Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 548 Just These 3 Conditions

"Shanhe, it's me."

"Zhou Angong?"

Suddenly receiving a call from Zhou Angong, the corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth slightly raised.This is really what you want to come here. Last night, my sister-in-law just said to be careful about the father and son of the Zhou family. Today, Zhou Angong called.

Think about it too.

As for Zhou Yongjian and Zhou Angong's behavior, after knowing their identities, how could they remain indifferent?

Waiting until now to make this call is already bearable.

"Yes, it's me. I'm outside your factory now. Can I go in and see you?" Zhou Angong looked at the gate made by Hetu in front of him, his eyes sparkling.

"Have you come to Zhenghe?"


"Okay, then come in, I'll wait for you in the office."

"Okay, see you later!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and then said to Gao Shaoyuan: "Gao Gong, then you should be busy."

"Okay, I'll get the last few parameters in place as soon as possible."

"You don't need to work so hard. You must know that the body is the capital of the revolution. I don't want you to ruin your body because of work. If this is the case, I can't do business with Uncle Gao and the others." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"I know, go get busy!"

"it is good!"

After Zhao Shanhe left, Gao Shaoyuan did not say that he would start the experiment immediately, but called Zhang Du and Wei Ming over, and asked in front of them, "Does any of you know about tempered glass?"

"Tempered glass?"

Zhang Du frowned slightly.

"Brother, why did you remember to ask this? Could it be that our laboratory is going to develop tempered glass next?"

"I'll talk about whether or not to develop it later, I just ask you first." Gao Shaoyuan said.

"I don't know about this, I haven't touched it before."

Zhang Du shook his head and looked at Wei Ming.

"Old Wei, I remember that you seem to have done research on tempered glass for a while, right?"


Wei Ming nodded, and said seriously: "Senior brother, I have done experimental research on tempered glass for a period of time. This was Yan Ruyu's project at the time. The teacher asked me to help with it for a few days. But I just helped to stare at it for a few days. God, if you want to say how proficient you are, you still haven't reached that level. But I think Yan Ruyu should understand it very well."

"In this case……"

Gao Shaoyuan waved his hand.

"Okay, I see, I will talk to the teacher about this. I said you two listen to me, we only have a week, and within a week we must calibrate all the parameters and take out the mine pump .”

"If you can do it, then I will apply to the factory manager for bonuses and vacations for you. If you can't do it, don't even think about taking a break. Prepare to work overtime all the time!"



"Is this the Hetu Manufacturing?"

Zhou Angong, who came here for the first time, was deeply shocked.

He looked at the clean and tidy factory environment, looked at the full fighting spirit on the smiling faces, and excited eyes flashed in his eyes.

What surprised him in particular was that the factory even built a motorcycle shed next to the bicycle shed, where a lot of motorcycles were neatly parked, and everyone said that Hetu Manufacturing paid well, so it seems that it is not ordinary OK.

The larger the scale here, the more it can show that Zhao Shanhe's business is doing well.

In this way, if I can cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, the future must be immeasurable.

"You say I'm really serious, why do you have to cooperate with Pei Yingzhang? If I had known that Zhao Shanhe was so powerful, wouldn't it be enough for me to cooperate with him? In that case, I would have made a lot of money already."

Zhou Angong felt a little regretful.

"Hey, is that Tiger Head Ben?"

When Zhou Angong came to the office building and saw the tiger headed car, his pupils dilated instantly.

"This car needs to start at a million dollars. I didn't expect to see it in Hetu Manufacturing. This car is parked here. It should belong to Zhao Shanhe, right? My dear, I thought it was exaggerated enough for him to drive a Crown That's right, I didn't expect that there would be a more luxurious Hutou Ben."

Looking at this car, Zhou Angong's eyes became more and more envious.

"No matter what, you can't offend Zhao Shanhe!"

At this moment, Zhou Angong had already forgotten what Pei Yingzhang told him. He had only one thought in his mind, Zhao Shanhe said whatever he wanted, and he would climb to the high branch of Zhao Shanhe no matter what. As for Pei Yingzhang's life and death, he didn't bother to care about it.

Perhaps letting Pei Yingzhang divorce his aunt is the best choice.

5 minute later.

Zhou Angong sat in the reception area of ​​the office.

"What do you find me for?"

Looking at Zhou Angong, Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to chat, but asked directly.

"Shanhe, I didn't expect that your river map is so powerful and on such a large scale. I admire it, cousin, I really admire it. I believe that grandpa will be happy if he sees your factory." Zhou Angong laughed said.

"Don't say such polite words." Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"Okay, then I'll be straight."

Zhou Angong looked embarrassed, and said in a deep voice: "Shanhe, I came this time to tell you about my aunt. You also know that it is impossible for my aunt and uncle to keep procrastinating. What do you think?"

"Pei Yingzhang asked you to come here, right?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.


Zhou Angong nodded.

"My uncle asked me to come, but don't worry, I'm not my uncle's lobbyist, I'm on my side. What you said that day was right. It's because of my uncle that I have a little uncle. If there is no aunt, where is the little uncle? So I want to hear your opinion, what do you think about this matter?"

"It doesn't matter what I think, what matters is my sister's thoughts. Since you are here, it's just right, you can take my sister's thoughts back and tell Pei Yingzhang." Zhao Shanhe said.

"What do you think?" Zhou Angong quickly leaned forward and listened attentively.

"First, Pei Yingzhang must immediately agree to divorce my sister-in-law."

"Second, Pei Yingzhang wants to leave the house clean."

"Thirdly, Pei Yingzhang wants to return the factory that belongs to my sister-in-law to her."

Zhao Shanhe sat up straight, and said with burning eyes: "As far as these three conditions are concerned, if Pei Yingzhang is willing to agree, I can make the decision, and the matter between him and my sister-in-law will be left alone."

"Of course, if Pei Yingzhang thinks the conditions are harsh, it's okay if he doesn't want to agree, then I will use my own method to seek justice for my sister-in-law. But in that way, it's not easy to say what he will have left in the end."

"That's all, you pass it on to him!"

Zhou Angong's lips twitched slightly.

That's all?

This is already killing people.

If he really agrees to such a condition, Pei Yingzhang will be completely useless.What else can he keep?Nothing, just leave the house!If it were me, it would be absolutely impossible to agree to these conditions.

It's a good thing that Pei Yingzhang didn't come. If he came, wouldn't he go crazy on the spot after hearing these conditions?

But the problem is, I came here to meet Zhao Shanhe not to listen to these conditions, but to discuss cooperation.Pei Yingzhang is still dreaming of his Spring and Autumn Dream, hoping to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe.It depends on the situation, not to mention cooperation, whether Pei Yingzhang can get a divorce in one go, even if he walks out of that house, he still doesn't know.

"It doesn't matter, a dead fellow is not a poor fellow! Anyway, he is Pei Yingzhang, not me. What am I doing worrying about here? Besides, since I want to please Zhao Shanhe, I can't confront him."

Thinking of this, Zhou Angong spoke.

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