Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 521 One arrow and three carvings, isn't it good?

"Director Zhao, thank you very much for lending a helping hand to our Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory when we were in trouble, but I have a question I want to ask you, is it convenient for you to talk about it?"

"You ask."

"I want to know why you rejected Li Shifan just now? I think our factory is not as big as Qingshan Ceramics when it comes to scale. When it comes to fame, it is not as loud as Qingshan Ceramics. Even if you want to find a partner, it should be with Qingshan Ceramics." Do you want to cooperate with ceramics? Why did you choose us?" Wang Luya asked expectantly.

She is curious about this.

"I thought you were asking something, just this?"

"I'm just asking this casually. It's fine if it's not convenient to answer." Wang Luya said quickly, she didn't want to make any troubles.

"There is nothing difficult to answer. In fact, this matter is easy to talk about. The product is not right." Zhao Shanhe shrugged his shoulders, with an indifferent expression on his face, and said lightly.

"The product is wrong?"

Wang Luya was a little stunned.

"As you know, even if the products we make are to give gifts to customers, we can only choose those that are distinctive and easy to carry. Obviously, your embroidery is much better than ceramics. Ceramics are heavy, besides When have you ever seen someone buy wine and give ceramics away, haven’t you?” Zhao Shanhe explained slowly.

"You're right, ceramics are indeed not as easy to carry as our embroidery. Regardless, this matter is ultimately thanks to Director Zhao. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to handle this matter."

Wang Luya no longer entangled with Li Shifan's affairs, but said gratefully.

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands nonchalantly: "Let's help each other, Director Wang, then follow what we just said."

"Okay! Then I'll go back and prepare." Wang Luya stood up after she finished speaking.

"I'll see you off." Zhao Shanhe also stood up.

"No, just stay."

When Zhao Shanhe sent Wang Luya out of the office and there were only three people left, Li Xiangyang raised the corners of his lips: "Is this Li Shifan crazy? How dare he speak to us in such a condescending manner? Look at him like that. It is pity that he gave us alms, not came to ask us for help."

"So he failed, and Wang Luya succeeded, which proves that you should keep a low profile in your life." Yang E laughed.

"You guys!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and looked at the two speechlessly.

"Do you think I rejected Li Shifan because of the way he spoke?"

"Isn't it?" Li Xiangyang asked back.

"Well, I don't deny it, there is indeed part of the reason."

Zhao Shanhe laughed, and said without taking it seriously: "I also can't understand his arrogant appearance. He came here to ask for help, but he put on an arrogant posture. Who is he showing his arrogance? No wonder others It is said that the failure of Tsingshan Ceramics is not the failure of the product, but the failure of the manager, and it is true.”

"That's right, this Li Shifan just lacks education. He made good Qingshan ceramics like this, and he came here to show off his might. But factory manager, have you really decided to cooperate with Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory? You need to know our Zhao Xiaobai , it should be said that it is not necessary to increase sales by selling gifts." Li Xiangyang asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Zhao Xiaobai did not reach that point, but there is no harm if we do this."

Zhao Shanhe drank two sips of tea, and said slowly: "You must know that the embroidery from Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory was not too expensive in the first place, but now we are being given an ex-factory price. Even if it is to help them, we will A helping hand should be given."

"What's more, unlike Qingshan ceramics, our Xiaolugou embroidery is an exclusive business in the entire Zhenghe County and even the entire Handong City. This can be regarded as a business card of our county, and it can be regarded as a kind of intangible cultural heritage."

"You said, we don't have the strength to forget it. Now that we have the strength, can we watch such an intangible cultural heritage disappear like this?"

"Yes, the factory manager is right. We can't let such intangible cultural heritage disappear before our eyes. We should help them. And, even if we help, I think the production capacity of Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory can also produce Not much, we can completely digest it." Yang E laughed.

"That's what worries me too."

Li Xiangyang frowned, and said with some concern: "You said, if their production capacity is high, we can send one piece of embroidery to each box of Zhao Xiaobai, but now their production capacity can't catch up with ours. Under such circumstances, how can we Send one piece per box? Impossible! This is a troublesome thing."

"That's right." Yang E also felt troubled.

"You guys, what are you thinking about!"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the two people who were in trouble, and curled his lips speechlessly.

"Who told you I wanted one piece of embroidery in every case?"

"Isn't it?" Yang E asked in surprise.

"of course not."

Zhao Shanhe put down the water glass slowly, and said as a matter of course: "You also said that the production capacity of embroidery is not high, and it cannot keep up with our production. If this is the case, it can only be presented in different grades. Zhao Xiaobai in small bottles Not at all, only in large bottles. And when delivering, it must be based on the order quantity."

"If there are many orders, we will deliver more, and if there are few orders, we will deliver less or not at all."

"In this way, we can not only solve the production capacity problem of embroidery, but also ensure that our products are divided into a hierarchical system, and it can also stimulate the desire of those dealers to place orders. Kill three birds with one stone, isn't it good?"

Li Xiangyang slapped his head: "That's right, why didn't I think of this. Gao, factory manager, it's you who is old... wise and powerful!"

"Xiangyang, you've turned bad."

"Ha ha!"

The three of them finalized the matter amid loud laughter, and then Zhao Shanhe asked Li Xiangyang to go to Chen Duo to discuss the matter.After all, Chen Duo is now the director of the winery, so he must know.

After Chen Duo heard about this, he expressed his support on the spot.

This is a good thing.

He was still thinking about how to complete the small goals set at the meeting as soon as possible in the next time, but he didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to send such a gift.And with this gift, he was even more confident.

As for choosing Xiaolugou embroidery instead of Qingshan ceramics, he is even more in favor of it.

"Fortunately, I chose Xiaolugou embroidery. Otherwise, if we really send ceramics, the things produced by our Qingshan Ceramics will be dead and dead. When the time comes, you will let the customer move the wine or the ceramics. "

This is what Chen Duo said to Li Xiangyang.

And this matter was also spread out that day.

When this matter reached the ears of Li Shifan, he was dumbfounded on the spot. He held the water glass in disbelief, looked at the front in surprise, and asked in surprise: "What did you say? Is what you said true? "

"It's absolutely true. This matter has been announced to the public. The people in the Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory are crazy and celebrating it. Director Li, what do you think we should do now?"

The deputy factory manager wanted to cry but had no tears, and his face was full of frustration.

"Too deceiving!"

"Too deceiving!"

"Too deceiving!"

After Li Shifan yelled three times, he slammed the teacup on the table and rushed out of the office in stride.

He is angry!

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