Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 523 Is this a serious matter?

"Go and warn him and tell him to shut up. Tell him that if he dares to disturb the economic order of our county, he will bear the consequences!"


Gu Changbei turned and left.

Du Jingming picked up the plan to break the situation of Qingshan Ceramics Factory on the table, and shook his head in disappointment.

"Mr. Li, thanks to the fact that you still call yourself a literati, don't you even want the most basic face? Didn't you say that the most important thing for you cultural people is face? Where is your face? What about your face?"


In the next period of time, Zhao Shanhe entered into an orderly working state.Of course, he didn't mean to stay in the factory all day. After all, whether it was Shanqiu, Hetu, or even Zhao Xiaobai, they were on the right track, so he could let go temporarily.

So the time came to the end of September.

One day Zhao Shankai came to the house suddenly.

"Brother, I'm here to pick you up and sister-in-law." Zhao Shankai, who was wearing a suit, said with a smile.

"Why are you still wearing a suit?" Zhao Shanhe laughed after looking him up and down.

"Isn't this trying to look more formal and not embarrass you? Brother, sister-in-law, if you clean up, let's go now." Zhao Shankai said.

"Go? Where?"

Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe curiously.

"Shanhe, shall we go out?"

"That's right, Shan Kai, why did you come here suddenly? You said you came to pick us up? Where are you going to pick us up?" Zhao Shanhe was also very surprised.

"What? Don't you know yet? I thought the uncle called you to tell you about it, why haven't you said it yet?"

Zhao Shankai was also a little dazed, and after waking up, he quickly said: "Isn't it grandpa's 70th birthday tomorrow? My dad said that we are going to the second grandpa's house. I thought you knew about it."

Grandpa's seventieth birthday?

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

He really didn't know about it.

Did Dad forget to tell him that, or did Second Uncle never tell Dad about this at all?Thinking of his second uncle's style of doing things, Zhao Shanhe felt that there was a high possibility that he didn't say anything at all.

"Shanhe, why don't you call your parents and ask?" Li Qiuya stepped forward and asked.

"Don't fight!"

Zhao Shanhe sat on the chair and said calmly: "I want to see if the second uncle will inform our family about this matter. If he says he really won't inform, I really won't go!"

"Shanhe, what are you doing, don't be serious with Second Uncle." Li Qiuya said quickly.


Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly.

"Shan Kai, do you think I'm being serious with my second uncle? Are you saying this is a serious thing?"

Zhao Shankai stood awkwardly.

How to say this?He really didn't think much about it, he thought that the second uncle must have told the uncle, so he came here by himself.Unexpectedly, things would turn out like this.

But if this matter is really strictly speaking, Zhao Shankai must be on Zhao Shanhe's side, who made the whole thing be handled in a dishonest way from the beginning to the end.

Yes, this year it's your turn to be in charge of the birthday banquet. You look down on my uncle's family, always thinking that my uncle has no skills, is useless, and lives like this for the rest of his life.But you have to know, no matter what, my uncle is the eldest son of my grandfather, and brother Shanhe is the eldest grandson.Everyone will notify you of your birthday banquet, so how can you not notify your eldest son and grandson?

What's more, you don't know how powerful my brother Shanhe is now, do you?

As for this matter, Li Qiuya is also well aware of it.

She also knows that Zhao Shanhe has always had some opinions on her second uncle. Whoever makes the second uncle do things always thinks that what he does is right. Since she has money, everyone should listen to him.In the Zhao family, the second uncle basically made the decision on any big or small matters, and the rest of them didn't have the opportunity to raise their opinions at all.

Even if my father-in-law is the eldest son of Zhao's eldest son, he is often looked down upon by his second uncle.

"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, the landline at home rang, and Li Qiuya walked over to answer it.

"Dad, it's me...Okay, I see, let's go back!"

After finishing speaking, Li Qiuya hung up the phone, turned around and said to Zhao Shanhe, "It's our dad who called. He said let's go back today, get ready, and then go to celebrate grandpa's birthday together tomorrow."

"Let me just say, how can the second uncle say that he will not inform the uncle about such a big matter. Brother, let's go then?" Zhao Shankai's tense nerves relaxed, and he quickly said with a smile.

"Mountains and rivers!"

Li Qiuya pushed Zhao Shanhe.

"Okay, then let's go home. In this way, Shan Kai, you and I will go buy some gifts, and drive another Santana out of the factory by the way. In this way, with the Crown, two cars are enough for us The two families sat down."

Zhao Shanhe originally didn't want to go back, but for some reason, he rolled his eyes and agreed to it.

"it is good!


When Zhao Shanhe and the others came back, it was almost noon.After arriving in the village, Zhao Shankai went back to his home, and Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya walked into the house greeted by Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan.

I ate rice at noon.

On the table are several home-cooked dishes cooked by Lin Chunyan.

Tomato scrambled eggs, vinegar potato shreds, chicken stewed potatoes and cold cucumber.

"If you don't go out in the afternoon, let's have a drink?" Zhao Yonghao took out a wine bottle and shook it at Zhao Shanhe.

"Okay, if you don't go out, just drink something."

After Zhao Shanhe glanced at the wine bottle, he said speechlessly: "I said, Dad, it's not that I won't buy you wine. Every time I come back, I will buy you two boxes of wine, and you can drink that. Why do you still drink this kind of wine? The quality of these wines is not good, so hurry up and change them! I happened to bring back a few boxes of Zhao Xiaobai, let's drink this sorghum bar at noon!"

"Okay, then drink your sorghum wine. Zhao Xiaobai, is it produced by your winery?" Zhao Yonghao took a bottle of Zhao Xiaobai and looked at it with interest.

"Yes, it is produced by my winery, and Zhao Xiaobai will take care of it in the future." Zhao Shanhe patted his chest proudly.

Zhao Yonghao glanced at him, said with a smile: "Don't worry, sit down and pour the bar."


After the father and son drank a glass happily, Zhao Shanhe grabbed the five-spice peanuts on the table and chewed and asked, "Dad, did my second uncle just call you to say that he would celebrate grandpa's birthday?"

Zhao Yonghao sternly said: "It's just a fight or not, it's done after the fight, you don't need so many things."

"Dad, it's not that I'm busy, but that I don't do things like this. What did Second Uncle and the others think and treat you these years, can you have no idea?"

"Yes, they are rich and well-off, but can this be a reason for them to look down on you? Besides, if you hadn't dropped out of school to help them study at home, would they have prospered? Could they be where they are today?"

The more Zhao Shanhe talked, the more excited he became.

"One thing to say, even my aunt is like this. You didn't go to work at the beginning. Which technical secondary school can she go to? Can she stay in the county to work after graduation? Can..."

"Shut up."

Zhao Shanhe wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted directly by Zhao Yonghao.

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