Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 512 Is this multiple-choice question difficult to choose?


Originally, Du Heng thought that Zhao Shanhe wasn't very old, so he probably didn't have any deep plans, but he didn't expect that he was still careless, and this guy hid it so deeply.At this critical moment, Song Siming will be invited over.

Du Heng knew that when Song Siming appeared, he had already lost, and he lost completely.

Yes, as the director of Du Jiachun Winery, he has a great say in this eastern province.He can get along well in many industries, and anyone who sees him will give him some face.

But there is a premise, don't hit a stone with a pebble.

Obviously, Song Siming's identity is there, he is the stone, and he is the egg.

What's more, Du Jiachun Winery is still a municipal enterprise, you think you can confront Song Siming?

"Leader Song, since this matter has been made clear, it's a misunderstanding, so I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do. As you know, I'm holding a baijiu expo over there, and I'm very busy."

As Du Heng said, he turned around and was about to leave.


Zhao Shanhe shouted.

"What? Zhao Shanhe, do you mean you still want to force me to stay?" Du Heng turned his head and said coldly.

"Of course not! I just have a question I want to ask, Mr. Du, what do you think of my Zhao Xiaobaijiu?" Zhao Shanhe asked lightly.

"Yes!" Du Heng replied with a livid face.

"Could it be? If that's the case, do you think my Zhao Xiaobai is qualified enough to participate in the Baijiu Expo?" Zhao Shanhe's gentle tone revealed a sense of arrogance.


Du Heng's eyelids tightened.

Now he finally knew what Zhao Shanhe was thinking.

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you are really ruthless. You asked Li Bingyi to endorse for you, and you made Liang Chaohui hold back to place an order. The reason for this is now, but you are so ambitious that you want to participate in the Baijiu Expo again.

Don't you know that I deprived Zhao Xiaobai of your qualifications?

Now that you have asked me to agree, isn't that slapping me in the face?

If I really agree, how will I mess around in the business circle of Zhongzhou City in the future?What will others say about me?Said that I was aggrieved enough to come here to watch your jokes brazenly, but in the end I invited you back again in a cowardly manner.

Am I shameless?

But if I refuse...

Thinking of Song Siming standing here, thinking of the energy behind Song Siming, Du Heng really didn't dare to refuse.

Is it difficult to choose between losing face and bankruptcy on the one hand?

"Leader Song, what do you mean?" Du Heng asked Song Siming carefully after taking two breaths.

He wanted to test Song Siming's attitude.

"I mean?"

The corners of Song Siming's mouth slanted, his eyes looked over playfully, and he said casually: "Mr. Du, since when did you start caring about me? If you really cared about me, how could I have nothing about the Baijiu Expo?" Know that?"


Just these words made Du Heng's heart beat rapidly, and his whole body was like a thunderstorm, restless.

Song Siming has a problem with him!

And the opinions are not small!

If this matter is not handled well, it will not only be a shame, but it will really go bankrupt.Thinking of this, Du Heng immediately said: "Leader Song, you misunderstood. I didn't mean not to report to you. There must be something inside this matter."

"You don't need to say so much. Since the Baijiu Expo is held by you, Du Jiachun, it's up to you to decide." Song Siming looked indifferent after he said a harsh word.

"But I want to remind President Du one thing."

Du Heng quickly put on an appearance of listening carefully: "Say it!"

"Zhao Xiaobai, do you know how many orders you have had so far?"

Song Siming looked up at Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe immediately said cooperatively: "Counting the 5 boxes that Liang Chaohui placed just now, we have already won orders for more than [-] boxes during this period."

Having said that, he glanced at Shen Wu.

"If Mr. Shen also signs a contract with us, the order quantity will definitely exceed [-] boxes!"

"I will sign a contract with Director Zhao, and the quantity will be based on the number we just said, six thousand boxes!" Shen Wu said immediately.

"That's [-] boxes!" Zhao Shanhe said.

"Sixty thousand boxes!"

Song Siming glanced at the past, and said lightly: "A winery that has just been established, a liquor brand that has just been launched, has achieved sales of [-] cases in just one week. And such a winery has It is not included in the list of exhibitors at the Baijiu Expo."

"Mr. Du, do you think it's appropriate to do this? Do you think that if this news gets out, do you people in Du Jiachun have a bright face?"

"Leader Song is right. This incident was caused by the mistakes of some of us, Du Jiachun. I will correct the mistakes."

Du Heng looked at Zhao Shanhe as he spoke.

"Director Zhao, as the organizer of the Baijiu Expo, I sincerely extend an invitation to you. I hope you can participate in this Baijiu Expo. As for the booth, I will prepare it for Zhao Xiaobai when I go back."

"Really?" Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"Really." Du Heng nodded seriously.

"Thank you so much then!"

Zhao Shanhe looked sideways at Chen Duo, and said slowly: "Chen Duo, let your people follow up on this matter immediately, it's best to follow Mr. Du to the expo now, and arrange our Zhao Xiaobai as soon as possible."


Chen Duo respectfully said.

"Leader Song, I'll go to work now."


Seeing Song Siming wave his hand, Du Heng turned and left.

Chen Duo also started to arrange people to do this.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand forward: "Leader Song, let's go over there."

"it is good!"

In a room at the Hilton Hotel, Zhao Shanhe and Song Siming sat down face to face.There are only the two of them here, and everyone else is left outside to busy themselves.

"Leader Song, thank you for what happened just now. If it weren't for you, I really don't know how to break this matter." Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him.

"I'll replace the wine with tea and offer you a toast."

"Stop pretending to be a fool here, and say, did you do it on purpose? Deliberately want to borrow my knife to kill today's group of people? Are you using me?" Song Siming asked seriously with a straight face.

"How dare I!"

Zhao Shanhe put down his teacup, and quickly said helplessly, "Leader Song, you have really wronged me. Yes, that's right, I admit that I called you yesterday and invited you to come over to discuss matters."

"But I really never thought about borrowing a knife to kill people, especially if I borrowed your big knife. Even if you borrowed my courage, I wouldn't dare to do it."

"Don't you dare? There are things in this world that you, Zhao Shanhe, dare not do?" Song Siming said this, but his tone had weakened.

After realizing this change, Zhao Shanhe said innocently on the spot: "Of course I don't dare, besides, you think too highly of me. Is it possible that you think I am a god, with the ability to predict the future, and I can know what Li Bingyi and Liang Chaohui are today?" , Du Heng and the others will come to me to find trouble? Do you think I can control them?"

Song Siming slowly took a sip from the teacup, then nodded: "This reason is fairly explainable."

He also knew that what Zhao Shanhe said was right, what happened today was just a coincidence.I received a call from Zhao Shanhe yesterday, how could Zhao Shanhe say that he would have expected this scene today.

"Let's not talk about this, tell me why you asked me to come here? Didn't you say something happened? What's the matter?"

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