Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 576 What are you still doing?

"These are all entrepreneurs from our Handong City. Do you want to sit down and talk? Anyway, waiting is waiting. Maybe we can talk about some opportunities for cooperation, don't you think?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

And after saying this, several entrepreneurs looked at each other in unison, obviously excited.

They came to accompany them, and the purpose of accompanying them was for the order given by Jiandu Mining.But that order is really negligible.If it weren't for the difficulties in the factory, they wouldn't have come at all.

But now Zhao Shanhe said that he wanted to find an opportunity to cooperate, and the eyes of several people immediately lit up.

Because they all know the importance of Hetu Manufacturing in Handong City, this is a piece of fat.If Zhao Shanhe is willing to give them an order, the profits will be much richer than what he got from Jiandu Mining.

Cooperate with whoever gives the most money.

No one has trouble with money.

"Since Director Zhao said so, let's sit down and chat."

Zhou Bingzhang was dumbfounded when he saw that those entrepreneurs in Handong City were surrounded by Yu Bell Tower just now, and now they were pulled over by Zhao Shanhe in the blink of an eye.He knew that Zhao Shanhe was powerful, but he never expected that his wrists would be so ruthless, and he would isolate Yu Zhonglou with just a few words.

I admire it!

Zhou Bingzhang joined in without saying a word.

"President Yu, what shall we do?"

"What should I do? Do you think that if they go to Zhao Shanhe to talk about cooperation, I will compromise and be afraid? Hmph, a bunch of useless trash with no future, let's just wait for the news here."

Yu Zhonglou glanced at it and said sarcastically.


For a while, the place fell into a weird atmosphere.


at the same time.

In the Jiandu Mine, Zheng Shouzheng, who had just descended into the mine, had not had time to take a good look at it. Suddenly, there was a cry of surprise in his ears, followed by bursts of shouts that broke his throat.

"Oops, the mine is leaking!"

"Come out quickly, it's dangerous!"

"Hurry up and use the mine submersible pump to drain water!"

The sudden shout stunned Zheng Shouzheng.He never thought that his luck would be so bad. He just wanted to come here for field research, but he happened to encounter such a dangerous thing.

Although he also knew that such a danger could happen at any time, but should it be such a coincidence?Is it just memorizing my point?

But now is not the time to think about these things. After all, Zheng Shouzheng is an old miner, and he still knows the basics of first aid.

He shouted: "Don't panic, hurry up and find out what's going on?"

"Mr. Zheng, you'd better leave quickly."

"It's too dangerous here."

"That is to say, let's get out of here first."

Several executives who followed Zheng Shouzheng shouted eagerly. They couldn't wait to leave, but they didn't dare to leave when they saw that Zheng Shouzheng would not leave.

"What a panic!"

Zheng Shouzheng yelled sharply. After everyone quieted down, he glanced around and shouted to the front: "Is the problem clear after investigation? What's going on?"

"Mr. Zheng, there is a sudden water leak in the mine, but it should be under control. We are rushing to pump water at the moment."

"Then do it quickly."


Zheng Shouzheng looked at the workers who were in the rescue, and said calmly: "See? They say it can be controlled, so don't be nervous. But this place is not suitable for too many people. You all go up, and I will stay."

"Boss Zheng!"

Zheng Shouzheng's eyes widened, and he waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

That's the way it is said, but if Zheng Shouzheng doesn't leave, how can the others have the nerve to leave?What's more, as you said, the danger can be controlled, so we can't run away at this time.


At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in front of him.

"what happened?"

"Both pumps are broken! What should we do now? Call other mining pumps!"

"It's just bullshit!"

As the team leader, Zhong Shanlu walked over with an angry face, and shouted angrily at several team members: "Didn't I tell you? I asked you to bring a few more pumps down. How can I return them properly?" Is it broken?"

"Team leader, as you know, I have already brought three pumps, which is enough. But who would have thought that these two pumps of Jinyang Machinery would be broken if they were broken, but it is unreasonable. These two pumps have just been launched. Here comes the new one."

"Won't the new one break?"

Zhong Shanlu's face was livid.

"Zhongshan Road, what's the situation? What are you still doing?"

After seeing the progress here stop, Zheng Shouzheng came over and asked in a deep voice.

"Mr. Zheng, it's not that we're standing still and not working. You see, it's because the two mining submersible pumps are broken!" Zhong Shanlu said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"Broken? How could it be broken? Didn't you check it before you brought it down?" Zheng Shouzheng asked coldly.

"Mr. Zheng, we checked it, but it was fine at that time. What's more, these two mining pumps have just been delivered from above. They are new pumps from Jinyang Machinery Factory. Who would have thought that something would happen to the new pumps?" Zhong said. Shan Lu was full of grievances.

"New pump? Both are broken? How is that possible?" Zheng Shouzheng was stunned.

"Nothing is impossible!"

Hearing this, Zhong Shanlu looked over with a solemn face, and said seriously: "Mr. Zheng, in fact, I have wanted to tell you about this for a long time, and I have reported this to our factory many times. But every time there is nothing. Now that this kind of thing happened again, you have seen it with your own eyes, so I have to say it."

"Tell me." Zheng Shouzheng also had a gloomy face.

"It's the problem with the mining pump. I have reported it to the superiors more than once. The mining pump of Jinyang Machinery Factory has quality problems, but no one pays attention to it. No one cares at all."

"You've also seen it now. The new pump just delivered is so broken that it won't turn on. If we don't rush to drain the water and rescue it, I'm afraid we will have to explain it here today."

Zhong Shanlu was full of anger.

"And it's not the first time something like this has happened."

"Every month, as long as the mining pumps of Jinyang Machinery Factory have problems, they are either broken here or there, and some even leak electricity. I wonder, can it be said that the leaders above cannot see these problems? It’s okay if we don’t see it, we’ve all reported it, but they don’t care, just pretend not to see it?”

"Mr. Zheng, we are the most common miners in our mine. That's right. But we are all human, and we all have only one life. Doesn't it mean that we should risk our lives to do this?"

"Even if we are not afraid of death and try our best to do this, at least we must ensure that this guy is easy to use, right? The farmer needs a good hoe for farming. Why don't we deserve a safe one? Mining submersible pump?"

Zhong Shanlu was furious, venting all the grievances in his heart.

As Zheng Shouzheng listened, a cold light flickered in his eyes.

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from the depths of the mine.

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