Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 513 One Blessed General

After talking about this, Zhao Shanhe immediately lifted his spirits.

"Leader Song, I really have something to tell you. What I want to say are two things. The first is what I told you before, the renovation of the bus station, do you remember?"

Remember, how can you not remember?

Before, I promised Zhao Shanhe that he could use the bus stop signs to advertise, and in return, Zhao Shanhe would decorate all the bus stop signs in Zhongzhou City.

"Are you talking about renovating the rest of the bus stops?" Song Siming asked.

"Yes, the rest of the bus stops should have been renovated, so I'll take this opportunity to decorate them all at once." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


Song Siming was happy in his heart, which was a good thing.But if it's just about this, why did you, Zhao Shanhe, call me over?Now I am very interested in the second thing you said.

So he couldn't help asking, "What about the second thing?"

"Leader Song, I should actually visit you, but I have contacted you before, and they said that your itinerary has been arranged. I guess it was a waste of time. That's why I let you come here of."

"Don't talk about it, just talk about it!"

Song Siming waved his hand indifferently when he heard Zhao Shanhe's explanation.He is not the kind of person who cares about these rules, as long as Zhao Shanhe is really serving the people, he can turn a blind eye to these vain etiquette.

"Okay then, let me talk about the second thing."

Zhao Shanhe didn't hold back either, and said frankly: "Leader Song, you should know about the ten-dollar plan for Xiangpiao Piao Milk Tea, right?"

"I know." Song Siming looked at Zhao Shanhe, waiting for his next words.

"If you know it, it's easy to say. The second thing I said is that I plan to build two Hope Primary Schools here in Zhongzhou City. As long as you give me the address, you don't have to worry about the rest." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly .


Song Siming raised his eyebrows, his thoughts moved slightly.

That's what happened.

If this is the case, it is really worth a trip by yourself.After all, no matter what, this is a real political achievement, as long as it works a little, it can even become a help for one's own progress.

Song Siming couldn't help staring at Zhao Shanhe for confirmation: "Are you serious?"

"Yes, of course I am serious. Leader Song, you can just give me the list. But there is one thing I want to say first. The list you gave me, I hope is the most difficult place, the most urgent need. Villages that change education. Those who are a little richer are not in my consideration!" Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, I'll get someone to contact you about this matter."

Song Siming smiled comfortably.

"You, it's not in vain that you borrowed a knife to kill me just now."

Zhao Shanhe immediately spread his hands, and said speechlessly: "Leader Song, I have already said that I did not kill someone with a knife. You can't insist on accusing me of this crime."

"Ha ha!"

After the two laughed, Song Siming said with emotion: "What you just said is true? Has your Zhao Xiaobai really sold [-] boxes?"

"Yes, [-] boxes!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded without hesitation.

"Good thing!"

Song Siming's eyes were full of admiration: "In this way, Gushun Winery has achieved a reversal in your hands. You really revitalized this winery."

"This is the case at present. As for what will happen in the future, I can't guarantee it yet." Zhao Shanhe said modestly.

"You don't have to be so humble in front of me. You can revitalize it now. I don't believe that you can make it bankrupt in the future. I still believe in your kid's ability."

Song Siming smiled gently.

"Jingming has found a lucky general! How is it? Are you interested in coming to Zhongzhou City to develop? As long as you are willing to come, I will give you all the policies I can give you here."

"Is it Zhongzhou?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Leader Song, I don't have this idea at the moment, but I will definitely come in the future. After all, Zhongzhou is the capital of the province anyway, and it should be the center."

"Haha, I'm relieved with your words. It's alright, you're still busy here, so go ahead, I won't waste your time!" Song Siming raised his head and laughed loudly, then got up to leave.

"I will send you."

Zhao Shanhe personally sent Song Siming out.

After sitting in the car, Song Siming pondered for a while, then dialed Du Jingming's number.

"Old Song, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Du Jingming was a little surprised.

"Old Du, you really earned it!" Song Siming said with emotion.

"Earned? What do you mean?"

"You don't know yet, do you? Something happened just now, let me tell you..."

After Du Jingming heard the whole story, his expression was astonished.

"This Zhao Shanhe is really capable of tossing around, but this is also thanks to you. If it weren't for you, how could he make such a big noise by tossing around? Old Song, thank you!"

"Thank you for what I do. This is what I should do. It is you who guard Zhao Shanhe, a lucky general. You should make good use of it. You also know that the reform of state-owned enterprises is the core now. If you can use Zhao Shanhe, if you seize this matter and make a beautiful article, your future will be limitless, buddy." Song Siming laughed.

"You are so optimistic about Zhao Shanhe?" Du Jingming was a little surprised.

Song Siming said bluntly: "Yes, I like him very much. If you don't like him, you might as well give him to me!"

"You stop this idea as soon as possible, don't think about poaching the wall!"

Du Jingming immediately refused.

"Haha, you!"

The two talked a few more words before hanging up the phone.

At this time, Du Jingming was deeply shocked. What shocked him was not that Zhao Shanhe dared to use Song Siming to make a fuss, but what Song Siming said was that Zhao Shanhe had already sold [-] boxes of Zhao Xiaobai!

"900 boxes! What kind of concept is this? It was [-] boxes before, but now it has become [-] boxes! Doesn't [-] boxes mean [-] million?"

Du Jingming's eyes burst out with deep gaze.

"Maybe I should really have a good chat with Zhao Shanhe!"


Dujiachun winery.

"Brother, do you mean that's the way to go? We've lost a lot this time. If we can't get back the scene, let alone face, we can't afford to pay for the money alone!"

Liang Chaohui looked at Du Heng with a gloomy face, and shouted anxiously.

He was the most anxious, who asked him to pay real money, [-] boxes of Zhao Xiaobai, he took out the money on the spot, until now he is still very distressed.

"So what if you can't afford it? What else do you think you can do now?"

Du Heng said coldly: "Since leader Song has come forward to support Zhao Shanhe in this matter, do you think the tricks we thought about before can still be used? Impossible!"

"Is that the case?"

Liang Chaohui pointed in the direction of the Dujiachun Hotel outside, and shouted distractedly: "Zhao Xiaobai has now appeared at the expo in a grandiose manner. He can get an order of [-] boxes even if Zhao Shanhe didn't come. Now that's it, you Say what will happen to him?"

"He will directly destroy your Du Jiachun and make you a joke. Don't you just look at it like this?"


Du Heng jumped up against the case and stared angrily.

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