Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 511 Misunderstanding!It's all a misunderstanding!


Where is the evidence for Li Bingyi?Those so-called report letters are even more unstable. They were originally used temporarily as props to slander Zhao Shanhe, so how could they stand up to investigation?

Now being questioned by Song Siming like this, he couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster, his mouth was dry, and some beads of sweat were already oozing from his forehead.

He wiped his sweat and subconsciously looked at Liang Chaohui.

But at this time, Liang Chaohui had a straight face, a serious expression, and looked straight ahead, without any intention of touching Li Bingyi's eyes.But he shouted loudly in his heart, Li Bingyi, hurry up and find any reason to fool us. Today's matter is clearly hopeless, so let's retreat quickly.

Don't make any trouble for me.

"What are you? Do you have evidence?" Song Siming asked coldly.


Li Bingyi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said anxiously: "Leader Song, I also heard someone say that Zhao Xiaobai was admitted to the hospital after drinking, so he rushed over to ask in a moment of desperation. I think there must be some misunderstanding here." Yes, yes, it is a misunderstanding!"


Song Siming said calmly, "Are you sure it's a misunderstanding?"


Li Bingyi nodded hurriedly.

"I'm leaving right now."

"Don't tell me!"

Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would suddenly stand in front of him at this time, looking at Li Bingyi who was in a hurry, he slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

"President Li, you are the president of the Anti-Counterfeiting Association. Didn't you come here today to crack down on counterfeiting? Okay, since you want to crack down on counterfeiting, since you said you can conduct inspections on the spot, let's start now. "

"You must give me a test result today!"

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe turned his head and ordered: "Serve the wine!"


Chen Duo, who had been waiting there for a long time, immediately brought over two bottles of Zhao Xiaobai, put them on the table, and said with a sneer: "President Li, come on, now you can start the inspection."


Li Bingyi was so regretful that his intestines were turning green.

I check a hammer ah?I just said it casually, where can I check it out on the spot?Even if it can be tested, it still needs to use an instrument, right?I didn't hold a single instrument, should I test it with my mouth?


Take the mouth test!

Thinking of Li Bingyi here, he raised his hand and opened a bottle of Zhao Xiaobai. After taking two sips, he wiped his mouth and said loudly: "This is definitely not fake wine, it is clearly the most mellow sorghum wine! No need to test it!"

"Are you sure?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I am very sure."

Li Bingyi looked at Zhao Shanhe righteously. He just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly, so he said decisively without any hesitation: "Director Zhao, among all the grain and wine I have ever drunk, your This Zhao Xiaobai is so wonderful, it makes people feel a little drunk after drinking it."

"Very good! No wonder your Zhao Xiaobai is able to conquer so many young people, he really deserves his name!"

After speaking, Li Bingyi turned his head and said to the people he brought: "Have you all heard that? When we go back, we must promote Zhao Xiaobai a lot!"

The few reporters he was talking about were already stunned by the scene in front of them, and could only nod instinctively.

What can they say?

"In that case, please trouble President Li to issue a statement for us, Zhao Xiaobai, just repeat what you said just now, do you think it's okay?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Of course! This is what I should do." Li Bingyi nodded hastily.

"Thank you very much then."

As soon as Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Li Bingyi bowed to Song Siming, and left in a hurry with his people.He really didn't want to stay here for a second.

Paralyzed Liang Chaohui, with your work style, I will never cooperate with you again.

Seeing Li Bingyi rushing over in such a threatening manner and leaving in such a state of embarrassment, Liang Chaohui felt very uneasy.He knew that Li Bingyi was fine now, and it was his turn to show sincerity.

If not, you will have no way to explain what happened today, and you will be targeted by Song Siming.

"Mr. Liang, what do you say now?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over coldly and arrogantly, and said mockingly, "Didn't you just..."

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

Liang Chaohui didn't give Zhao Shanhe a chance to finish his sentence, so he interrupted without hesitation, and then said to Zhao Shanhe with a smile: "Director Zhao, I think you misunderstood, I just passed by and came in because I saw Li Bingyi said that, so I took his side. Strictly speaking, I was misled by him."

"Yes, it is misleading."

"Actually, I'm not here today for anything else. I'm here to cooperate with you just like them."

"Looking for my cooperation?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

"Yes, I'm looking for you to cooperate. Let's Jinxu Electronics. Recently, we need to purchase a batch of liquor for several events, so I came to you to place an order! Don't believe me, I brought all the money. As long as we sign After signing the contract, the money can be paid in one lump sum immediately." Liang Chaohui suppressed the panic in his heart, and said the most hypocritical words.


Zhao Shanhe looked over playfully, as if he was meeting Liang Chaohui for the first time, but he didn't expect this stingy guy to be so willing.When he saw that the situation was not right, he was able to think of such a way to get out.

Will Zhao Shanhe agree?

of course.

Why not agree?

Just now he scolded Liang Chaohui heartily, since he scolded him, if he could tear off a piece of fat from Liang Chaohui's body, why not do it?

After all, Zhao Shanhe also knew that with Jinxu Electronics' status in Zhongzhou City, even Song Siming couldn't deal with it to death.That being the case, since he has both face and face, let's forget about this matter.

"How many events will you hold? If that's the case, I think Mr. Liang will need to purchase [-] boxes of Zhao Xiaobai. If there is less, it will definitely not be enough, don't you think so?" Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

When Liang Chaohui heard this number, his heart was pierced.

Ten thousand boxes!

It's not that I haven't understood Zhao Xiaobai's market, if there are 150 boxes, it will be [-] million!Paralyzed, Zhao Shanhe, you cut it really hard with a knife, and you got so much money.I just came here to save your face, the price is too high, right?

But can he refuse?


Knowing that Zhao Shanhe was disgusting himself by doing this, all Liang Chaohui could do was bear it silently. If he didn't bear it, the consequences would be even more serious.Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, smiled awkwardly and said: "Director Zhao is right, I did the math, and we really need [-] boxes of Zhao Xiaobai, so let's sign the contract now!"

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe turned around and said to Chen Duo, "Take Mr. Liang to sign the contract!"


Chen Duo smiled and turned sideways to get out of the way.

"Mr. Liang, please."

"it is good!"

When Liang Chaohui walked to the inner room, Zhao Shanhe looked at Du Heng.

As soon as he caught Zhao Shanhe's sight, Du Heng was in a state of confusion.

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