"What? The guaranteed salary is two hundred and four? Can the cannery offer such a high salary? No, I heard they only have 100 yuan?"

Song Yuncheng said in astonishment.

"Hey, you're talking about ordinary workers. If you come to work with me, you'll be a senior technician. You'll be a master. You'll get at least three hundred yuan a month. How about it? Are you interested? "

Bi Yuntao waved his hand and asked.

"Really so many?"

Song Yuncheng's interest was immediately aroused.

Even if he is earning a lot in the beverage factory now, he can only make more than two hundred per month, and this is the case of overtime pay. When this batch of orders is over, there will be no overtime pay, and the earning will definitely be even less.

As the saying goes, people go to high places, water flows to low places, and there are good jobs that are more lucrative, how can we miss it.

"Then... can I do it?"

After thinking about it, Song Yuncheng asked a little nervously.

"I said you can do it."

Bi Yuntao grinned, patted Song Yuncheng on the shoulder and said another word.

"Old Song, let me tell you one more thing. The quality of the employees in your beverage factory is quite high. If you say that every time you bring me over, I will give you 100 yuan as an introduction fee. How about that? Interesting enough?"

Bi Yuntao said in a low voice.


Song Yuncheng's eyes shone brightly.

"Are you serious? You can get a hundred introduction fee for introducing one?"

"That's right, and the bills are all settled on the spot, so you should feel relieved now?" Bi Yuntao nodded.

Song Yuncheng frowned, and said with some hesitation: "Old Bi, tell me, what are you going to do? Are you poaching the corner of the beverage factory? Is Fengfan Cannery going to deal with our beverage factory?"

"Poaching? Haha, you are right, it is poaching. But this matter has nothing to do with you, you just need to do it and get the money."

After Bi Yuntao noticed Song Yuncheng's hesitation, he raised his wine glass and said in a low voice: "Old Song, you don't really think that you can do a good job in the beverage factory with that young Zhao Shanhe."

"Let me tell you the truth, Boss Huang is the Xiangzhong Beverage Factory, and he just wants to take it down! The reason why he recruited you is also because he wants to produce popsicles."

"Of course, you don't have to come here, but if the Shanqiu Beverage Factory closes down at that time, it will be useless for you to come here again. I can't guarantee that Boss Huang will definitely want you here."

"Whether you choose Boss Huang, who is rich and powerful, or Zhao Shanhe, who is still a child, is your choice."

Bi Yuntao pushed the two chopsticks in front of him and said.

Song Yuncheng just lowered his head and pondered for a while, and when he raised his head again, he said decisively: "Okay, I will choose Boss Huang, and I will try my best to bring a group of people over."

"The wisest choice, come, let me toast you!"

"it is good!"

After the two drank it all in one gulp, Bi Yuntao instructed Song Yuncheng a few more words, and the two broke up.

After Song Yuncheng left, Bi Yuntao hurriedly ran to a video studio across the road.

Huang Hu sat here peacefully.

"Manager Huang, the matter has been settled. I have already brought Song Yuncheng here. As long as he is taken down, the rest will be fine." Bi Yuntao bowed and said flatteringly.

"very good!"

Huang Hu smiled in satisfaction, and casually threw a pack of Hongtashan over.

"Bi Yuntao, I know you have a feud with Zhao Shanhe. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have been fired. This time, I just took this opportunity to get revenge. As long as you can recruit all the workers from the Shanqiu Beverage Factory to me , I will let you be the workshop director!"

"Okay, thank you, Manager Huang, for taking care of me. I will definitely get this done."

Bi Yuntao bowed his head and said.

"Go to work quickly!"

"Good good!"

Seeing Bi Yuntao's back disappearing from his eyes, Huang Hu said with a smile: "Zhao Shanhe, you never dreamed that I would start with your workers, right?"

"Hey, as long as I can poach all your workers, I'll see who you ask to produce popsicles!"


I have to admit that money is still ruthless these days.

Bewitched by Song Yuncheng, one-third of the workers at Shanqiu Beverage Factory agreed to go with him.

After all, no matter what age, no one has trouble with money.

Besides, they didn't think Zhao Shanhe could wrestle with Huang Lianshan.

Instead of waiting until the beverage factory is annexed by the cannery and have no place to go, it is better to take advantage of the good price now and go there early, so that it can be reused.

Of course, some people dismiss this kind of poaching.

It's not that they don't like money, but a gentleman loves money in a good way. For example, Li Yan, who has a good relationship with Song Yuncheng, is such a person.

After learning that Song Yuncheng helped dig the canning factory, she not only sternly refused, but also brought the matter to Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe immediately held a meeting in the meeting room.

Attending the meeting were all the management of the beverage factory, as well as all the working workers.

"Song Yuncheng, do you still want to show some face? Now tell me in front of Director Zhao, why do you want to be a traitor? Do you want to betray our beverage factory?"

"Have you forgotten, who gave you three consecutive months' salary when you were in the most difficult time?"

"Don't say that Director Zhao has to pay this salary, so what if he says he won't pay it? They bought the ice factory, and it doesn't mean that they bought us too, so that we all pack up and leave. How difficult is it?"

"Song Yuncheng, let's be a human being with some conscience. You can't say whoever gives you more money, so let's follow whoever you are? If you do this, have your conscience been eaten by the dog?"

"And you, feel your conscience and say, Director Zhao treats you well, right? If you betray him like this, aren't you afraid of being scolded by people poking your spine when you go out?"

Li Yan was really angry, pointing at Song Yuncheng and yelling loudly.

She doesn't have any feelings for the ice factory, but she has feelings for the beverage factory, because the beverage factory gave her hope.

But she never expected that Song Yuncheng wanted to destroy her hope.

Zhao Shanhe watched with frosty face.

Li Xiangyang and the others also looked indifferent.


The honest Song Yuncheng would not lie, he did this to make more money to support his family, so he was scolded by Li Yan like this, although he felt very uncomfortable, but he didn't feel that he did something wrong.

"Li Yan, you are right, but as the saying goes, people go to high places, water flows to low places, and the wages paid by the cannery are so high, we have no reason to say that we must stay in the beverage factory. "

After saying this, Song Yuncheng looked at Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, do you think I'm right? If it were you, you would do the same, right?"

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