Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 573 The higher the expectation, the more painful the fall

"Then do you know that Jiandu Mining has just changed its leadership team this year, and the new leader is a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes and works hard. You think he will care about the little friendship between Jiandu and Jinyang , or do you care about the fairness of the bidding meeting?" Saburo Miyai said slowly.

"Are you talking about Zheng Shouzheng?" Yu Zhonglou asked disapprovingly.

"Yes, it's Zheng Shouzheng." Miyai Saburo said.

"Mr. Miyai, I think you are worrying too much. What if Zheng Shouzheng is in power? You may not know that there are many factions in Jiandu Mining, and I am not following his path. As long as Lin Xiao is still in power , I’m not afraid. You know, Lin Xiao has always been in charge of equipment procurement.” Yu Zhonglou said with a smile.

Saburo Miyai raised his eyebrows slightly: "Confident?"

Yu Zhonglou replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

Miyai Saburo smiled openly, "Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly said slowly: "You know that Hetu Manufacturing in Zhenghe County also signed up for this equipment bidding meeting?"

"Hetu manufacturing?"

Yu Zhonglou shook his head and said indifferently: "I really don't know about it, but it doesn't matter whether they participate or not? Anyway, no matter who participates, they are just here to accompany the run."

"Accompanying you? I'm afraid you really thought wrong this time. The Zhao Shanhe created by Hetu is not an ordinary person. He has never said that he can't do what he wants to do. Yu Zhonglou, look at you, don't you Will you tell me that you have never heard of Hetu Manufacturing, so you don’t know about Zhao Shanhe?” Miyai Saburo looked sullen.

Such an important person, you are so contemptuous.

Don't you know that this is the taboo of military strategists?

"of course not."

After Yu Zhonglou noticed Miyai Saburo's anger, he quickly said: "Of course I have heard of Hetu Manufacturing, and I know Zhao Shanhe. Zhao Shanhe is really amazing. He can sell a Whale Swallow pump so hotly." Not to mention Mr. Miyai, you seem to attach great importance to this Zhao Shanhe, don't you?"

"Yes, I attach great importance to Zhao Shanhe, because I want to have Hetu Manufacturing in my hands."

Miyai Saburo said slowly: "So Yu Zhonglou, listen to me, this time the equipment bidding meeting, you not only have to win, but you also have to defeat Hetu Manufacturing! Complete defeat, you know?"



Manufactured by Hetu in Zhenghe County.

"Tomorrow is the equipment bidding day of Jiandu Mining, factory manager, are you ready?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"Yang E has already led the team there, I'll go directly to the venue tomorrow. As for preparation, what is there to prepare for?" Zhao Shanhe smiled nonchalantly.

"For us, this bidding meeting can be said to be time-critical. Even if we want to do the work of Jiandu Mining, we don't have time, so let's adapt! It's a good thing to be able to sign a contract, but if you can't, you don't have to." Discouraged."


Li Xiangyang also felt that it should be so.

"Actually, besides us, several other factories also participated in this bidding meeting. But I received news that these factories were basically accompanying them. In the end, Jiandu Mining would only sign a contract with Jinyang Machinery. Because In the past three years, Jiandu Mining has only cooperated with Jinyang Machinery, and Jinyang has become their exclusive partner."

"Is it Jinyang Machinery?"

Zhao Shanhe put down the document in his hand, narrowed his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a half-smile: "I also know about this, and I have done my homework on Jinyang Machinery. Xiangyang, do you know? This Jinyang Machinery is actually It’s not as righteous as they say, they have long been controlled by foreign capital.”

"That's right, I was about to tell you about this too, but I didn't expect you to know about it. Now that you know, it's easy to talk about it. I also found out that this so-called Japanese capital is either someone else, or came to look for it before. Our Sakura Club."

Li Xiangyang said in a deep voice: "Sakura Club not only wants to take a stake in our Hetu Manufacturing, but has already bought shares in many companies. Jinyang Machinery in Xianhua City is a representative of them."

"That is to say, the equipment used by Jiandu Mining over the years is said to be from Jinyang Machinery, but it is actually produced by Japanese technology. Jinyang Machinery is making money for Sakura Club."

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows: "In other words, if we want to win the order of Jiandu Mining, we can only beat Jinyang Machinery's mining pump, right?"

Li Xiangyang nodded and said, "Yes!"

"Come on, let's see whose pump is better."

Zhao Shanhe curled up the corners of his lips, showing an awe-inspiring fighting spirit.


the next day.

Jiandu Mine in Handong City.

"I heard that our group will hold another equipment bidding meeting today. Do you know about this?"

"Of course I know, how can I not know?"

"If you want me to say, there is no need to hold this kind of equipment bidding meeting. It is Jinyang Machinery every year. Can this year be an exception?"

"Yes, you are right, but the question is, are these equipments of Jinyang Machinery really easy to use? I don't think so. As for the two mining submersible pumps and emergency pumps in our group, you also use them. Passed, is it good?"

"It doesn't work."

"Yeah, if it doesn't work, I still need to buy it. I don't believe it if there is nothing tricky about it."

"I told you to stop grumbling, and get ready to go down the well. And didn't you send a spare mining pump over there? It seems to be made by Hetu, and they were all put together down the well."


A group of a dozen or so mine workers, wearing uniform work clothes and carrying two water pumps, began to take the elevator down to the mine.Another few hours of sleepless work awaited them, and they were used to it.

at the same time.

Small auditorium of Jiandu Mining Group in Handong City.

This is the location of the equipment bidding meeting, and the small auditorium has also undergone a simple layout, creating a more lively and joyful atmosphere than usual.People from bidding companies are sitting here, some of them are whispering, some are chatting nonsense, from their expressions, it can be seen that no one has any confidence in today's bidding.

It's an obvious thing in the first place, so don't expect anything.

The higher the expectation, the more painful the fall.

"Did you see the people over there? I heard it was made by Hetu."

"Did the people who made Hetu also come to participate in the bidding?"

"Come on, come on, can they still win? There is no chance."

"Look, the people from Jinyang Machinery are here, and the team leader is actually Yu Zhonglou, their factory director. It seems that they are bound to win this time. Come on, let's prepare to run with us."

Following the eyes of the representatives of these bidding companies, Zhao Shanhe also saw Yu Bell Tower approaching.

Indeed, compared with the other representatives, Yu Zhonglou's expression was obviously full of confidence.

"Director, I think we've had enough suspense today." Yang E said in a low voice.

"It's okay, keep calm."

Zhao Shanhe said nonchalantly.

And when the two were talking in a low voice, Yu Zhonglou who just came over suddenly stopped in his tracks and looked at Zhao Shanhe with a playful look in his eyes.

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