Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 520 Stop Opening Your Mouth!

"Excuse me, Director Li, to interrupt. I would like to ask, what you said plus your products, are you Qingshan Ceramics going to give the products to Zhao Xiaobai Winery for free?" Li Xiangyang stared asked.


Li Shifan, who was interrupted, just wanted to continue talking, when he heard this word, he was stunned on the spot, and then he blurted out without thinking: "How is it possible? Where does it come from for free?"

"It's not free? Then you want us to spend money to buy your products?" Li Xiangyang asked with raised eyebrows.


Li Shifan spread his hands as a matter of course and said: "It should be like this, where is there a free lunch in this world? Besides, our Qingshan Ceramics is already in this situation, and it is impossible to say that we will give you ceramics for free. Li Deputy Factory Long, what are you thinking about?"

"I want something good?"

Li Xiangyang laughed back in anger, and his tone became rude.

"If this is the case, I think you are thinking too much, Director Li. Our Zhao Xiaobai liquor has not said recently that it wants to carry out bundled sales. Unless what you said is given to our customers for free, otherwise this matter Just don't talk about it!"

"Deputy Director Li, what's your attitude?"

Teacher Li became impatient.

"We did this for your own sake and for your own good. You have to know that with the finishing touches of our ceramics and embroidery, your Zhao Xiaobai will be able to sell better."

"You have better sales, and we can also sell our products by the way. Isn't this a good thing for everyone? Why can't you figure this out? I think there is something wrong with your thinking."

Is there something wrong with my thinking?

Li Xiangyang was angry.

"Director Zhao, what do you mean?"

Li Shifan didn't give Li Xiangyang a chance to continue talking, and turned to look at Zhao Shanhe.

"You think so too? If your vision is so short-sighted, I have nothing to say."

"Since you have nothing to say, please stop opening your mouth!"

Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

One sentence almost choked Li Shifan to death.

He really didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to say this. According to the normal rules, shouldn't Zhao Shanhe stand up and make trouble?How could this matter be shot to death at once.

Li Shifan's face immediately turned red.

"Director Zhao, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is very simple, that is, what Deputy Factory Manager Li says is what he says. If you Qingshan Ceramics and Xiaolugou Embroidery are willing to give our products as gifts for free, this matter still needs to be discussed. If you don't want to, you can Please go back, we don't do your business." Zhao Shanhe said coldly.


Li Shifan pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose angrily, and shouted angrily: "Do you know what opportunity you missed? Let me tell you, you missed a great opportunity to make Zhao Xiaobai rise completely, you..."

"Yang E, see off the guests!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Li Shifan, his eyelids drooped and he said.


Yang E walked up to Teacher Li and said calmly, "Director Li, please!"


Li Shifan walked out angrily, stopped at the door, turned his head to Zhao Shanhe and said, "Director Zhao, I hope you can carefully consider my suggestion and make a prudent choice."

"This is good for you and me. If not, I tell you, you will regret it sooner or later, because you missed a god-given opportunity."

After saying this, Li Shifan strode away.

The atmosphere in the office instantly became quiet.

Wang Luya stood up a little restlessly.

"Director Zhao, this Director Li is also a little anxious, that's why he speaks so unscrupulously. You, don't be as knowledgeable as him. You are busy, I will leave too!"

After saying that, Wang Luya was about to leave.

"Director Wang, please stop."

Who would have thought that just when Wang Luya took the first step, Zhao Shanhe suddenly stopped her.Then, amidst Wang Luya's puzzled expression, Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Director Wang, I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with us once?"

"I'm not interested, I..."

Wang Luya said casually, but as soon as the words came out, she froze on the spot, then looked at Zhao Shanhe in disbelief, and said with trembling lips: "Director Zhao, what did you just say? You said you want to cooperate with us?"

"Yes, cooperate!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a gentle face: "I know the level of your Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory, and I also know that your embroidery is all made by hand, and is sewed by each embroiderer."

"To be honest, I actually wanted to talk to you about cooperation a long time ago, but I never had the chance. Since you came here today, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Wang Luya was sluggish.

She never thought that this matter could turn around!

In her opinion, since Zhao Shanhe rejected Li Shifan, then she is useless.What I have to do is to get out of here quickly, so as not to humiliate myself.But who would have thought that this would be the result, Zhao Shanhe made it clear that he was interested in embroidery.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said decisively: "If you don't believe me, you can ask the two of them to see if I'm telling you nonsense. I really wanted to cooperate with you a long time ago."

"Director Wang, what our factory manager said is true. He told us about this before, but he has been busy all the time, so he said that this matter has not been put on the agenda." Yang E echoed with a smile.


So it's true!

Thinking of this, Wang Luya suddenly became happy. She desperately tried to hold back the excitement, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and said with a smile on her face: "Okay, then let's talk about cooperation. Factory Manager, how do you want to cooperate with us?"

"I think so……"

In the office, Zhao Shanhe and Wang Luya chatted happily.

But outside the office building, Li Shifan was a little upset waiting.In his opinion, Wang Luya should come out right after him. Why hasn't she shown up after a long time?Could it be that she was detained by Zhao Shanhe?


What am I thinking about!

In this day and night, Zhao Shanhe wouldn't dare to do this even if he had the guts to do so!But it wasn't for this reason, why did Wang Luya not show up for so long?Doesn't she think it's embarrassing enough?

At this moment, Li Shifan would never have dreamed that Wang Luya would sit in the office with Zhao Shanhe and discuss cooperation. In his opinion, he and her were in a relationship, and if he was rejected, Wang Luya would definitely have no chance.Even if there is a show, Wang Luya should be concerned about her own feelings and choose to refuse, right?

In such an anxious wait, time passed by every minute.

"Forget it, don't wait!"

Li Shifan raised his hand to look at his watch. Five minutes had passed, so he turned around and left.

Meanwhile, in the upstairs office.

The conversation also came to an end.

Then Wang Luya looked at Zhao Shanhe and asked suddenly.

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