"of course it's true."

Zhao Shanhe sat upright, and said solemnly: "President Xia, I think the plan you said before is correct, and it is also the safest. But I dare say, as far as your plan is concerned, no one can do it right now. bear it."

"After all, not everyone wants the Jinlu Glass Factory, and no one wants to hand over 500 million in cash."

"Even if anyone can take it, they won't spend it here. With such a sum of money, people can go to a new place to rebuild a new factory. Why do they have to provoke such a mess?"

"just me!"

Zhao Shanhe pointed to his nose and said with a smile: "Only I really want the Jinlu Glass Factory, and only I am the most sincere."

"And my sincerity is this plan."

"I think this plan is also the most beneficial to you. After all, you have seen it, and I made it very clear that within three years, I will return all the money to ICBC with interest. What do you think?"

"Yes, you made it very clear that you will pay back the money with interest, but your repayment is based on the current empty-handed white wolf. You make me feel a little embarrassed done."

Xia Zhizhang frowned.

Empty glove white wolf?

Yes, Zhao Shanhe’s plan is like this. He will pay 500 million for the acquisition of the Jinlu Glass Factory, but at the same time, he hopes that ICBC will allow him to use the Jinlu Glass Factory as a mortgage to borrow from ICBC. 500.

In other words, the purchase price of 500 million yuan still belonged to Zhao Shanhe.

But the 500 million came and went, and the meaning was completely different.

It is because of the different meaning that Xia Zhizhang hesitated.After all, he also knows very well that as long as Zhao Shanhe can repay the 500 million with interest on time, his credit will be reaped.

"White wolf with empty gloves? No way, President Xia, do you really think so? If you really think so, I will be disappointed in you. You should know better than anyone else that my plan It's good."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and raised a finger unhurriedly.

"First, I will pay the purchase price of 500 million, and you will also complete the task of transferring the Jinlu Glass Factory. This is the first benefit for you."

"Secondly, I took the Jinlu Glass Factory as a mortgage and lent 500 million from your ICBC. This can be regarded as helping you complete the loan task. This is the second benefit for you."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"President Xia, I know what you are worried about. What you are worried about is whether I can repay the 500 million that I borrowed on time. If not, this is a bad debt, and you will still have to bear the burden of it." charges. But the question is, do you believe it? As long as I say I want a loan, some banks will come forward to ask me for a loan.”

"Are you sure you don't want me to borrow money from you?"

A hit!

The words to seal the throat with a sword!

The moment Zhao Shanhe said this hit Xia Zhizhang's weakness, making him restless.Because he knew very well that Zhao Shanhe's words were too reasonable, and there was nothing more reasonable than this.

In the entire Handong City, who doesn't know his name, Zhao Shanhe?

If he said he wanted a loan, let alone 500 million, he could loan out even 1000 million.

Thinking of this, Xia Zhizhang knew that he could no longer hesitate. Zhao Shanhe had already shown his kindness and sincerity, and it was his turn to make a choice.But thinking of his future in the banking system and Zhao Shanhe's wonderful family history, he gritted his teeth, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and he raised his head decisively.

"Director Zhao, you said you wanted to take Jinlu Glass Factory as collateral, right?"


"I would like to ask, can we switch to another factory? For example, the branch factory of Shanqiu Food in Nanjue County?" Xia Zhizhang showed a tentative tone.

"President Xia, are you joking with me?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said casually: "Do you think my branch factory is worth 500 million? Let alone 500 million, even if you give me 2000 million, I won't sell it."

"Ha ha."

Xia Zhizhang smiled awkwardly.

"President Xia, I want you to recognize one thing, and that is the true value of Jinlu Glass Factory."

At this time, Li Xiangyang suddenly said: "You may think that the price of Jinlu Glass Factory at 500 million is a bit inflated, but do you believe it? It will take less than three years, maybe two years, or even one year sooner." In [-], the value of Jinlu Glass Factory will be several times higher than it is now."

"At that time, let alone 500 million, even if it was 5000 million, we would not mortgage it."


Xia Zhizhang sneered dismissively in his heart, I said that I know that the people made by Hetu are awesome, but you can't be so awesome, right?Open your mouth to brag, and blow such a big bull.

5000?Do you know how much 5000 million is?Do you know what the concept of 5000 million is?

How dare you say that you can develop a bankrupt glass factory into a large enterprise with a market value of 5000 million?

"President Xia, don't you believe me?"

Yang E looked over with a half-smile, her big eyes blinking.


Xia Zhizhang was completely speechless.

"You should believe it. Of course, if you don't believe it, why don't we write an additional clause at the end of the contract." Yang E said with a smile.

"Additional terms? What kind of additional terms?" Xia Zhizhang asked curiously.

"It's very simple. If we say that within three years, no, if we can pay off the principal of your ICBC within two years, can you just waive the interest for us?" Yang E laughed.

Pay off in two years?

interest free?

Xia Zhizhang's lips twitched and he looked at Yang E, then at the smiling Li Xiangyang, and finally at the calm Zhao Shanhe. He felt like crying.This is really not a family does not enter a door.

Originally he thought that Zhao Shanhe was crazy enough, but who would have thought that Li Xiangyang and Yang E were also like this.

"This matter, let's follow the rules. Our bank can't do this."

Xia Zhizhang pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Director Zhao, I have no objection to your plan in principle, but you also know that this matter is not up to me, I have to go back Afterwards, I will discuss it with the leaders in the industry. But don’t worry, I personally support it.”

"It's best like this, but I hope your bank can speed up. Because if there is any problem on your side, I won't take a loan from you."

Zhao Shanhe released an irresistible arrogance from his gentle smile.

Xia Zhizhang couldn't help but trembled in his heart, pretending to be calm and said: "Okay, I see, I will definitely give you an answer as soon as possible."

"That's it."

Zhao Shanhe stood up.

"It's lunch time now. If President Xia doesn't mind, you can stay for a light meal. It just so happens that you also have a taste of the food in our Hetu Manufacturing Canteen."

After saying this, Xia Zhizhang's expression suddenly changed.

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