When Zhao Shanhe heard Song Yuncheng say this, he was so angry that he laughed, raised his hand and said, "Song Yuncheng, Song Yuncheng, I always thought that you are an honest person with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but I didn't expect you to say such a thing. Come on."

"Do you think you're doing the right thing? You don't think you have anything to do with the beverage factory, you can leave if you want, not to mention that the cannery is paying you such a high salary now."

"If you want to think this way, I can only say one thing: the most humble people are invincible."


"What are you? Do you still want to make excuses? I ask myself that I have nothing to do with you, what about you? Just leave if you want to, and encourage others to follow you."

"Do you know? They all have to support their families, so you can guarantee that they will be able to work smoothly in the cannery after they leave with you? Can you guarantee that their wages will always be paid on time?"

"you can not!"

"You can't even guarantee your own salary, because the other party just gave you a promise."

Zhao Shanhe interrupted Song Yuncheng forcefully, and said indifferently: "But it doesn't matter, since you are determined to leave, then go!"

"But I have something to advise you. Without you, we must have the minimum bottom line and principles in life. Also, as long as anyone of you walks out of this door today, don't come to me in the future, and I won't beg you." Will stay again."

"That's all for now, what to do, you can choose for yourself!"

The meeting room was suddenly dead silent.

After a brief silence, Song Yuncheng was the first to get up and take a step.

Afterwards, those who were moved by him also walked out.

We are all adults, there is no reason to be yelled at by you like this, let's give up the high salary of the cannery.

"What a bunch of white-eyed wolves!" Li Yan was full of indignation.

The rest of the people who stayed behind also showed anger.

Even if you don't have much friendship, you have been working together for more than two years anyway. How can you just pat your ass and leave like this? Don't you talk about friendship at all?

"Factory manager, should we let them go like this?" Li Yan asked unconvinced.

"Otherwise? It's going to rain and my mother is going to get married, so I can tie them up with ropes." Zhao Shanhe said noncommittally with a slight smile.

"But they..."


Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and said calmly, "They can leave if they want to. It's better to leave now than when we have a heavy task in the future."

"If we leave at that time, we will really be caught blind. Besides, if they don't leave, how can we compare your loyalty?"

"Sister Yan, and you are all people who have withstood the test. What our beverage factory needs are employees like you who have a high sense of identification with the factory. Don't worry, those of them who leave will regret it immediately!"

"What do you mean?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"I'm announcing now that as long as those who stay, all guaranteed minimum wages will be raised to 200 yuan! Overtime pay and bonuses will be calculated separately."

Zhao Shanhe said after scanning the audience.

Li Yan and the others immediately became excited.

"Really? Director, our wages have really increased?"

"A minimum salary of 200 yuan, did I hear correctly?"

"That's too much!"

"I said you still think too much?"

"Yes, this month will be issued according to this standard." Zhao Shanhe said loudly after seeing them like this.

"There is still a future with the factory manager, let's go, let's all go back to work." Li Yan waved his hand.

The [-] or so people who stayed behind walked out of the meeting room excitedly, and went back to everyone to start working.

Conference room here.

"I didn't expect this Fengfan Cannery to be so shameless that it could even do such things as digging walls." Wu Jianjun slapped the table and shouted.

"Fortunately, our order is almost completed. Even if Song Yuncheng and the others leave, it will not be a problem. Otherwise, leaving one third of the workers at once will definitely affect our progress."

"But even so, factory manager, I think our number of workers is not enough. If orders increase in the future, we will definitely not be able to keep busy." Kong Jie said worriedly.

"Recruitment is definitely necessary."

Although Zhao Shanhe said that he also had some opinions on the digging, but just like what he said before, if you don't care about it, just leave, so as not to stay and make trouble, which is not good.

And since Huang Lianshan had already declared war on him, with Huang Lianshan's character, he would use any kind of tricks, and it was normal to poach someone.

Since he has already made a move, I won't be idle either.

"Xiangyang, our batch of orders should be finished soon, right?" Zhao Shanhe turned his head and asked.

"Director, it's done."

Li Xiangyang said in a deep voice: "Not to mention that all the orders were completed at noon today, we rushed out [-] boxes ahead of schedule."

"All the items on the order have been arranged for delivery, and the ones that have been driven out are all piled up in our warehouse. So even if Song Yuncheng and the others leave now, it will not be a problem."

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

So much the better.

"Since this is the case, then you are in charge of recruiting workers now. For the time being, the quota for this recruitment is set at 20 people. If there are too many, we don't need it here."

"As for salary and treatment, I will give you a charter later, and you just follow it." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Li Xiangyang nodded.

"As for where to recruit workers, how to recruit is up to you. However, in order to avoid such things as poaching from happening again, this time, no matter whether they are recruited later or old workers like Li Yan before, they must sign employment contracts. .”

"It's good for everyone, you have to hurry up and implement it." Zhao Shanhe followed.

"Understood!" Li Xiangyang also thought that it should be done.

"Director, how do we deal with Fengfan Cannery? We can't watch them bully us like this and remain indifferent, right?" Wu Jianjun said indignantly.

"of course not!"

Zhao Shanhe said with awe-inspiring eyes: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend them. If people offend me, I will cut the grass and roots. He Huang Lianshan has already made such a move. We have to fight anyway, otherwise he will think that our Shanqiu Beverage Factory is the same. You idiot, it's up to anyone to handle."

"Factory Manager, we will follow your advice on what to do." Wu Jianjun lifted his spirits.

"Why don't we dig the corner of the cannery too?" Chen Jianfei said in a low voice.

"In that case, we have to be prepared to burn money." Kong Jie frowned.

"Digging the wall is not a clever tactic. Huang Lianshan thinks he can succeed by doing so, but we don't need to."

"By the way, Old Wu, I heard that you are related to the director of the Lvyuan Cannery, is that right?" Zhao Shanhe suddenly changed the subject and asked.


Wu Jianjun didn't know why Zhao Shanhe asked this, he nodded instinctively and said, "Chen Jinhua, the director of Lvyuan Cannery Factory, is my distant cousin."

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