Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 522 Don't give me this set!

Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory.

"Director Li, you can't go in like this."

"Go away!"

"Director Li, our Director Wang is having a meeting in the office, you can't go in, you..."

"I told you to go, didn't you hear? You go aside!"


Li Shifan, who was blocked by the secretary, didn't have the mood to tangle with her. After pushing her away, he kicked open the door of the office, and then walked in with great strides.

"Director Wang, I said you were in a meeting, but Director Li!"

"It's okay, you go out first!"

Wang Luya, who was in a meeting, saw the angry Li Shifan, and waved at the secretary and several executives in the factory. After they left, she walked over to close the door, and then said to Li Shifan : "Director Li, why are you so angry?"

"You say that?"

How does Li Shifan feel about Wang Luya now?

"Wang Luya, you are good enough. What did we say before we went to Zhao Shanhe? Did we agree to advance and retreat together? But what did you do? You turned around and sold me! You are fine now, I signed a contract with Zhao Shanhe, but what about me? What about our Qingshan Ceramics? Just like this, I became your cannon fodder and victim, right?"

"Don't you think it's shameful to step on our shoulders like this?"

"You really opened my eyes!"

Li Shifan didn't have any intention of holding back and enduring it, and vented all the anger in his heart. That's not counting, his staring eyes showed a kind of undisguised coldness and anger.

His hatred for Wang Luya is even stronger now than for Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe, you have your own considerations, but how can you, Wang Luya, betray our alliance?If you say you won't betray, even if Zhao Shanhe wants to cooperate with you, he still has to consider the attitude of our Qingshan Ceramics, right?Maybe in that case, both of us can reach a cooperation intention with him.

Fortunately, our Qingshan Ceramics has been completely eliminated.

The purpose is to complete your Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory!

Complete your Wang Luya's reputation!

Don't you think it's rude to do so?

"Director Li, calm down, come, sit down and drink some tea, let's talk about this slowly." Wang Luya brought a cup of tea and said gently with a smile.

"The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy, I don't drink it! Give me less!"

Li Shifan waved his hand as he spoke, and unintentionally knocked over the teacup on the spot.


With the crisp sound, the teacup fell to the ground and broke into pieces, and a few drops of hot tea splashed onto Wang Luya's arm, and the instant pain made her cry out subconsciously.

"Director Wang, are you okay?"

The deputy factory directors who heard the movement rushed in through the door.

They didn't dare to leave, for fear that Li Shifan's head would get hot and he would do something to hurt Wang Luya.No, they guessed it right, Wang Luya was actually burned.

"Do you want to go to the infirmary?"


After Wang Luya waved her hand to indicate that there was nothing serious, when she looked at Li Shifan again, her eyes had become cold, and they were no longer as gentle and friendly as before.

"Li Shifan, listen to me, this is my Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory, it's my Wang Luya's site, not your Qingshan Ceramics, it's not a place where you can show off your power and be unscrupulous!"


"What are you?"

Wang Luya's face was covered with frost, her tone was cold and piercing.

"Why did Director Zhao Shanhe choose our Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory instead of you? Don't you have any idea? Tell me about you. When you go to someone else's territory, you just open your mouth and shut it up with a haughty look. See Your posture, it seems that you are not asking for help, but a savior who is giving others a chance and giving alms."

"If it were you, what would you think if you met someone like you?"

"Of course, Mr. Zhao, the factory director, has a lot of people. He doesn't have the same knowledge as you, so you don't want to make a fool of yourself here! Let me tell you, people will choose us and reject you. The reason is not as complicated as you think, it is pure because of product issues."

"Product problem? What could be wrong with my product?" Li Shifan shouted unwillingly with a blank face.

"What are your products? They are all floor tiles. What you Qingshan Ceramics sells are either floor tiles or ceramic tiles. How do you let them give those dealers as gifts? Or do you think that their dealers don't sell these products?" Wang Luya Said harshly.


"You have nothing to say, right? How come you can't figure out such an obvious thing?"

"Tell me about you. If you can talk to people in a good voice, maybe they will give you a chance, but who would have thought that you would do that. So don't even think about it, your Qingshan Ceramics There is no play, and if there is no play, don’t blame others, just blame you, you killed yourself.”

After Wang Luya finished speaking, she pointed to the door.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say. If you still have any dissatisfaction, you can go to Director Zhao and ask, or you can go to the county to talk to the leaders. But please don't come to me again. Yes, please remember to knock on the door first when you come again in the future, you can't say that you don't even understand the basic rules of manners for such a grown-up person?"


Li Shifan, who was scolded so coldly by Wang Luya, wanted to defend himself, but after seeing Wang Luya's indifferent expression, he could only stand up embarrassingly and walk out.

"Listen, tell the guards that no matter who wants to come to our factory in the future, they must check and check carefully, and don't let cats and dogs in casually."

Wang Luya said coldly.


A cat or a dog?

Li Shifan strode away with a livid face.

"Wang Luya, do you think you can humiliate me like this after you climbed a high branch? You wait for me, this matter is not over! And you, Zhao Shanhe, dared to reject me in front of me, and turned around to talk to Wang Luya. Bitch cooperates, you two are not good people, just wait for me, I will settle this account with you sooner or later!"

Li Shifan roared in his heart.


As the dust settled on this matter, many manufacturers in the business circles of Zhenghe County also began to have a stronger interest in Zhao Shanhe.

What they thought at first was that Zhao Shanhe might not care about their lives, but now it seems that they are not. Isn't the case of Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory the best proof?

This shows that as long as the right entry point is found, it is entirely possible to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe.

When Du Jingming knew this, his expression was calm.

Because the result of this matter is similar to what he guessed, he knows that Zhao Shanhe is not a greedy person, if it is possible, Zhao Shanhe is still willing to help other factories.

"Leader, now Li Shifan is talking everywhere, saying bad things about Zhao Shanhe and Wang Luya. Some words are even more harsh, do you think we want to interfere?" Gu Changbei said in a low voice.

Speak ill?

Spread rumors?

A cold light flashed in Du Jingming's eyes, he was more and more disappointed with Li Shifan, he opened his mouth slowly.

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