Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 574 Why do you have to do it every year?

"You are Zhao Shanhe made by Hetu?"

"Yes, it's me." Zhao Shanhe responded neither humble nor overbearing.

"Get to know Jinyang Machinery, in the bell tower."

Yu Zhonglou said arrogantly, saying that he knew him, but his hand didn't have the slightest intention to cooperate with reaching out and holding it down, just hanging down casually like that.


After Zhao Shanhe noticed Yu Zhonglou's arrogance, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said calmly.

"I've heard of your name, Director Zhao, a long time ago. I didn't expect us to meet here for the first time."

"So that?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"So what I want to tell you is that you may come here with hope this time and return with disappointment."

Yu Zhonglou provocatively smiled.

He's not the type to act rashly.

If this was normal, he would definitely not target Zhao Shanhe like this.But no way, who told Miyai Saburo to tell him that no matter what, he must defeat Zhao Shanhe magnificently.

He can only do so.

I want you, Zhao Shanhe, to know that you can get your hands on any field.The market for mining pumps can only belong to our Jinyang Machinery, so you should honestly go back and sell your Whale pumps.

"is it?"

Zhao Shanhe, who was provoked like this, seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and said calmly, "Then let's wait and see."

"Just wait and see."

Yu Zhonglou turned around and walked forward.

"Hi Boss Yu, sit here."

"Mr. Yu, you Jinyang Machinery seems to have the chance to win again this time."

"Mr. Yu, what do you think about the project we talked about last time?"


Several representatives of the so-called bidding companies saw Yu Zhonglou approaching, they all went forward with a smile and talked with a smile.For them, since they knew that the so-called bidding would be just a formality, they would naturally try their best to seek benefits.

It would be fine if we could cooperate with Yu Zhonglou.

After all, if they eat meat in the bell tower, they can also drink some soup along with it.

"Do you think this Yu Zhonglou is quite arrogant?"

Looking at Yu Zhonglou with long sleeves and dancing, suddenly a middle-aged man came over and said to Zhao Shanhe with a smile.

"That's right, undisguised arrogance, how rampant it is to dare to do this." Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback, looked up and said.

"Rampant is because of the qualifications of rampant, who made him cooperate with Jiandu Mining for three consecutive years. It just seems that he is very hostile to you."

The man stretched out his right hand with a smile.

"Get to know Zhou Bingzhang, the director of the Three Bears Machinery Factory in Liuye City."

"Hetu makes Zhao Shanhe."

Seeing that Zhou Bingzhang did not show the slightest surprise, Zhao Shanhe suddenly stopped with his half-stretched hand: "Do you know me?"

"I've heard of Hetu Manufacturing and your factory manager Zhao's name for a long time."

Zhou Bingzhang did not put on an air, but nodded frankly.

"It's just that I didn't expect to meet Director Zhao here. I wanted to come and get to know you. Who would want to be snatched by Yu Zhonglou. But it doesn't matter, it's not too late to meet you now."

Zhao Shanhe had a good eye for Zhou Bingzhang, smiled and shook hands and said gently: "Nice to meet you."

"I'm really glad to meet you. Speaking of which, your Hetu manufacturing is much more famous than our three bears. Your factory's non-ferrous metal solder and whale swallowing pumps are all well-known and in short supply products in the whole country. It's not like our factory can compare Yes." Zhou Bingzhang said frankly.

"Director Zhou is serious. We are just doing small business." Zhao Shanhe said modestly.

"Small business?"

The corners of Zhou Bingzhang's mouth twitched twice, and after sitting next to Zhao Shanhe, he said, "Director Zhao, what you want to do is still a small business. I dare say that no one is doing a big business."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe just smiled.

The two started chatting, talking about the bidding meeting this time, and Zhao Shanhe felt very surprised when he knew that Zhou Bingzhang had come to participate in the bidding meeting for the fourth year.

"Director Zhou, so you didn't come to run with me?"

"Who said no?"

Zhou Bingzhang shook his head, looked at Zhao Shanhe's surprised expression, and said with a wry smile: "Although I have been here for the fourth year, I just came to run with you. Of course, you may want to say, Director Zhao, why do you still want to run with you when you know you are running with you?" Come here for four years in a row."

"Yes, why? This kind of thankless thing can be done once, why do you have to do it every year?" Zhao Shanhe asked really puzzled.

"The reason is very simple, that is, although we are the accompanying runners of this equipment bidding meeting, after the bidding meeting is over, Jiandu Mining will more or less buy some things from our factories and place a few orders. "

"Although there is no way to compare this amount with the bidding meeting, for our factories, it is better than nothing. So, do you understand?" Zhou Bingzhang said.

It turned out to be the case.

I'll just say it.

This is just a company's bidding meeting. If it is really unprofitable, why do these factories still come to participate in this ridiculous accompanying runner? It is possible that there will be sweetness afterwards.


"Director Zhao, although I don't know what kind of quarrel you have with Jinyang Machinery Factory, I would like to advise you. Your Hetu Manufacturing may have a high reputation in the field of water pumps, but it is useless in Jiandu Mining. Yes. Jiandu Mining will not sign a contract with any manufacturer other than Jinyang Machinery."

Zhou Bingzhang pursed his lips as he spoke, and said to the man chatting and laughing with Yu Zhonglou in front, "Do you know who he is?"


"Lin Xiao, the general manager of Jiandu Mining, is Yu Zhonglou's partner in Jiandu Mining. As long as Lin Xiao is there, there will be no surprises in the bidding meeting, and the final contracting party must be Jinyang Machinery Factory. "

Zhou Bingzhang spoke with certainty.

"Lin Xiao?"

Zhao Shanhe also saw Lin Xiao, and saw the cheerful appearance of Lin Xiao and Yu Zhonglou chatting.But since he has come all the time, he can't just return without success like this, can he?

"Thank you for the reminder from Director Zhou. We will just participate in the bidding step by step. As for whether we can succeed in the end, it depends on the choice of Jiandu Mining. After all, this is not something we can control."

Zhao Shanhe withdrew his gaze, with a calm expression.

"Yeah, the final decision was made by Jiandu Mining, we can't do anything, just wait."

Zhou Bingzhang shook his head and began to chat with Zhao Shanhe about other things. His idea was very simple. If he could not win this order, then he would see if he could find an opportunity to cooperate with Hetu Manufacturing.

That would be a worthwhile trip.


front row position.

Yu Zhonglou was chatting with Lin Xiao, and what they were talking about was of course this equipment bidding meeting.

"Mr. Lin, I need to trouble you to take care of this bidding meeting." Yu Zhonglou said with a smile.

"Old Yu, I don't need you to tell me about this matter, I know it well, just follow the old rules." Lin Xiao said casually.

"I am very sure of that."

Yu Zhonglou immediately understood, then he turned his head and glanced behind, then turned around and suddenly said in a low voice.

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