Shabby conference room.

After receiving the notification, Li Xiangyang and the others came over soon. Kong Jie, who was a little anxious, couldn't help asking when he saw Wu Jianjun:

"Old Wu, doesn't that promotion end tomorrow? Why did you come back today?"

"Hey, it's hard to say."

Wu Jianjun shook his head, pretending to be depressed and said.

Seeing this expression, the hearts of everyone present couldn't help but thump.

Well, it's over, this promotion will definitely be dead.

If there is a drama, can Wu Jianjun do this?

Alas, we should have expected this to be the case.

After all, our small factory is not well-known, and the popsicles are a novelty, not everyone can accept it.

Thinking of this, Kong Jie also sighed.

Chen Jianfei drooped his face, dejected.

Even Cui Huan remained silent.

"I said, Old Wu, you are so serious. No matter how you say it, the factory manager is the first contact with sales. He must have little experience. You are an old salesman. You should make some contributions, right?"

"Yes, we also know that it will be difficult to promote our products at the promotion meeting, but if you have difficulties, you should find a way to solve them."

"You can't say that you shrink back when you see difficulties, can you? You wait until the end of the promotion meeting tomorrow and then come back? Maybe you can try your luck."

"You, you, let me tell you what's good about you, why don't you know what you're doing with the factory manager!"

Li Xiangyang had a gloomy face and kept yelling at Wu Jianjun.

He was really anxious. You must know that although it was only two or three days, there were already thousands of boxes of popsicles piled up in the warehouse. If they couldn't be sold, the factory would have to close down again!

Zhao Shanhe will lose everything.

"Director Li, what are you talking about? Our factory manager is still inexperienced in sales?"

After Wu Jianjun heard this, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

If you say this at the promotion meeting, I guarantee that you, Li Xiangyang, will be sprayed to death by everyone.

"That's right, although he has set up a stall before, it's completely different from this." Li Xiangyang frowned.

"Director Li, you can..."

Just when Wu Jianjun was about to explain, the door was pushed open, and Zhao Shanhe strode in from outside.

Li Xiangyang hurried up and said: "Director, it doesn't matter if you didn't get the list for this promotion meeting. It's the same for sales in our county. Those supply and marketing cooperatives and small shops in the village are all targets we can fight for. I will arrange them later. Let's go sell it."

"Director Li is right."

Cui Huan stood up and echoed, "In fact, not only the supply and marketing cooperatives and canteens, but also those who sell shaved ice can also be won, and they can sell together by the way."

"Factory Manager, I can also go for sales." Chen Jianfei also said.

"That's right!"

Kong Jie, who was in charge of production, waved his hand, "Director, don't be discouraged. Our current situation is much better than before. Even if the promotion meeting fails, we still have other ways to sell our products."

Zhao Shanhe, who had just sat down and didn't have time to speak, was immediately comforted by such heartwarming words. He could see that Li Xiangyang and the others were not just talking, but were really thinking about the factory and him.

But the problem is, you don't need to comfort me, do you?

Zhao Shanhe smiled, pointed at Wu Jianjun and said, "Old Wu, what the hell are you doing? Didn't you tell everyone the good news?"

"Hey, factory manager, it's not that I didn't say it, but before I said it, they all started to make up their own brains. I originally wanted to talk about how hard it was for us to go there, but the results are also very gratifying."

Wu Jianjun spread his hands and said innocently.

After saying this, the audience was silent.

Li Xiangyang and the others looked over in surprise, what do you mean?Isn't it the return of the Air Force?

"Director, what's the situation, please tell us quickly." Kong Jie asked eagerly.

"Yes, Shanhe, how many orders have you won?" Li Xiangyang also looked forward to it.

"Okay, don't be impatient, let me tell you..."

Then, after Zhao Shanhe briefly explained the achievements of the promotion meeting, Li Xiangyang and the others were stunned on the spot.

Thirty thousand boxes! The turnover of more than 100 million yuan!

These two numbers were like a thunderbolt, which exploded in their minds, scorching their insides and making them dizzy.

real or fake?

Zhao Shanhe signed so many orders even before the promotion meeting was over?This is too amazing, right?

With these orders in place, Shanqiu Beverage Factory can be regarded as a firm foothold, and you don't have to worry about it.

Zhao Shanhe looked at everyone's astonished expressions, and the corners of his mouth also raised a smug look.

"Well, you Wu Jianjun, you actually lied to us just now!"

After a while, Li Xiangyang, who had digested the shocking news, immediately stared at him and yelled at Wu Jianjun who was opposite him.

"Director Li, you can't blame me for this matter. You said that the factory manager has no sales experience, and you didn't believe in the factory manager's ability. I didn't say anything else."

Wu Jianjun repeatedly shook his hands in defense.


Li Xiangyang glanced at it, and then couldn't help laughing.

Cui Huan and the others couldn't help laughing when you looked at me and I looked at you.

It can be said to break through the dark clouds and see the sun and the moon.

They finally waited for spring.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet, let's arrange the work"

Zhao Shanhe clapped his hands, and quickly divided up the work and made arrangements.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the audience, and said in a deep voice: "Listen up, this order between us and Yongxing Department Store and those agents must be placed first. It is the most important and urgent order in our factory right now." thing."

"I believe that when this order ends, our popsicles will be on fire. So everyone, in the next half month, you have to work hard, even if you work overtime, you have to drive out this batch of goods."

"No problem, factory manager, just take care of yourself!"

"From today onwards, I will sleep in the factory!"

"As long as I can make money, let me do anything!"


Li Xiangyang and the others answered with high spirits.

The workers are not afraid of working overtime, because Zhao Shanhe said that there is overtime pay for overtime work.

What they are afraid of is that there is no work to do, and if there is work to do, it means that there will be money to earn.

After arranging the production tasks, Zhao Shanhe drove home by bicycle.

To be honest, the [-] bars are really slow. When the business in the factory stabilizes, even if you don't buy a car, you have to buy a Chongqing [-] to drive it.

After half an hour.

When Zhao Shanhe pushed the door open excitedly, the three of Li Qiuya who were eating were all stunned. They didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to come back from Zhongzhou City so soon.

Li Qiuya immediately got up to meet her, and asked with concern: "Shanhe, why did you come back so soon? Are you all busy at the promotion meeting?"

"Well, I'm done."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and then handed over the lo mei he bought along the way.

"Qiu Ya, go get a plate and pour it down, just to add some food."


Li Qiuya picked it up and went to the kitchen to put it on a plate.

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