Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 547 Easier said than done

"Shanhe, you have to be careful about Zhou Yongjian." Zhao Yongrui said seriously.

"You mean great uncle?"

Zhao Shanhe felt a little surprised.

"Sister-in-law, I know that my eldest uncle has always looked down on our family. If he doesn't like it, then he can't. It's up to each other. Do I need to be careful about him?"

"Of course, one must be careful."

Zhao Yongrui looked serious.

"Let me tell you, I only found out later that Pei Yingzhang didn't mean to kick me out at first. It was Zhou Yongjian who told him to do so. Zhou Yongjian said that a factory cannot have two supervisors. If Pei Yingzhang wants to really take power, he must let me go, so Pei Yingzhang will do this."

"The reason why Zhou Yongjian did this is also very simple. It is to pave the way for his son Zhou Angong. Otherwise, is it because of your relatives that you think Pei Yingzhang will cooperate with Zhou Angong? No, he is such a cold person. There are only benefits here, and he will cooperate with whoever can bring him benefits."

It turned out to be the case.

"I didn't expect my eldest uncle to be such a person." Zhao Shanhe said to himself with a sudden realization.

"Then what do you think?"

A dismissive sneer appeared on the corner of Zhao Yongrui's mouth.

"I've seen through him for a long time. It's just that he doesn't interfere with my business, and I don't bother to take care of it. I didn't expect that I became like this just because I was too lazy to take care of it. So you must be careful about him. "

"You said that if your identity hadn't been revealed, Zhou Yongjian would definitely not have done anything to you."

"But now that he already knows that you are the boss of Shanqiu Foods and Hetu Manufacturing, and that Pei Yingzhang can make so much money just relying on one of your branch factories, Jiuquan Manufacturing, do you think he can remain indifferent?"

Zhao Yongrui sneered again and again.

"I dare to tell you this, your uncle will definitely plot against you. Maybe in these two days, he will ask Zhou Angong to come to you, not to mention anything else, even if it is a little closer relationship. Row."

Zhao Shanhe nodded thoughtfully: "Sister-in-law, I know what to do."

"That's good."

The two chatted for a while, and as soon as they talked about Zhao Shanhe's childhood, Li Qiuya greeted him for dinner, and the two walked over.After dinner, Zhao Yongrui went to the backyard to rest.

The night passed quietly.

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe asked Li Qiuya to stay with Zhao Yongrui at home, while he came to Hetu Manufacturing, and then went directly to see Gao Shaoyuan.As soon as he entered the laboratory, he saw Gao Shaoyuan doing experiments with a pair of panda eyes.

"I said Gao Gong, you won't tell me, and you didn't go back to sleep, did you?" Zhao Shanhe frowned, asking with distress and helplessness.


Gao Shaoyuan shook his head, looked at the instrument in front of him and said casually: "The experiment has just come to an end, how dare I go to rest. You came at the right time, look at this experiment, let me tell you, this is to improve our swallowing water pump..."

Zhao Shanhe couldn't say anything, so Gao Shaoyuan said a lot.

"So you mean that you can develop a mining pump as long as you are given a few more days?" Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up when he heard the last word.


Gao Shaoyuan said proudly: "Just give me another week at most, and when I set the last few parameters, I will be able to develop a mine pump, a derivative product of the whale pump."

"And the mine pump we developed is more durable and has a longer lifespan than the ones currently on the market, I dare say."

"What's more, it is safe and reliable in operation, occupies less land, and is easier to use and maintain. I think those coal mines will be happy to pay for our mine pumps, because it can help them to the greatest extent when they rescue coal mines. drain."

"good very good!"

Zhao Shanhe patted Gao Shaoyuan's shoulder gently with a smile.

"Senior engineer, your lab has done a great job this time."

"It's rare that your boss will praise us, but why do you have time to hang around my place today? You didn't come here to show off your new Tiger Head Ben, did you? Let me tell you, if you dare to show off again Believe it or not, I'll drive it away in a while." Gao Shaoyuan walked to the side, poured two glasses of water and brought them over to joke.

"If it's a big deal, don't you just drive away? Just drive." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

"Forget it, I don't want to be so ostentatious. Tell me, do you have something to say when you come here today?" Gao Shaoyuan asked.


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"I know that you can't hide anything from you. It's like this. When I went to buy a Tiger Head Ben yesterday, I encountered something... At that time, I was thinking that a front windshield costs four to five thousand. What a profit. You said that if we can also develop this kind of tempered glass, wouldn’t it be able to fill the gap in our country.”

Gao Shaoyuan's expression was a little casual at first, but he became serious after listening to it. He tapped his fingers on his knees, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his brain was spinning at high speed.

"You are right. Tempered glass is indeed a blank field in our country. Although there are several glass factories in China, the quality of tempered glass they produce is very poor, and some even have no tempered glass technology. .”

"If this tempered glass can really be developed, there will definitely be a market in our country in the future."

"Really? I think so too."

Zhao Shanhe took out a cigarette and was about to light it when Gao Shaoyuan stared at him unkindly. Suddenly realizing that this was a laboratory, he smiled at Gao Shaoyuan and put the cigarette back.

"As you know, the market in our country is so vast. This big market is not only about automotive glass, but also other fields that need toughened glass. If we can do this, we can definitely say that the future is bright .”

"But this is easier said than done."

Gao Shaoyuan frowned slightly.

"Like other products, if we want to use them, Hetu Manufacturing can manufacture them. As for tempered glass, it needs specific equipment to produce it. Even if I do research on my side, I need matching equipment Material."

"These are not problems, buy!" Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"Yes, the materials for the laboratory can be bought, but for the production line? Do you also buy them directly? It's not that you can't buy them, but in that case, the investment will be too large and it will be very troublesome." Gao Shaoyuan frowned slightly.

"No trouble."

Zhao Shanhe had thought about this question a long time ago, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Gao Gong, when the time comes, we can just buy a glass factory directly. In this way, it can be put into production at any time, and it will be easier for you to carry out research and development."

"Buy a factory?"

Hearing this, the corners of Gao Shaoyuan's mouth twitched slightly, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Director, you've been a little drifting lately, this is not a good sign."

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed heartily.

"Whether it floats or not is my business, you are responsible for the research and development. Then this matter is settled, but you don't have to worry too much, wait until you get the mine pump thing done first."

"it is good!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe wanted to continue to have an in-depth chat with Gao Shaoyuan, his elder brother rang loudly.

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