Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 546 1 Family Don't Say 2 Family Chapters

"Little sister!"

Zhao Shanhe got out of the car a little excitedly.

"You are finally here."

"Shanhe, why did you come back from outside? I was just about to call you." Zhao Yongrui looked at the Tiger Ben in front of him with a surprised expression.

"Is this your car?"

"Yeah, the new car I just picked up today."

Zhao Shanhe took the initiative to take the leather bag from Zhao Yongrui's hand and said, "Sister-in-law, let's go, let's talk in the factory."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe turned his head and waved at the owner of the newsstand.

"Uncle Liu, let's go first."

"Director Zhao, is this your sister-in-law?"

"Yes, my sister-in-law." Zhao Shanhe smiled and put away his purse before getting in the car and leaving.

"Is this Tiger Head Ben?"

Seeing this brand-new and imposing limousine gradually go away, the newsstand owner couldn't help sighing to himself: "This director Zhao is really young and promising, it's only been less than a year. Changed to Daben."

It wasn't just the owner of the newsstand who was shocked. When this Tiger Head Ben appeared in Shanqiu Food, all the people who saw this car were shocked, and they all gathered around this car to admire it.

"Is this the legendary Tiger Head Ben?"

"How can such a car be more expensive than the Crown? I'm afraid it will cost more than 50 yuan?"

"More than 50 yuan? Tsk tsk, 50 yuan is only enough for you to buy four wheels. Let me tell you, this car costs at least 100 million yuan to start. The problem is, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it."

"Now our factory manager Zhao is very powerful."


All the workers looked at Hutouben excitedly, but none of them were jealous.

Because they all know that if it weren't for Zhao Shanhe, they wouldn't have such a happy life now.So even if they saw Zhao Shanhe changing cars, some of them were just envious, and some were just proud. If it was said to the outside world, it was their director Zhao who could afford to run like a tiger.

in the office.

Zhao Shanhe was not in the mood to care about the commotion caused by Hutouben, he was talking with Zhao Yongrui.At this time, Li Qiuya who got the news also hurried over, and she sat next to Zhao Yongrui after she came in.

"Sister-in-law, how is the situation over there?"

Some questions are more suitable for Li Qiuya to ask than for Zhao Shanhe.


Zhao Yongrui hesitated.

"Sister-in-law, we are all a family. Shanhe and I know about you, so don't hide it. If there is anything we can help, just tell us directly. No matter how you say it, we all know about it. I won't just watch you being bullied."

Li Qiuya took Zhao Yongrui's hand and spoke softly.

"Yes, sister, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I want to divorce Pei Yingzhang!"

"I want Pei Yingzhang to leave the house clean!"

"I want to take back the factory that belongs to me!"

Zhao Yongrui raised his head, and after glancing at Li Qiuya, his eyes fell on Zhao Shanhe, with a firm tone and a calm expression, a few tears fell from the corners of his eyes, which were quickly wiped away by her.

She didn't just talk casually.

She said it after careful consideration.

That's what she's asking for.

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth raised.

"Take back the factory?"

Li Qiuya asked with some doubts: "Sister, isn't that factory owned by Pei Yingzhang? Why did you say it was yours?"

"That's mine."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yongrui became agitated. She stared at Li Qiuya and said: "When I started my business, I took out the money I brought from home to build the factory. After it was built, it was also I kept running for this factory, and only then did I have the current scale of the factory.”

"Even now, I'm still the deputy director of this factory, in charge of finance and sales. It's just that in the past two years, Pei Yingzhang tried every means to let me rest at home with various excuses and reasons."

"It's also my fault that I was blind at the time. I thought he really cared about me, so he let me stay at home. I didn't expect that it was not the case at all. He did this in order to kick me out of the factory. That is, he can seek flowers and ask willows more freely."

As he spoke, Zhao Yongrui's eyes became sharper.

"So now I not only want to divorce him, but also take back the factory that should belong to me. I want Pei Yingzhang to know what retribution is, and I want him to see if he becomes a pauper, who will follow him ? Will that vixen still cling to him with all his heart?"

"In this case……"

"Then do what you tell me!"

Li Qiuya was about to say something, but Zhao Shanhe said decisively: "Sister, don't worry, I will help you with this matter. I will fulfill the three conditions you set out for you."

"Shanhe, I will trouble you." Zhao Yongrui said with some embarrassment.

"We are all one family, so don't talk about the two families. Auntie, you probably don't have a place to go during this time, or you can stay here for a few days first, and I will help you with this matter in the next two days. As for the future, we will wait until this matter is completed." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you!"

Zhao Yongrui nodded.

"Then let's pack up and go home. It's time to get off work anyway. At home in the evening, let Qiu Ya cook a few dishes for you, and you can try her cooking."

"it is good!"


Zhao Yongrui stayed at Zhao Shanhe's home that night.

And when she saw this courtyard house, she was completely surprised.She didn't expect Zhao Shanhe's home to be so beautiful, it was far beyond her expectations.

"I came here once when you were married. I remember that it wasn't like this at that time, right?"

"Yes, that's not the case. Later, we bought several small courtyards in the surrounding area, and then opened up the decoration to look like this."

Li Qiuya was busy in the kitchen, and said with a smile through the glass window: "Shanhe said, we want to live here for the rest of our lives, so we have to live happily, that's why we pretended to be like this."

"Sister-in-law, you can go to the backyard and have a look. There is a small garden there, which is very suitable for self-cultivation. If you like it, you can live in the backyard tonight."

"I gonna go see."

Zhao Yongrui walked over after speaking.

"Sister-in-law, wait for me, I will accompany you there."

Zhao Shanhe took Zhao Yongrui through a moon gate and came to the backyard.And seeing that the backyard is really as artistic as Li Qiuya said, Zhao Yongrui's restless heart for the past two days finally calmed down slowly.

She turned around to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said with a choked up voice, "Shanhe, sister-in-law wants to say thank you. Unexpectedly, at this time, you are the one who can help sister-in-law. In fact, you can completely ignore this matter."

"Sister-in-law, look at what you said, how can I not care about this? Your business is my business. My dad always told me that you are his most beloved little sister, and you take good care of our family. You said It’s fine if you’re fine, since something’s going on, if I want to stand by and watch, then what’s the point? Then how can I be your nephew?”

Zhao Shanhe said seriously.

"Brother really gave birth to a good son." Zhao Yongrui wiped away tears and nodded with emotion.

After she sat down, she pointed to the chair in front of her and said, "Shanhe, sit down, I have something to tell you."

"it is good!"

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