"Shanhe, are you saying that there is no room for maneuver in this matter?"


Zhao Shanhe sneered and looked over with deep meaning.

"Zhou Angong, are you here on behalf of Pei Yingzhang?"

"No, no, absolutely not, I'm here purely for my aunt." Zhou Angong waved his hand quickly.

"Better so."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Zhou Angong coldly and nodded, and said slowly: "Do you need to talk more about Pei Yingzhang and my aunt? A man who is cheating and irresponsible to his family deserves it."

"So the three things you said just now are both my sister's and mine. You just need to convey these conditions to him, and you can leave the rest alone."

"Okay, then I know."

Zhou Angong stopped speaking for Pei Yingzhang, because he knew that Pei Yingzhang was finished.Since you are dead and useless, why should I plead for you.

"Shanhe, I have something else I want to tell you."

Zhou Angong hesitated.

"what's up?"

"It's like this. You also know that Pei Yingzhang and I have a cooperative relationship. Now his factory is out of business, and my business has also been affected. It doesn't matter if you say it's just me, but the problem is, because of my business, I Mom worried about me all day at home, and cried in the house several times at night."

When Zhou Angong said this, he sighed.

"Do you think I can just watch her worry about me like this? So look, can I cooperate with your Jiuquan Manufacturing? Not for anything else, just to make my mother not worry."

After speaking, Zhou Angong looked over expectantly.

Seeing his eyes, Zhao Shanhe was quite speechless.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless.

Zhou Angong, in order to let me do business with Jiuquan Manufacturing, you even pushed my aunt out.You want to play the favor card with my aunt, right?But you don't know, the more you do this, the more I hate you.

"You can go to the people made by Jiuquan to talk about the cooperation. I won't interfere."

"Mountains and rivers!"

"If you want nothing to do, please go, I still have something to do here."

Zhao Shanhe stood up decisively without giving Zhou Angong a chance to continue speaking.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's resolute refusal expression, Zhou Angong didn't insist on continuing, he knew he had to give Zhao Shanhe some time to get used to it.After all, the former self was very contemptuous of others.

This means that Zhao Shanhe can still treat him like this, if he encounters this, let alone talk so calmly, you don't even want to come in my room.

"Then I'll go back first, and I'll wait for your news."

Zhou Angong got up and left.

Watching his back disappear from his eyes, the corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth curled up, but he didn't say much.

On the same day, Zhou Angong told Pei Yingzhang about this matter. When he heard that Zhao Yongrui offered such a condition, Pei Yingzhang was very angry. He really didn't expect that a couple who are married for a night can be kind for a hundred days, and a couple for a hundred days is like the depth of the sea. Well, Zhao Yongrui is no bullshit here, she would treat herself so cruelly.

"She wants me to leave the house? There is no door! You go and tell her, tell her to die as soon as possible!"

"Little uncle, let's talk about it, you'd better calm down." Zhou Angong comforted.

Pei Yingzhang's eyes widened: "Calm down? Why do you want me to be calm? She has already offered such a condition. If I keep calm, am I still a man?"

"Anyway, I brought it with you. You'd better think carefully about what to do."

After Zhou Angong finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the room.


Pei Yingzhang grabbed the teacup in front of him and smashed it to the ground.

"Too much bullying! Your old Zhao family is too bullying! Do you really think that I, Pei Yingzhang, have no skills at all? Let me tell you, I will never compromise! Don't you want a divorce? Okay, then I will do it Consume, let's see who consumes whom!"

However, only two days later, Pei Yingzhang and Zhao Yongrui went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the divorce procedures.


Because Zhao Yongrui lost his temper.

Pei Yingzhang never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe just cut off all cooperation with him, and those people in the factory panicked, and they even stood on Zhao Yongrui's side all at once.

What he didn't even expect was that he thought he had fully controlled the factory, but who would have thought that many people in the factory had been arranged by Zhao Yongrui long ago.

He became a loner overnight.

"Now you agree to sign the divorce, and I will leave you this house, or you will have nothing."

Hearing Zhao Yongrui's words, Pei Yingzhang finally compromised.

He didn't expect that there would be no place to live in the end.

What's more, he had some savings before, so he could barely survive.In this case, then hurry up and sign while Zhao Yongrui is still able to speak well, and don't really become a pauper in the end.

When Zhao Shanhe knew this, he smiled.

"Sister, what are you going to do next? Do you want to sell the factory? Or continue to operate?"

"I want to continue to open the factory." Zhao Yongrui said.

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe smiled calmly, picked up a contract on the table and handed it over.

"This is my gift to you."

Cooperation book!

The moment she saw this, Zhao Yongrui stood up excitedly, and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Shanhe, thank you, with this letter of cooperation, I can completely revitalize the factory."

"Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? We are a family."

"Yes, they are all family."

That's the end of the matter.

As for Pei Yingzhang's life and death, that's not something Zhao Shanhe would take care of, and he doesn't bother to take care of it.

Time soon came to the beginning of October in [-].

During this period of time, Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing and Zhao Xiaobai Winery have all developed very well, and everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.The orders of each factory can be processed in the first time without any delay.

As for the factory director of Jiuquan Manufacturing, Yang E has been temporarily serving as the director.

No way, no one asked Yang E to find a suitable candidate to replace her.

As for finding someone to deal with Zhao Shanhe at random, Yang E would not do such a thing, after all, she has to be responsible for more than 400 workers in Jiuquan Manufacturing.

Looking at Zhao Shanhe, he also devoted himself to the development of the factory.

Things to do every day are also very simple. After inspecting the three factories one by one to ensure that there are no major problems in each factory, he either goes straight into Gao Shaoyuan's laboratory, or goes to Xiao Mingyu's laboratory to stay for a long time.

In his plan, everyone can rest, only the laboratory cannot.

Gao Shaoyuan has developed a mining pump and is currently in the trial production stage.As long as there is no problem with the quality of the produced mining pumps, mass production can be done in the next step.

After this matter was settled, Gao Shaoyuan began to develop tempered glass.

But Gao Shaoyuan, who had never been in contact with tempered glass before, was a little scratching his head in the face of such a brand new field.All he can do is to move forward steadily, making sure that there are no surprises in every step.

Fortunately, Zhao Shanhe didn't urge him, otherwise Gao Shaoyuan would really have to live in the laboratory.

While Gao Shaoyuan's side was busy, Xiao Mingyu's side didn't stop.According to Zhao Shanhe's suggestion, she is conducting research and development of new products for the current Xiangpiaopiao milk tea.

Everything is moving forward according to Zhao Shanhe's plan.

It wasn't until Li Xiangyang walked into the office in a hurry that day that the quiet atmosphere had been broken all along.And when he heard the news from Li Xiangyang, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being a little dazed on the spot.

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