Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 544 Do You Enjoy That Feeling?

"Director, it's not good, something happened!"

Yang Dapao was surprised: "What happened?"

"Our No. [-] production line stopped for some reason."


Yang Dapao's scalp felt numb for a while, this can't stop, you must know that now is the peak order period for Jiuquan Manufacturing, and the daily task load has been arranged in advance, even if you stop production for one day, it may cause immeasurable losses.

"Hurry up and have a look." Yang Dapao rushed out with a wave of his big hand.


The third workshop.

All the workers were helpless looking at the machine in front of them. They didn't know what was going on, and it stopped suddenly.They also reported to the maintenance workshop, but the maintenance workers over there came and looked at it for a long time, but they couldn't find out what the problem was.

"You say it's a waste of time."

"That's right, it needs to be fixed quickly."

"If it can't be repaired, it will be troublesome, and our order will have to be postponed."

"The factory manager is here, everyone give way."

Yang Dapao came here soon, and after asking about the situation carefully, he stepped forward and began to investigate. After 5 minutes, he stood in front of a boiler, pointed to the boiler and said calmly, "This is the problem!"


"Yes, the temperature of the boiler was too high, which caused the production line to stop. If I guessed correctly, it should be that the parts in the boiler were burned out, and this part was installed very cleverly, not everyone knows So, Xiao Du, bring me the maintenance kit and welding tools, and I'll go in and have a look."

Yang Dapao started to take off his clothes as he spoke.

Xiao Du said worriedly: "Director, let me go in."

Yang Dapao stared: "You go? Do you know which part it is? Stop the ink and give it to me quickly!"


A group of workers gathered around the boiler, just watching Yang Dapao get in, everyone was worried.Although they said they knew that Yang Dapao was an old skilled worker, they were not afraid of [-] but just in case. If something happened to him inside, the consequences would be disastrous.

10 minute later.

While everyone was waiting anxiously, Yang Dapao got out from inside, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

Yang Dapao patted the dust off his body, and said with a smile: "It should be fine, try closing the gate."

"It's really all right."

"Great, the factory manager is awesome!"

"It is worthy of being the number one mechanic made by our Jiuquan, amazing!"

The onlookers cheered immediately, and there was a warm applause at the scene.

"Stop making fooling around here, hurry up and do your work."

Yang Dapao waved his hand, and everyone dispersed.

"Hey, Director Zhao!"

Almost at the same time when all the workers returned to their respective posts, Yang Dapao's eyes lit up and he saw Zhao Shanhe standing in front.He hurried forward and said eagerly, "Director Zhao, when did you come?"

"It came when you got into the boiler." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Drill the boiler?"

Yang Dapao looked at Zhao Shanhe and said with a smile: "This production line had some minor problems just now, but they have been resolved."

"Is it really just a small problem? Director Yang, you must know that I have always said that safety is no small matter, and safe production is the top priority that must be guaranteed. Are you sure there is really no problem here? This boiler does not need to be replaced ?” Zhao Shanhe looked at the boiler solemnly and asked.

"Need not!"

When it came to professional issues, Yang Dapao immediately said confidently: "There is nothing wrong with this boiler, but the parts inside are broken. In the future, as long as they are replaced on time, normal operation can be guaranteed."

Zhao Shanhe nodded with understanding: "That's fine, Director Yang, let's go outside and chat for a while."

"it is good!"

Walking on the internal road made by Jiuquan, looking at the lush trees all around, Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"Director Yang, you should know the purpose of my visit this time, right?"

"I can guess."

Yang Dapao showed a wry smile, and said self-deprecatingly: "It should be because of my position as factory director."

"In that case, Director Zhao, I would like to resign."

Yang Dapao took a deep breath with a serious expression.

"Please resign?"

Zhao Shanhe stopped, stood under a poplar tree, and asked with a smile, "Director Yang, are you serious?"


Yang Dapao said frankly: "I'm talking about this very seriously, Director Zhao, I'm going to ask you to resign now, and resign from the position of director of Jiuquan Manufacturing."

After saying this, Yang Dapao finally fell to the ground with a big stone that had been weighing on his heart all this time, and his mood instantly became much easier.

It turns out that some things are not as serious as you think.Before you speak out, you may worry about gains and losses.But when you really say it and prepare to face it, you will suddenly find that it is actually very simple.

If one word had to be used to describe Yang Dapao's current mood, it would be relief.

"Do you really want to resign so much?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Yang Dapao nodded, and said seriously: "Actually, I also know that my personality is not suitable to be the director of this factory, but the situation at that time was not special. You let me be me. Now Jiuquan Manufacturing has entered the right track. , If I say that I will continue to be nostalgic for this position, it will seem a bit petty."

"Besides, I figured it out just now."

Yang Dapao looked at the position of the third workshop as he spoke, recalling the scene of being surrounded by workers congratulating, praising, and affirming just now, and said with a smile: "Now Jiuquan Manufacturing can be the factory director, but it doesn't mean Anyone can be a mechanic."

"The field I am really good at is manufacturing. In this case, I will go back to my production line and work on the front line. By the way, I will give pointers and cultivate the technical strength of our Jiuquan Manufacturing. This is what I should do most things. I also enjoy that feeling of being affirmed.”

"So Director Zhao, please remove my position as Factory Director. Even if you don't remove me, I will resign voluntarily. I have already made up my mind that I will go to work on the front line."

Yang Dapao looked over persistently.

Do you enjoy that feeling?

Zhao Shanhe could understand this, and what Yang Dapao said was like scientific research on Gao Shaoyuan.What he likes most is to conduct scientific research and creation in the laboratory. Even if you give him a factory manager to do it, he will not be happy.

In the laboratory, Gao Shaoyuan enjoys himself.

And Yang Dapao's favorite should be the front line of production.

Thinking of the fact that Yang Dapao went directly into the boiler maintenance regardless of the danger just now, Zhao Shanhe raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "Director Yang, since you've talked all about this, then I've made a decision."

Yang Dapao looked over expectantly.

"I have decided to remove you from the position of director of Jiuquan Manufacturing Factory."

Zhao Shanhe stared straight ahead and announced slowly.

The moment he heard this, Yang Dapao couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief. Anyway, although he was really dismissed, he was somewhat regretful and disappointed, but it was nothing compared to the ease of resignation. Mentioning.

You don't have to scratch your head over these things anymore.

"Thank you Director Zhao, I..."

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet."

Zhao Shanhe interrupted Yang Dapao, and what he said immediately made Yang Dapao stunned.

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