Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 58 I Have Always Trusted You


After Zhao Shanhe rode to the door, he didn't go in directly, but honked the horn at the door and started yelling.

"Qiu Ya, wife!"

Soon, Li Qiuya came out wearing an apron, and when she saw King Suzuki, she froze on the spot.

"Shanhe, whose motorcycle are you riding?"


Zhao Shanhe raised his chin proudly.

"Ours! Qiuya, let's go, stop cooking, take you for a drive, we'll have dinner outside tonight."

"Ah, you bought a motorcycle? How much does it cost?"

Li Qiuya yelled in surprise, stepped forward and wandered around King Suzuki, looking here and there, with an expression of disbelief.

"How is it? Does it look good?" Zhao Shanhe asked after finishing the car.

"Good-looking is good-looking, but Shanhe, how much does this cost?" Li Qiuya asked.

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he stepped forward to help her take off her apron, locked the courtyard door by the way, and then picked up Li Qiuya and put her in the back seat.

"Come on, put on your helmet!"

Zhao Shanhe started the motorcycle, turned his head and said: "Sit down, let's go!"

"I have never regretted it, I made the decision willingly, don't ask if it is destined."

"If it is a mistake, never pay attention to it. The fate is not clear. Reality and ideal are difficult to distinguish clearly, and the two hands have not been separated."

"Although life is short, I will share you with you without regrets, traveling across the sky and the coast."


Zhao Shanhe, who was riding Suzuki King, recalled the classic clips in "If there is love in the sky" in his mind, he couldn't help singing.

Although he is not Liu Tianwang, he has stronger emotions than Liu Tianwang.

He will never let go of Li Qiuya's hand in this life.

When Li Qiuya heard Zhao Shanhe sing, why wasn't she excited?

Thinking of what Zhao Shanhe was like before, and how much he has changed now, her heart is filled with sweet happiness.

Li Qiuya put her arms around Zhao Shanhe's waist instinctively, and leaned her head on the latter's generous back.

If possible, she hopes to just ride along with Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya out for a meal, and then returned home.

After the two finished washing, Zhao Shanhe pulled Li Qiuya and said, "Qiuya, have you thought about what I told you?"

"What's the matter?" Li Qiuya asked while holding a teacup.

"Didn't you say that I would resign after earning 10 yuan?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.


Li Qiuya raised her eyebrows, shook her head, and said with some embarrassment: "Shanhe, I know you are doing it for my own good, but let me think again."

"OK then."

Zhao Shanhe knew that Li Qiuya had a strong personality and was not the kind of person who only wanted to enjoy life, so he did not persecute her.

"By the way, don't you want to know how much you paid for that Suzuki King?" Zhao Shanhe followed up.

"How much?" Li Qiuya asked curiously.

"Twenty thousand!" Zhao Shanhe said, holding up two fingers.

"How much? Twenty thousand!"

Li Qiuya stood up and said excitedly: "Shanhe, you actually spent [-] yuan on a motorcycle? How can you spend money like this?"

"That's not a small amount. Right now, there are many places in your factory that need money. You..."

"Qiuya, don't worry, I'll show you something."

Zhao Shanhe looked at the agitated Li Qiuya, and said with a mysterious smile.

"Look at this!"

As he spoke, he handed over a passbook.

"This is……"

Li Qiuya opened it suspiciously, and the moment she saw the number on it, the words in her mouth stopped abruptly.

Then she raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her voice trembled a little.

"Ten million... 20! Shanhe, where did you get 20?"

"Of course it's earned by selling popsicles. We can't do illegal things."

Zhao Shanhe enjoyed Li Qiuya's surprised expression very much, and said calmly.

"Tell me, how much money can you earn by going to the promotion meeting this time?" Li Qiuya asked, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

"If we take all of them back, we can get about 30 yuan!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Three...30?" Li Qiuya covered her mouth, still in disbelief.

"Qiuya, that's why I asked you to resign, because I can make money to support you now. The 20 is just the beginning, and I will earn more and more money later, so that you can live a stable life without worrying about food and clothing. .”

Zhao Shanhe gently hugged Li Qiuya into his arms, bowed his head and said softly.

"Qiu Ya, do you trust me?"

"Shanhe, I believe, I have always believed in you."

Li Qiuya hugged Zhao Shanhe tightly, not letting go.

Under the light, the two figures cuddled sweetly, like glue.


In the next two days, Shanqiu Beverage Factory continued to work overtime.

As an employee in the factory, Song Yuncheng also worked overtime without any complaints.

When he was in the ice factory, he was famous for his honesty and kindness, and it was even more so now, he never complained or complained, he just kept his head down and worked.

Who made him earn more money than before, which made him feel very satisfied.

Song Yuncheng sometimes wonders why Zhao Shanhe didn't buy the ice factory in advance. If he did, wouldn't his life be better?

After work that day, he rode his old, old, permanent bicycle home.

Just after turning a corner, he was stopped by a person, and he was a little surprised when he saw who was stopping him.

"Hey, old Bi, why are you?"

That's right, the person blocking the way is Bi Yuntao, the market manager of Malu Street Night Market.

Of course, it should now be said that it was the former manager.Because he has been expelled from the ranks of civil servants and started fooling around by himself.

"Why can't it be me? Old Song, we haven't been together for a while, let's go, find a place, and I'll treat you to a drink!"

Bi Yuntao said with a smile.

"drink wine?"

Song Yuntao is honest and kind, but he also has a problem with drinking.

Usually the family is strictly controlled, and there is no chance to drink.So as long as he is outside, if someone treats someone to drink, he will generally not refuse.

What's more, today's guest is my old friend Bi Yuntao.

"Let's go, go to the small restaurant in front, let's have dinner together." Bi Yuntao said and walked forward.


Song Yuncheng followed after hesitating for a while.

The two ordered a plate of pork head meat, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of fried pork with chili and started to drink.

At the beginning, Bi Yuntao was still chatting casually, but later he talked about his current job.

"I said, Lao Song, I also know about your family's situation. What are you still doing in the beverage factory? How much money can you earn there? Let me tell you, just come out and follow me."

"Let me tell you, the Fengfan Cannery is recruiting workers. I'm in charge of it now. As long as you're willing to come over, you'll get a guaranteed monthly salary of two hundred and four, plus overtime pay and bonuses. How about it?"

Bi Yuntao patted Song Yuncheng on the shoulder and said very enthusiastically.

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