogantly, his brows were all looking like a villain.


Zhao Shanhe glanced fearlessly, then ignored Wang Fakui, and said to the group of villagers who came with him, "Do you think I should be afraid of Wang Fakui?"

At this moment, all the villagers were stunned.

What does it mean?

You ask us, how do we know?

"Maybe I should put it another way and ask, I am not afraid of him, but I want to know, are you afraid of him? In your Jiangxia Village, do everyone respect him, Wang Fakui? They will regard him as your savior, Treat him like a hero? Do you think so?" Zhao Shanhe asked in a sonorous voice with his hands behind his back.

As soon as these questions were asked, everyone was stunned.

big hero?Savior?Come on, are you kidding us?A person like him deserves to be called these titles?He doesn't even have the qualifications to lift the shoes of a hero!

Do you think we would have come if we hadn't said that we wanted to follow him to see if it was possible to get more land fees?If we are killed, we will not stand in the same line with him.

He is a demon king in chaos.

Wang Fakui was also stunned. He didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would take the initiative after he just said a word, and he opened his mouth to incite the villagers to confront him.More importantly, you can see what these villagers mean, as if they were really moved, and they all looked at themselves without the kindness just now.

You can't let Zhao Shanhe continue to mess around, you have to get down to business.

Thinking of this, Wang Fakui was about to speak.

But before he could open his mouth, what Zhao Shanhe said immediately ignited the atmosphere of the audience, and everyone was in a daze, and then boiled instantly.

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