Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 575 Who gave you courage

"Mr. Lin, why did Hetu Manufacturing come to participate in the bidding meeting this time?"

"What? Is there a problem?"

Lin Xiao smiled calmly.

"No, I just find it a bit strange. If I remember correctly, Hetu Manufacturing seems to be producing whale pumps, not mechanical pumps. Why did they come here for no reason? Is there something wrong with it?" Yu Zhonglou asked in a low voice.

"You don't have to think too much, Mr. Zheng proposed this matter." Lin Xiao said lightly.

"President Zheng? Zheng Shouzheng?" Yu Zhonglou was a little surprised.


Lin Xiao also glanced at Zhao Shanhe at the back, and said pointedly: "When I first signed up for Hetu Manufacturing, I wanted to get rid of them. After all, our bidding meeting has long been a habit. One more family means one more danger.”

"But who would have thought that Boss Zheng would find out about this, so he just said that he should sign up for Hetu Manufacturing. You said Boss Zheng said that, can I confront him?"

"But don't worry, although I don't know whether Mr. Zheng has anything to do with Hetu Manufacturing, I have always been in charge of this matter. If I say that your Jinyang Machinery's products are good, then they are good. I recognize you, and in the end You are the ones signing the contract."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. I knew that Mr. Lin was interesting. Don't worry, it's the old rules."

Yu Zhonglou was overjoyed, looked around, and asked suspiciously: "But Mr. Lin, why didn't you see Mr. Zheng in today's bidding meeting? Is he not going to attend?"


Lin Xiao shook his head, with a disapproving expression on his face and said: "Mr. Zheng said at first that he would participate, but then he changed the itinerary temporarily, saying that he was going to visit the mine. If not, I will leave it to the I'll handle it, so don't worry, I'll be in charge of this matter, can you Jinyang Machinery still run?"

"It must be fine. Can I still worry about it? But then again, since Boss Zheng arranged it like this, it means that Boss Lin is an indispensable figure in Jiandu Mining."

Yu Zhonglou said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, I heard that Jiandu Mining will promote a person to be the vice chairman recently. Is it you?"

"You, don't listen to rumors, just do what you should do." Lin Xiao said pretending to be sullen.

Yu Zhonglou immediately knew what was going on.

"Then I would like to congratulate Mr. Lin on his promotion in advance."

"Ha ha!"

After 10 minutes, the bidding will start.

In fact, this kind of bidding process is fixed. If you want to rely on some eloquent skills to forcibly change someone's mind at the bidding meeting, that is impossible.Things are already decided by default, no matter how extravagant your words are, it will be useless.

So Zhao Shanhe didn't do that.

The process is proceeding step by step.

Each company submitted their bids, and then Lin Xiao left with all the bids. Before leaving the meeting room, he said to everyone present: "Everyone, please stay calm here, we will soon A decision will be made."


After the people from Jiandu Mining went out, the rest of the bidders began to relax and chat again.

At this time, Yu Zhonglou came over again, and asked triumphantly: "Zhao Shanhe, do you think your Hetu Manufacturing has a chance of winning this time?"

"Yu Zhonglou, I don't seem to have offended you, right? Why do you come here again and again to trouble me? Do you think you've got me and all our factories in your hands?" Zhao Shanhe raised his head, his eyes indifferent.

After saying this, the conference room that was still noisy just now fell silent.

Everyone looked over subconsciously.

It is true that they came to accompany the runners, but who said that the runners have no temper?Do you think they are all willing to run with you?Who wants to eat only soup when given the chance to eat meat?

The reason why they have been chatting so heartlessly all the time is because they know that nothing can be done, and no one wants to resist.But this does not mean that they will be convinced by the bell tower.

Now that Zhao Shanhe said this, they immediately felt the same way, and they all looked over with playful eyes.

Obviously, Yu Zhonglou noticed something was wrong right away, but he didn't care.Maybe it's because he's too arrogant, maybe it's the three-year appointment that made him ignore this group of people, maybe he just didn't like Zhao Shanhe's eyes, so he laughed, pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose and yelled arrogantly stand up.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't fan me here, I'm talking about you, not someone else."

"Isn't it someone else?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips playfully, and said casually: "I think you are talking about us, aren't you? Yu Zhonglou, don't you just want to show your sense of superiority to me? You want to talk about Jiandu Mining I will also choose to cooperate with you Jinyang Machinery, and I want to say that our factories have no chance."

"It's good that you understand." Yu Zhonglou snorted coldly.

"Understood, how can you not understand that? I understand that you have someone in Jiandu Mining, otherwise how could you be so confident. But there is one thing that I am also very surprised. I don't know Yu Zhonglou, can you explain it to me?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

Yu Zhonglou asked arrogantly, "What's the matter?"

"I just want to know who gave you the courage to stand on the ground of our Handong City and openly humiliate the entrepreneurs of our Handong City!"

Zhao Shanhe's voice suddenly rose, his tone was awe-inspiring.


Yu Zhonglou's tone froze for a moment.

The eyes of the other factory managers lit up instantly.

Yu Zhonglou hurriedly said, "I didn't..."

"You have! You just have!"

Zhao Shanhe pointed at Yu Zhonglou's nose, and said impassionedly: "I really don't understand, you just participate in the bidding, why do you always provoke me? You can just provoke me, and dare to put on such a domineering attitude." What do you say, except for your Jinyang Machinery Factory, other factories are useless."

"I'm just wondering, is your Jinyang Machinery a factory in Handong City?"


"But Jiandu Mining is."

"You are on the ground of my Handong City, earning the money of my Handong City enterprise, but you do this kind of thing to humiliate my Handong City factory. What? You think that our Handong City has no Are you human? Do you think we are born to be bullied by you? Do you think that the entrepreneurs in Handong City have no blood in their bones?"


Yu Zhonglou was a little irritated by Zhao Shanhe's gorgeous declaration of war, but when he got to his mouth, he couldn't speak for a while because of his emotions, and his whole face began to turn a little livid.

"well said!"

The few entrepreneurs onlookers usually dare not speak out, but it does not mean that they are willing to accompany them.Now that they heard Zhao Shanhe say their heartfelt thoughts like this, they all cheered up for a while, and looked at Zhao Shanhe with fiery eyes.

"Hmph, unreasonable."

Yu Zhonglou snorted coldly, turned around and walked back to his original position.

He was a little scared.

Looking at his somewhat embarrassed back, Zhao Shanhe raised a playful arc at the corner of his mouth, looked at several entrepreneurs around him, and spoke slowly.

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