Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 48 Why is it here now?

"Old Song, what they said is true? Did the Shanqiu cold drink really sell for 100 cases? More than [-] million?"

"Yeah, I didn't say that just now, but you don't believe me!"

Song Siming pouted.

"I believe it, I believe it. Go, hurry up and go to the office with me. Zhao Shanhe should be there too. I want to ask him what's going on."

Du Jingming pulled Song Siming and walked forward excitedly.

"Hey, don't go, Zhao Shanhe is not in your county's office. He went there to look for you in the afternoon, but you were not here, so he told the people in your county."

"I met me at the door when I was leaving. Please let me say thank you when I see you. He has to rush back to give birth." Song Siming waved his hands.

"This is simply nonsense! How do the people in the service point do things? They don't know how to report such a big matter to me. An order of [-] boxes, do they think they can have it anytime?"

"Okay, old Song, I'll go to work first and talk to you later." Du Jingming frowned and said.

"Okay, you can do your work!"

Song Siming nodded.


Do something.

Ma Sangao, director of the Bureau of Commerce, had a gloomy old face. He never dreamed that the guy who came here today was really not a liar.

He is actually that Zhao Shanhe of Shanqiu Beverage, and he even signed such a big order.

Thirty thousand boxes of popsicles!

More than 100 million turnover!

My God, what the hell did I do to turn people like this away and drive them away.

Otherwise, this matter must have my share of political achievements, right?

Thinking of this, his old face became sad, full of remorse.

"Uncle Ma, let's go! Treat you to a drink tonight."

At this moment, Huang Hu came over with a wobble.

He spoke casually as if nothing had happened, and he didn't even notice that there was something wrong with the atmosphere here.

"Drinking and drinking? Your kid knows how to eat and drink. Tell me, have you signed an order today?"

Ma Sangao glanced at Huang Hu, and asked angrily.

"not yet!"

Huang Hu touched his head in embarrassment, and said awkwardly: "Uncle Ma, I also want to sign the bill, but there is no other way."

"We don't have a lot of signings in this area. Everyone waits until tomorrow. Uncle Ma, let's go. People are like iron and steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will feel hungry. You have to eat, and you have to pay attention to your health!"

Huang Hu smiled obsequiously.

He has now put all his hopes on Ma Sangao, thinking to see if he can get one or two orders through the director of the Bureau of Commerce and Trade.

Otherwise, it would be useless to rely on yourself alone.

So as soon as today's promotion meeting ended, he came over to treat Ma Sangao to dinner, so as not to be preempted by others.

It's just that his reaction was a bit slow, he didn't notice that something was wrong with Ma Sangao, and he didn't see the disdainful eyes of the other people at the office.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat and drink, you know how to eat and drink, you have forgotten what you are here for, right? How can you have the face to eat and drink without signing the bill, hurry up and leave!"

Ma Sangao waved his hand and shouted annoyedly.


Huang Hu was stunned: What's going on?

Ma Sangao didn't look like this when he saw him in the morning, why did he become like this in the afternoon?

Do you have a grudge against eating and drinking?This is not like your Ma Sangao style.

"Ma Sangao!"

Just when Huang Hu was about to say something, Du Jingming came over angrily.

"County Du."

Ma Sangao trembled with fright, and hurried forward to meet him.

"Ma Sangao, let me ask you, is Zhao Shanhe here this afternoon?"

Du Jingming asked with a gloomy face.

"Come... come."

Ma Sangao wanted to lie, but when he saw the popsicles on the table, he could only bite the bullet and answer.

"What did he say?" Du Jingming asked with burning eyes.

"He...he said..."

Ma Sangao's lips trembled a little, and his forehead began to sweat.

"What did he say?" Du Jingming shouted suddenly.

"He said he was going back to the county seat. Let me tell you that he has signed an order."

Ma Sangao said it quickly, then ignored the sweat on his forehead, swallowed two mouthfuls of saliva and added: "Mayor Du, I only know that he signed the order, but I didn't expect that he signed with Yongxing Department Store, and he didn't To think that he signed such a big order."

"This matter is my negligence, I should ask clearly, the county magistrate, I will review it with you."


Seeing what Ma Sangao said, Du Jingming restrained his anger, and didn't intend to continue to scold him.

After all, Ma Sangao is still the chief of the bureau, and he came here with him, so he still has to give him the face he deserves.

The ugliness cannot be made public.

"Okay, now pack up your things and go back to the hotel for a meeting." Du Jingming said with a wave.


Ma Sangao nodded immediately.

"By the way, let the four of Gushun Winery come to participate."

After finishing speaking, Du Jingming turned around and left first.

"Xiao Wang, remember to bring that box of popsicles."

Ma Sangao yelled while packing his things.

"Okay, Horse Bureau!"

Huang Hu, who was standing next to him, had a dumbfounded expression after listening.

What the hell, did I hear correctly just now?

Ma Sangao said that Zhao Shanhe actually signed the contract?

How is this possible?Why can Zhao Shanhe sign the bill?Who will sign with him again?

"Uncle Ma, you just said that Zhao Shanhe signed the bill, how big is the bill he signed?"

Seeing that Ma Sangao was about to walk by, Huang Hu couldn't help asking.

"100 boxes, more than [-] million, you kid should learn a little bit."

Ma Sangao said angrily.

"What? Thirty thousand boxes..."

Huang Hu was instantly dumbfounded.


Zhenghe County.

When Zhao Shanhe and the others returned here, it was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon. Seeing that there was still time, Zhao Shanhe took Wu Jianjun back to the factory first.

After all, the order is important, and he always feels uneasy if the matter is not finalized.

This time is right after get off work.

So when the two of them appeared at the Shanqiu Beverage Factory, the workers came out of get off work one by one.

"Hello, factory manager!"

"Well, good!"

After Zhao Shanhe greeted with a smile, he walked into the office building and said as he walked, "Old Wu, hurry up and let Deputy Factory Manager Li and the others go to the conference room for a meeting."


While Wu Jianjun was busy informing, the workers walking out of the gate over there were whispering to each other.

They have all heard that Zhao Shanhe took Wu Jianjun to participate in some special product promotion meeting in the province, why are they back now?

"Didn't you say three days? Why did you come back today?"

"What I'm saying is, calculating the time, they should have gone back at noon. Could it be that there is no play?"

"It's definitely not going to happen. Didn't you see Director Zhao getting angry? He asked Wu Jianjun to order a meeting just after he came back. It must be that the promotion meeting has gone wrong."

"What should we do now? We have already produced so many popsicles, if we can't sell them, there will be a backlog."

"Yeah, that's troublesome. I don't want each of us to carry a few boxes of popsicles to fill up when we get paid this month."

The workers were talking in low voices, each with a sad face.

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