Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 599 This is a matter of principle

"Yang E, you came at a good time. I just received a call from Fatty. He will come to our factory later. I have already told him. Let him work with you for a while, and when he comes over, you Make arrangements." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Fatty? Which fatty?" Yang E froze for a moment.

"Haha, don't you know who the fat man is? It's Yu Rongguang from our class." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Hey, I said who was it? It turned out to be him. He used to be quite fat." Yang E remembered.

"Is he coming to our factory?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"He told me just now that he wanted to come to our factory, and I agreed, so you can arrange this."

"it is good."

Of course, Yang E would do what Zhao Shanhe told him unconditionally, not to mention that this person was Yu Rongguang.Not to mention anything else, she knew that Yu Rongguang was very loyal, and the most important thing was that he had a very good relationship with Zhao Shanhe.He wanted to come, and Zhao Shanhe agreed on the spot, which showed that the relationship between the two was unusual.

And if Ren Qian saw this again, he would be so angry that he vomited blood.

They are all classmates, why is there such a big difference?

"By the way, do you have something to do with me?"

After arranging this matter, Zhao Shanhe was about to pick up the documents on the table and start to read, when he suddenly raised his head and asked.

Only then did Yang E remember the purpose of her visit, and quickly handed over a document in her hand and said, "Yes, I almost forgot the business, this document needs your signature. The ICBC in Nanjue County also sent people Come here, calculate the time, it should be here almost now."

"Really? That's pretty quick."

After Zhao Shanhe signed the letter and handed it over, he said, "Then let Deputy Factory Manager Li come over and meet the people from ICBC with me, and talk about the acquisition of Jinlu Glass Factory."

"it is good!"

10 minute later.

In the meeting room made by Hetu, Zhao Shanhe met the representative sent by ICBC, vice president Xia Zhizhang.Although he is only the vice president, Zhao Shanhe has already known that this Xia Zhizhang is a very promising person, and it is said that he will be promoted to the president soon, and it is just a matter of chance.

Perhaps this is why Xia Zhizhang came to talk to Zhao Shanhe in person.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, the two sat down.

"Director Zhao, what do you think about the regulations we talked about in the previous communication?" Xia Zhizhang asked nonchalantly as he flipped through the documents in front of him.

"President Xia, you and I both know that Jinlu Glass Factory is supervised by your bank, but the real decision is made by the county. Of course, when I say this, I don't mean to blackmail you. The conditions for coming out should be negotiable, don’t you think so?” Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"There is room for negotiation? What do you mean?" Xia Zhizhang was taken aback, frowning slightly and asked.

"The terms you offered, how much is the packaged purchase of Jinlu Glass Factory?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"500 million!"

Xia Zhizhang held up five fingers and said calmly: "Director Zhao, the price we paid is 500 million. I don't think this figure is too much, right?"

"After all, you also know that based on the current situation of Jinlu Glass Factory, the equipment inside should be able to sell at this price, right? So I think there is no need for us to discuss this aspect."

"do not have it?"

Zhao Shanhe put his hands on the table and looked over with playful eyes.

"You can't say that. Yes, the equipment in the glass factory can be sold for some money. But do you dare to sell it? Let alone those large-scale equipment, even if it is a tree inside, I am afraid you will not dare to sell it? And you don't seem to be qualified to sell."


Xia Zhizhang was at a loss for words.

He wanted to deny it, but after meeting Zhao Shanhe's eyes, he shook his head and gave up.We are all smart people, some things are well known, there is no need to put on a show.

What's more, what Zhao Shanhe said is absolutely right.

Jinlu Glass Factory owes money to ICBC, and it is indeed supervised by ICBC now, but not to mention Xia Zhizhang, even if it is a high-ranking leader, no one dares to make a decision to sell the equipment of Jinlu Glass Factory.

You can pack it up and sell it, but you can't touch anything inside.

This is a matter of principle, and no mistakes can be made.

If it wasn't for this reason, do you think he would come to discuss this matter with Zhao Shanhe?His only thought now is to throw out the hot potato of Jinlu Glass Factory as soon as possible. As long as he can throw it out and recover the arrears, he, Xia Zhizhang, will be meritorious. long.

"Director Zhao, how do you deal with this matter? You can't say you want to take Jinlu Glass Factory away without paying a penny, right? There is no such good thing in this world." Xia Zhizhang was gloomy Said with a straight face.

"Don't pay a penny?"

Zhao Shanhe clapped his hands and said happily: "President Xia is worthy of being the president of ICBC. He is really far-sighted. The suggestions he put forward are very effective. Since you have said so, then this matter will be done according to Xia's Do what you say, President."

"What did I say?" Xia Zhizhang was confused.

"Don't pay a penny!"

Zhao Shanhe said as a matter of course: "You said that just now, you can't count your words, right? I don't think you can do this kind of thing that breaks your promise and gets fat."


Xia Zhizhang was so angry that his chest rose and fell. He really didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would be such a person.Isn't it said that Zhao Shanhe is a person with a big picture and great courage?Is this the so-called big picture and big courage?

Isn't this bullshit?

"Director Zhao, I came here with sincerity, and I also hope that you will treat each other with sincerity. If you continue to talk and do things like this, don't blame me for not giving you face, then there is nothing to talk about between us gone."

Xia Zhizhang sat up straight, tried hard to control the emotions in his heart, and said with a straight face.

"President Xia, do you really think so?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and handed over a proposal.

"I have a plan here, why don't you read it first. If you read my plan and think it's bullshit, then I promise to take the Jinlu Glass Factory at the price of 500 million you said. "


Xia Zhizhang looked over suspiciously.

"President Xia, this is the meeting room of my Hetu Manufacturing. The people sitting here are all the high-level executives of my Hetu Manufacturing. Do you think I will backtrack in front of them? If so, how can I lead them?" ?” Zhao Shanhe smiled heartily.

That's true.

After Xia Zhizhang glanced around, he also felt that Zhao Shanhe was right.Now that the words have come to this point, he didn't think about anything else, picked up the plan in front of him and looked at it.

Looking at it, his expression became very serious, and he raised his head to look at Zhao Shanhe in the middle.After reading all of them, Xia Zhizhang had restrained all his anger and looked surprised.

"Director Zhao, is what you said true?"

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