Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 601 Belongs to him?Think beautifully!

Zhao Shanhe, you are a big boss anyway, why are you so stingy?I have come to your place, so why don't you invite me to the cafeteria?What good food can you eat in the cafeteria here?Stay here, I might as well go out to eat out.

But Xia Zhizhang just thought about this idea, and didn't say it directly.After all, he will rely on Zhao Shanhe's performance in the future, so how can he casually offend this kind of God of Wealth.

So Xia Zhizhang still put on a polite smile: "Okay, then respect is worse than obedience."

"Let's go then!"

after an hour.

When Xia Zhizhang left Hetu Manufacturing, all his previous complaints disappeared, and an excited and happy expression appeared on his face, and he said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, your Hetu Manufacturing is really good. It was beyond my expectation, I didn't expect that even the cafeteria could be run so well, it's no worse than those restaurants outside."

"President Xia has won the award."

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

"As the saying goes, food is the most important thing for the people. If you want to conquer the workers, you must first conquer their stomachs."

Xia Zhizhang also laughed loudly: "That's right! Then I will leave first, Director Zhao, please stay."

"Walk slowly."

After Xia Zhizhang left, Li Xiangyang asked, "Director, do you think this Xia Zhizhang is reliable?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "Didn't you see the ambition in Xia Zhizhang's eyes? I'm worried that he doesn't have ambition. As long as he has, we can seize it and make a fuss."

"Besides, the terms I offered are so superior. It not only solves their big problem of supervising the Jinlu Glass Factory, but also helps them complete their loan tasks. He is too happy. How could he refuse? Just wait and see, maybe It will be finalized tomorrow.”

"That would be the best, then we can fully settle in the Jinlu Glass Factory." Li Xiangyang became excited.


Zhao Shanhe turned and walked towards the office.

"Let's go, let's go back and think about who to send to manage the Jinlu Glass Factory."



Zhao Shanhe really received a call from Xia Zhizhang the next day, and then he set off for Nanjue County. After arriving, with Liang Xuefeng's presence, he and Xia Zhizhang signed two contracts.

The first is the transfer contract of Jinlu Glass Factory.

The second is the loan contract.

With the signing of these two contracts, the Jinlu Glass Factory was officially owned by Zhao Shanhe.

Amidst the thunderous applause, Xia Zhizhang said with a smile: "Director Zhao, then it's up to you. I wish you can lead Jinlu Glass Factory to create greater glories."


Zhao Shanhe said confidently.

After the ceremony ended, Xia Zhizhang and the others left, and Zhao Shanhe followed Liang Xuefeng into a room.After the two sat down, Liang Xuefeng smiled and said, "Director Zhao, what are you going to do next? If there is anything that needs my help, just say so, and I will definitely help you do it."

"Leader Liang, let's talk about this matter. I haven't thought about it yet. Let's talk about it when I think about it." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"In this case……"

Liang Xuefeng hesitated for a while and said, "Look, your Shanqiu Foods branch basically employs people from our Nanjue County. I think Jinlu Glass Factory also uses our people as much as possible. OK?"

"No problem at all."

Zhao Shanhe smiled as a matter of course.

"According to what we said in advance, the glass factory will give priority to providing jobs to the villagers of Jiangxia Village. However, the number of people in Jiangxia Village is limited after all. The insufficient part is according to your wishes. Try to use people from our Nanjue County, as long as they pass Interview, I will definitely give priority to admission. How can outsiders be as reliable as our own people?"

"Okay, then I can rest assured." Liang Xuefeng nodded in satisfaction.

After Liang Xuefeng left, Zhao Shanhe turned to Li Xiangyang and said, "Xiangyang, you're the one to do the recruitment, and you know the conditions."

"Okay, I will handle this matter well." Li Xiangyang smiled.

"Let's get familiar with this glass factory first during this time."

"it is good."


Jiangxia Village.

"Brother Kui, something serious happened."

"What happened? Shouting!"

Wang Fakui, who was playing mahjong, picked up a piece of Dongfeng and punched it out, and shouted impatiently: "Didn't you see that my luck is not going well? Let go if you fart, or get out if you don't fart."

"It was the Jinlu Glass Factory that was bought."


Wang Fakui buckled the mahjong tiles at once, and asked in a tight voice, "Who did you hear that from? Who bought the Jinlu Glass Factory? Why haven't I heard anything about it?"

"This has already spread outside, and the news and newspapers have said it, so there is nothing wrong with it."

"Who bought it?"

"It's the Zhao Shanhe who built the Shanqiu Food Branch Factory in our Nanjue County. He has bought the Jinlu Glass Factory, and now it belongs to him."

"To him? It's a beautiful idea!"

Wang Fakui raised the corners of his lips, sat back slowly, and said with sharp eyes, "Brothers, the time has come for us to make a fortune. Didn't we always think that someone could buy the Jinlu Glass Factory? No one has ever bought it." Dare to buy. It’s all right now, since this Zhao Shanhe has made a move, then he is our God of Wealth.”

"Brother Kui, tell me, what shall we do?"

"Come on, come with me to the Jinlu Glass Factory. I'm going to meet this Zhao Shanhe and talk to him about our conditions." Wang Fakui said with a sneer.

"it is good!"


Jinlu Glass Factory.

Wang Fakui came here as soon as he said it, and the eight people rushed to the Jinlu Glass Factory in two vans. As soon as they stopped, the eight people rushed in regardless of the guard's obstruction.

"Stop, who are you looking for!"

Seeing these men approaching aggressively, Chen Ju immediately stepped forward to stop them, not disturbing Zhao Shanhe and the others not far away who were inspecting here.

"It's you?"

After Wang Fakui glanced at Chen Ju, his expression was slightly stunned.He remembered that Chen Ju was one of the two people who went to his house two days ago. At that time, he was still thinking about who these two people were, but he didn't expect to meet here.

If Chen Ju wants to be here, who?

Forget it, no matter what, I just need to meet the people I need to meet.

"We want to see Zhao Shanhe."

"If you want to see our factory manager, then you have to follow the procedure. As you are doing now, what is the meaning of meeting people?" Chen Ju said with a cold expression without retreating in the slightest.

"Stop talking nonsense, get the hell out of here!"

"If you dare to block the way again, I will break your dog legs!"

"Did I say you don't understand human language?"


A few rogue villagers yelled at Chen Ju. They were used to being arrogant and domineering on the one-acre land in Jiangxia Village, and they were really fearless.

Yes, although it is said to be the Jinlu Glass Factory, don't forget that it used to be the land of Jiangxia Village, and even now, it is still at the entrance of Jiangxia Village.In that case, we're all toubob.

Hearing this and seeing the appearance of this group of people, Chen Ju narrowed his eyes slightly, and two cold lights shot out from his eyes.Of course he knew about Wang Fakui, and he also knew that there would be no good for Wang Fakui coming here so viciously.

It's just that he didn't expect Wang Fakui to be so unscrupulous!

"I said you can't see it, but you can't see it."

Chen Ju's tone was cold.

"Hey, I really gave you face, didn't I?"

Wang Fakui glanced at Zhao Shanhe who was approaching, the corner of his mouth raised a savage arc, and then he spoke suddenly.

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