Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 577 Really standing up and saying that Zhang does not have back pain

"Oops, Mr. Zheng, this is not a place to talk, you'd better get out quickly."

Zhong Shanlu shouted while anxiously pulling Zheng Shouzheng's clothes out.

"Yes, Mr. Zheng, let's go out quickly."

"Everyone get out quickly."

"If there is a mine disaster, it will be serious. Zhongshan Road, get your people to evacuate!"

Several executives started yelling.

"Leader, we still have a spare mine pump!" shouted a miner.


Zhong Shanlu, who was reminded like this, slapped his forehead and almost forgot that there was a spare one.At this time, the situation was critical, and he didn't care about anything else. He turned around and rushed over, picked up the spare mining pump and turned it on.

"It works! That's great, let's drain the water quickly!" Zhong Shan said with a happy expression on his face, commanding loudly.


Seeing that Zhongshan Road started to move, Zheng Shouzheng also knew that it was useless for him to stay, and it would even be a burden, so he and the other executives left in a mine cart.

Outside the mine.

"Do you think the water inside can be drained?" Zheng Shouzheng asked.


"It's definitely possible. With Zhongshan Road, there's no problem."

"Zhong Shanlu is a veteran miner, and nothing will happen to him."

as predicted.

In about half an hour, Zhong Shanlu led his team members out of the mine. Everyone collapsed on the ground just after they came out, panting heavily.This feeling of dancing behind the gates of hell is too exciting and dangerous.

"Old Zhong, how is the situation?" Zheng Shouzheng asked anxiously.

"No problem, it's been resolved, and all the leaks have been cleaned up." Zhong Shanlu said with a grin.


Zheng Shouzheng laughed happily, but soon he frowned: "No, Lao Zhong, I know the working efficiency of mining pumps. I have read the information given by Jinyang Machinery Factory. Like the situation just now, Even if two mining pumps work together to rescue the emergency, it will take at least more than an hour to do it."

"But it's only been half an hour for you, why did you all come out? Isn't this too fast?"

"And don't you just have a mining pump?"

After asking this question, everyone couldn't help but look over curiously.

Hearing this question, Zhong Shanlu laughed.

"Mr. Zheng, you are right. If we continue to use the mine pump from Jinyang Machinery Factory, it will definitely take more than an hour to drain the water. But don't we use the mine pump made by Hetu? I didn't expect their pump Really easy to use!"

"Not only is the quality good, but also the work efficiency is really high. Not to mention that one can beat two, and the middle is very smooth. I didn't expect that this Hetu manufacturing is not only a powerful whale water pump, but also the quality of this mining pump. so good."

When Zhong Shanlu said this, he suddenly said: "Mr. Zheng, if it is possible, we hope to equip us with mining pumps made by Hetu. This is responsible for the lives of our miners."

"Old Zhong, you passed."

A senior executive had a gloomy face and lowered his voice.

"Old Liu, you can't say that. Old Zhong is right. He said what he said from the bottom of his heart. How could it be passed? Don't you mean that we should not be responsible for their lives? Or do you want to replace Lao Zhong? Will the mine continue to use the mining pumps from Jinyang Machinery Factory? If you say you want to, I’ll just pretend to be Lao Zhong’s words.”

Zheng Shouzheng took a look and asked coldly, "Do you want to?"


The executive who was questioned like this misfired on the spot.

Zhong Shanlu also glanced at the executive who spoke just now, with contempt in his eyes.

You officials are looking after your own interests, who will care about our lives?We were the ones who went down the mine, we were the ones who had the accident, and we were the ones who died in the end. Is it you?

It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk.

"Old Zhong, I will carefully consider what you said. I will order to temporarily freeze all the equipment purchased from Jinyang Machinery Factory, and then conduct a new appraisal."

"If it turns out that their equipment really has quality problems, then don't worry, for the safety of all our miners, I will order to cancel the cooperation with them." Zheng Shouzheng said with a serious face and loudly.

"that would be great!"

Zhong Shanlu said happily: "Mr. Zheng, isn't our group having an equipment bidding meeting today? If you say you want to do this, do it now and order it quickly, or I'm afraid to say it later, Over there, it signed a contract with Jinyang Machinery Factory."

"you're right."

Zheng Shouzheng picked up the big brother as he spoke.


The bidding meeting room of Jiandu Mining.

Zhao Shanhe is chatting with every entrepreneur with a smile on his face, and his idea is also very simple.If there is no way to get the order this time, at least it is necessary to get acquainted with these people.This group of people are all mixed up in Handong City, and they maintain a good relationship, maybe they will be useful someday.

It's like Jiang Haichao.

Isn't he the director of Jiuquan Manufacturing now?

"I remember all the things you said, so I can't give you an accurate answer now. I will study it carefully when I go back. If we really need these things in Hetu Manufacturing, then we We can all cooperate.”

Zhao Shanhe smiled gently after accepting the business cards of these people.

"Then we'll wait for news from Director Zhao."

Compared with the happy and harmonious atmosphere here, the atmosphere at Jinyang Machinery is much more serious.

Yu Zhonglou sat with a bad face, listening to the talking and laughing in his ears, cursing fiercely in his heart.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you think you can restrict our Jinyang Machinery by drawing them over? You are wrong, our Jinyang Machinery will not be stimulated by your tricks. Just wait, wait until Lin Xiao comes out, you don't even have a place to cry."

As soon as this idea came up, I saw Lin Xiao walking in with a few people, holding a document in his hand.

All the talking stopped abruptly when Lin Xiao came in.

Everyone sits down again.

After Lin Xiao came in, he saw something was wrong in the conference room. He didn't expect that the entrepreneurs who were sitting around the clock tower before would sit beside Zhao Shanhe in a short while.

Seeing this scene, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, he stared at Zhao Shanhe meaningfully, and then slowly raised the document in his hand.

"Everyone, after our careful research, there are already results."

"Our Jiandu Mining's equipment bidding meeting this time, the final winner is..." Lin Xiao paused, and after scanning the audience, he shouted loudly, "Jinyang Machinery Factory!"

"Mr. Yu, congratulations!"

Lin Xiao applauded first when he said that, and when he applauded, the people from Jiandu Mining also applauded.Seeing this, Yu Zhonglou and the others naturally applauded excitedly.

On the contrary, those entrepreneurs who accompanied them just applauded politely.

Yu Zhonglou stood up and glanced proudly at Zhao Shanhe, with an undisguised expression of excitement on his face.Zhao Shanhe, did you see it?No matter how much you dance around, it's no use, I'm the one who wins in the end!

I am the biggest winner.

"Mr. Lin, thank you, thank you for treating us..."


However, before Yu Zhonglou could finish his sentence, the door of the meeting room was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then a middle-aged man with a solemn face walked in.

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