Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 5 Is it really that delicious?

At this time, the sky had already darkened, and the number of people coming to the night market gradually increased. Of course, the good spots had already been taken up, so he didn't have much choice.

In desperation, he could only park the tricycle in an open space not far from the cinema.

Here, although it belongs to the Malu Street Night Market, the location is not good. Although it is guarded by the cinema, it is a bit far from the bustling area of ​​the night market.

But it is precisely this location that Zhao Shanhe is most satisfied with.

Among the consumers who asked him to target, some came to watch movies.

In this day and age, people who can afford to watch a movie probably don't mind paying for a cup of shaved ice.

Especially for young people who are dating, shaved ice is standard.

Zhao Shanhe also has absolute confidence that as long as they eat it once, they will like this taste.

After he parked the tricycle, he pulled out a wooden board and put it in the front. On the wooden board were written four strong characters in black charcoal: Zhao Ji Shaved Ice!

He wrote in a thin golden hand with a good look, and as soon as he put it away, someone came to ask.

"Zhao Ji shaved ice? Brother, what is this shaved ice?"

"Shaved ice is a kind of drink, drink it! Brother, would you like to have a drink?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"How did you buy it?"

"Fifty cents a cup, no kidding!" Zhao Shanhe said, holding up five fingers.

"Fifty cents a cup?"

After the uncle heard the price, he shook his head and walked away, muttering as he walked, "Don't you just order mung bean soup and red bean soup? The cost of this thing is so low, and you dare to sell it for [-] cents. This is thinking about money." Are you crazy? Let me see who will be this fool!"

Zhao Shanhe: "..."

Thanks for calling you uncle, don't tear it down if you don't buy it!

Fortunately, there are few people now. If there were more people, who would be willing to buy after hearing you muttering so much?Whoever buys is a fool?Uncle, you are not authentic!

However, Zhao Shanhe didn't take this seriously. It's normal to encounter such a thing in business.

If he doesn't want to eat, there are always people who are willing to eat. As long as he keeps those who want to eat, he is not afraid that he will not be able to make money.After thinking of these, Zhao Shanhe began to yell vigorously.

“Cold mung bean shaved ice!”

“The most ecstatic red bean shaved ice!”

“Sweet watermelon shaved ice!”

"Those who are passing by, come and have a look, I guarantee that you will want to drink the second sip after the first sip!"

“Shaved ice is perfect for summer!”

The unique and charming yelling sounded continuously from Zhao Shanhe's mouth. As for whether such yelling was embarrassing, he really didn't feel it.

What's so embarrassing about making money with your own hands?Besides, if a person can't support a wife who is almost poor, how can he care about face or face.

And when he was shouting, Zhao Shanhe didn't rest his hands, and in the blink of an eye, a glass of watermelon shaved ice with great visual impact was ready.

A large piece of watermelon is submerged in the sugar water, and the sugar water immediately turns into a watermelon red that makes people's heart beat. A piece of thick shaved ice that looks like a cap is on top, and it looks very cool.

Don't say it's hungry, even people who are not thirsty will take a second look when they see it.

This does not mean that more and more people gather here.

"What is shaved ice?"

"Is this shaved ice? It looks good."

"I just don't know if it's delicious or not?"

Hearing such words, Zhao Shanhe looked at these young people who were ready to move, and smiled brightly: "You are right, this is the special shaved ice."

"Let me tell you, it's absolutely beautiful and delicious. If you don't believe me, I can treat you to a drink for free. Come, come, just a few of you. These drinks are free of charge. You can try it. .”

"You really don't want money?"

"Of course, if you don't want money, you don't want it, but if you think it's delicious, you can spread it to me if you meet someone."

Zhao Shanhe quickly handed over a cup of watermelon shaved ice, and a girl with a ponytail took it subconsciously. After making sure that Zhao Shanhe was not joking and that he really didn't need money, she began to feast on it.


She just took a sip of the smoothie, and she immediately felt cool all over her body. The feeling of refreshing all over her body was indescribable.

When she scooped up a spoonful of sugar water, added crushed ice, and mixed a large slice of watermelon into her mouth, her expression became very exciting.

"Xiaoya, is your watermelon shaved ice delicious?"

"Delicious as hell, omg, I've never had anything so good. Shaved ice, right? I love you!"

The girl named Xiaoya shouted excitedly.

The natural sweetness of watermelon is sweetened by the fusion of sugar water without being greasy.

This feeling in this scorching summer is simply a holy product to relieve the heat.

And just as Xiaoya shouted excitedly, the rest of the people holding mung bean shaved ice and red bean shaved ice also screamed excitedly.

"My mung bean shaved ice is so delicious!"

“The red beans are the best!”

"Give me a sip of yours, and you taste mine!"

The shaved ice stand, which was still unattended just now, suddenly became lively amidst the shouts of these girls.

After seeing the girl's heartfelt smile, they all started to feel agitated, a little thirsty, and subconsciously licked their chapped lips.

"Boss, how do you sell this shaved ice?"

"Fifty cents a cup, no one cheats!" Zhao Shanhe said cheerfully.

"Fifty cents is a bit expensive!"

"Brother, my shaved ice is really not expensive. Let me tell you this. The mung beans and red beans I choose are of the highest quality. They are carefully cooked. As you can see, this shaved ice is purely handmade. Yes, absolutely no pollution at all."

"I sell it for fifty cents, which is a few cents of hard-earned money. There is also this taste, you can see if it is good or not by looking at them."

Zhao Shanhe showed a simple and honest expression, and said very sincerely.

"Delicious, so delicious!"

"Not expensive, this fifty cents is not expensive at all."

"Boss, it was free just now, now I pay for it myself, and give me another cup of mung bean shaved ice!"

Xiaoya, the girl with ponytails, ate a portion of shaved ice in a hurry. After eating, she stared at the mung bean shaved ice without hesitation. She took out [-] cents and handed it over without hesitation.

"Me too, I want a cup of red bean shaved ice!"

"I want watermelon shaved ice."

"Boss, collect the money."

The little girls who tasted it for free just now seemed to be possessed, and they all took out money to buy it.

The scene is instantly activated.

The rest of the people also gathered around, and they looked at it eagerly, thinking in their hearts, is it really so delicious?

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