Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 4 Shaved ice, what is that?

"Why did you come to my place?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard this voice, he immediately turned around, and what came into his eyes was a man in overalls with a serious expression on his face.

His facial features are as sharp as a knife, and he is looking at him with a puzzled look.

He is Zhao Shanhe's best friend since childhood: Li Xiangyang.

When seeing Li Xiangyang again, Zhao Shanhe's expression suddenly became a little dazed.

If there was anyone who treated him best in his previous life other than his wife, that person was undoubtedly Li Xiangyang.

Li Xiangyang is really thinking about Zhao Shanhe.

He hated Zhao Shanhe for his insolence at that time, so he did not hesitate to fight Zhao Shanhe twice for this reason.

But even so, when Li Qiuya had an accident, he still came to help without hesitation, and even the money Zhao Shanhe got when he left Zhenghe County to go out to wander around was all given by Li Xiangyang.

And it was such a man who valued love and righteousness, and was later imprisoned because of being framed, and finally died of illness in prison before he was released.

The death of Li Xiangyang became the heart knot of Zhao Shanhe's previous life.

And seeing his familiar face now, Zhao Shanhe was quite moved.

"Did I say you are stupid? Why are you looking at me like that? Let me tell you, don't play tricks on me. Qiuya told me that I won't lend you money. So if you come to borrow money, don't I've said it, I won't lend it to you!" Li Xiangyang raised his brows and said in a cold tone.

"No loan."

Hearing this, Zhao Shanhe woke up from his trance, looked at Li Xiangyang and said with a smile: "Xiangyang, I'm not asking you to borrow money."

"Then why are you looking for me?" Li Xiangyang asked suspiciously.

"What do you do, I will buy from you. Of course, it would be best if you can pay in advance." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"You buy... ice cubes?" Li Xiangyang looked astonished.

"Yes, it's ice cubes."

Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to talk in the cloud, he smiled and said: "Xiangyang, I just came to you to buy ice cubes. Of course you don't have to give me too much, just give me a piece of this big one, "

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe gestured.

"Shanhe, tell me the truth, what do you want ice cubes for?" Li Xiangyang asked with a frown.

"Xiangyang, I want to make some shaved ice and sell it on Malu Street. Before I came to your place, I just bought mung beans and red beans. If there is no problem with your ice cubes, I have to find a place to buy molds." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Shaved ice? What is that?" Li Xiangyang became more and more confused.

Never heard of this thing before!

"It's a bit complicated to explain to you. You just treat it as a snack. Xiangyang, can you sell it to me? If I can, I'll give you money. If not, I have to think of other ways. "

Zhao Shanhe said anxiously, after all, the mung beans and red beans at home have not been cooked yet, so if he wants to set up a stall at night, he must race against time, and there is no delay.

"Do you really want it?" Li Xiangyang was a little uncertain about Zhao Shanhe.

After all, Zhao Shanhe's reputation is very bad now, even Li Qiuya is very disappointed in him, let alone others.And this can't be blamed on others, who made you, Zhao Shanhe, not work hard, drink too much all day, you are a mud that can't support the wall.

"Of course, otherwise, why am I here?" Zhao Shanhe said firmly.

"That's fine."

Li Xiangyang still did not refuse in the end, maybe he still had hope for Zhao Shanhe in his heart, hoping that he could really reform himself and do something well.

"Let me tell the warehouse, whenever you want it, just come and get it at any time. If you say you don't have a preservation box, I can lend you one, but you can't lose this box to me, you have to return it .”

"No problem, how much do you think it will cost?"

"Don't mention money, mentioning money hurts feelings."

Li Xiangyang looked over and said seriously: "Shanhe, if you really make up your mind to start a small business, this piece of ice should be regarded as a gift from me. But listen carefully to me. If I find out, you can take Walking on ice is foolishness, then we will have no future!"

"Good brother, thank you! I won't let you down, just watch it! Maybe you have to rely on me to revive your ice factory!" Zhao Shanhe said overjoyed.

"Depending on you to make money?"

Li Xiangyang babbled, "Stop bragging, your bragging is going to heaven!"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed and turned to leave.

Looking at his back, Li Xiangyang said thoughtfully: "Shan He, are you the prodigal son turning back?"

Zhao Shanhe, who walked out of the ice factory, started wandering around the county without stopping.Needless to say, his luck was pretty good. Although he didn't buy the mold he wanted, he transformed a somewhat similar one in a blacksmith's shop.

Of course, it also cost him fifty cents, there is no way, whoever told him to ask for it immediately, this is considered urgent work.

When he returned home with the mold, he also bought a big watermelon on the way.

In this scorching summer, maybe someone likes watermelon shaved ice.

After returning home, Zhao Shanhe started to get busy before Li Qiuya came back.

In his previous life, Zhao Shanhe had studied the method of making shaved ice, and learned the art from a teacher for it.Don't think that a piece of shaved ice is just made casually. In fact, every material and every process is very particular. If one step is wrong, the taste of the shaved ice will be much worse.

Therefore, Zhao Shanhe is very serious about cooking mung beans and red beans.

The heat and time are strictly controlled.

Moreover, the mung beans he chooses are all uniform in size, there will not be such a big difference, and there will be no bad beans.

When everything was ready, Zhao Shanhe pushed out the tricycle from the corner, brought out the pot containing mung beans and red beans, added the watermelon and plastic cups, and then pedaled towards the ice factory.

This will remove all the materials and tools he bought, leaving only a little over two yuan.

If Li Qiuya finds out that he spent three dollars a day, she must be impatient with him.

"Zhao Shanhe, what are you doing here?"

"Go to Malu Street to set up a street stall!"

"Street stall? What are you selling? Watermelon?"


As soon as Zhao Shanhe rode out, he bumped into neighbors who were chatting outside. After seeing the pot and watermelon on the tricycle, they all asked curiously.

Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he wanted to explain in detail. This matter, unless he can make money, no one will take it seriously if he talks too much.

Half an hour later, Zhao Shanhe took the ice cube in the box from the ice factory.

After that, he arrived at the Malu Street Night Market without stopping.

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