Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 545 Looking for someone?who?

"Director Yang, from now on you will be the Chief Technical Engineer of Hetu Manufacturing."

Yang Dapao froze on the spot.

The Chief Technical Engineer of Hetu Manufacturing?How did it happen?Instead of being demoted, have I been promoted?

You must know that this title is much higher than that of the factory director of Jiuquan Manufacturing. After all, Jiuquan Manufacturing is just a subordinate unit of Hetu Manufacturing, and its development is limited.However, Hetu Manufacturing is different. He has a Jiuquan Manufacturing today, and there may be a new subordinate unit tomorrow.

At that time, I will be the chief technical engineer of all subordinate units, and this transfer is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step.

How could Yang Dapao not be shocked?

"Director Zhao, are you serious?" Yang Dapao asked in a trembling voice.

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said in a gentle tone: "Knowing people and being good at their duties has always been my standard for employing people. Director Yang, since you are not comfortable being the factory director here at Jiuquan Manufacturing, let you do what you are good at. .”

"But I went to Hetu to make it all at once, isn't it a bit of a big step?" Yang Dapao still couldn't help feeling a little worried, worried that he would be gossiped.

"What's big? With your ability, it's not big at all."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Then this matter is settled like this. I will issue a notice of appointment and dismissal tomorrow. By then, you will be the chief technical engineer of Hetu Manufacturing!"

"it is good!"

Yang Dapao nodded happily.

This is a good thing for everyone.

As for the vacated position of factory director, since she had handed it over to Yang E anyway, she had to be selected by Zhuo Shao.If there is no one who is competent, she can only be the first.

"Director Zhao, I'll lead you, let's go to Jiuquan Manufacturing."

"it is good!"


Shengli District, Nanjue County.

Pei family.

Looking at the wine bottles all over the floor and smelling the pungent smell of alcohol in the air, Zhou Angong squeezed his nose hard, hurried over to open the window, and breathed in the fresh air outside before he exhaled heavily.

This is too exaggerated.

The whole room was a dump!

How could it be like this when my aunt was here?How warm and cozy this place is, how elegant and elegant it is, but now it is a typical mess, and you can even see several flies flying around.

"Little uncle, how much wine have you drunk?"

Looking at Pei Yingzhang who just opened the door for himself, Zhou Angong asked speechlessly.

"How did you come?"

Pei Yingzhang's eyes were bloodshot, his hair was as fluffy as a chicken coop, and he was yawning with his mouth open.

"If I don't come again, you will be useless! Little uncle, it's only been a few days, how come you have become like this. You have to cheer up! If you fall down, what will the factory do?" Zhou Angong looked anxious .

"You want to say that if I fall down, you will have no place to make money?" Pei Yingzhang picked up the water glass on the table, and when he found that there was no water, he went to the water pipe to take a glass, and drank it down.

"Yes, if you fall down, I will have no place to make money, so I don't want you to fall down, you have to cheer up!"

"Cheer yourself up!"

Pei Yingzhang grabbed the water glass and slammed it on the table. Amid the low crash, his eyes were red and he said, "Do you think I haven't cheered up? Do you think I haven't done any work? I did, it's useless!"

"You also know that I put all my money into the cooperation with Jiuquan Manufacturing, but now Jiuquan Manufacturing has suddenly canceled all cooperation with me. I have no money, and I am completely useless."

"What about the cooperation with others?" Zhou Angong asked.

"Where is the cooperation with others! Why do you think others cooperate with me? It's not because Jiuquan Manufacturing cooperates with me. Now that Jiuquan Manufacturing doesn't cooperate with me, will they still cooperate with me? Impossible!"

"So it's hopeless, my factory is hopeless, and I can only watch helplessly, waiting for it to close down!" Pei Yingzhang roared like an enraged beast.

"Then what should we do now? Should we just wait and go bankrupt?" Zhou Angong asked.

"Of course not!"

Pei Yingzhang rolled his eyes and grabbed Zhou Angong's arm suddenly, causing him to take two steps back in fright.

"Little uncle, what are you doing?"

"An Gong, listen, now I can only rely on you. You go to Zhao Shanhe now, as long as you find him and let him continue to cooperate with me, then our business can continue. Not only can we continue, but with Zhao Shanhe With the relationship between mountains and rivers, we can still make a fortune." Pei Yingzhang said in a hasty tone with eager eyes.

"Me? Go find Zhao Shanhe?"

Zhou Angong broke away without a trace, and said mockingly: "Little uncle, it's not that I didn't go to look for it, but did I go to look for the steward? Do you think Zhao Shanhe will look at me rightly?"

"How will you know if you don't try it? Go, hurry up, and settle this matter early." Pei Yingzhang said.

"Then I'll try it, but I don't dare to guarantee it." Zhou Angong said helplessly, not forgetting to give Pei Yingzhang a vaccination first.

"Go ahead, try it out." Seeing that Zhou Angong agreed, Pei Yingzhang's eyes lit up again.


Zhou Angong turned his head and walked out of the room.

"Little uncle, don't drink too much, this place is so smelly that no one can live in it, go to the factory quickly."

"I know."

After walking out, Zhou Angong slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Oops, I forgot to ask about my uncle and aunt. Where did my aunt go when she wasn't home? Forget it, let's talk about it later. Anyway, a person as old as my aunt is not a child."


A newsstand on the side of Shanqiu Food Road in Zhenghe County.

Zhao Yongrui is standing here.

She looked up at the gate of Shanqiu Food not far away, watching the trucks coming in and out continuously, with a complicated expression on her face.According to her character, she is not willing to come here.But thinking about his current troubles, it seems that only Zhao Shanhe and his nephew can help him solve them.

"Is the business of Shanqiu Foods so hot?"

Zhao Yongrui talked to herself subconsciously.

"Are you from out of town?"

Just as she said this, the newsstand owner smiled and arranged several newspapers.

"Yes! I'm from Nanjue County." Zhao Yongrui nodded.

"I'll just say it. You can tell from what you said just now that you are not from our locality. As long as you are from our Zhenghe County, you will not say this, because everyone knows how big the business of Shanqiu Food is. Their products are so popular." The boss laughed.

"Boss, is this Shanqiu food really as powerful as you say?" Zhao Yongrui asked.

"Of course, let me tell you, what I'm talking about is superficial. This Shanqiu food is much more powerful than what I said. Their Yile chewing gum and Xiangpiaopiao milk tea are sold all over the country. Think about it. How big is the market."

"Also, have you seen the factory opposite?"

The owner of the newsstand pointed to the opposite factory area and said: "It used to be a cannery called Lvyuan over there, but it was taken down by Shanqiu Foods after it couldn't continue to work. You said that if Shanqiu can't do it, you can still buy the factory like this ?”

"It's quite powerful." Zhao Yongrui said.

"So you're here looking for a job?"

"Looking for a job?" Zhao Yongrui was slightly taken aback.

"You look like you are looking for a job. Let me tell you, come here. As long as you can be admitted by Shanqiu Food, I guarantee that you will have no problem supporting your family." The owner of the newsstand laughed.

"I'm not here to find a job, I'm here to find someone." Zhao Yongrui said.

"Looking for someone? Who?"


Before Zhao Yongrui finished speaking, a Hutou Ben drove over from a distance and stopped in front of the newsstand.

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