Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 50 You Didn't Lie To Me, Did You?

Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo were sitting on the bench, showing no intention of getting up.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe come back, they were a little embarrassed.

But soon both of them adjusted, we are here to accompany our daughter, do we still need to see your Zhao Shanhe's face?

"Dad, why didn't you drink, come, let me drink with you!"

With that said, Zhao Shanhe took a bottle of white wine from the cabinet, unscrewed the lid and poured two glasses.

Li Jianguo just wanted to get up, but was pulled back by Tian Lihua.

"Zhao Shanhe, I heard from Xiaoya, didn't you go to Zhongzhou City to participate in some promotional meeting and sell those popsicles?" Tian Lihua asked lukewarmly.

"Yes, Mom, didn't you just come back?" Zhao Shanhe nodded in response.

"I said that you are too old, and you are still so frizzy about how to do things. You always think about it. If you want to buy an ice factory, why don't you discuss it with your family? If I knew, I wouldn't let you buy it. "

"That ice factory is clearly a pit. Whoever buys it will jump into the pit. Everyone else walks around, but you insist on jumping into the pit."

"Even if you jumped into the fire pit, you should do something serious. Even if you continue to produce ice cubes and sell them to those who make shaved ice, you can make some money, right? If you want to make some popsicles, you still have to go to Zhongzhou Market, isn’t this whimsical?”

"How about now? You came back before the promotion meeting was over, so you must have not sold it? The round-trip ticket money, plus the accommodation fee in Zhongzhou City, the meal fee, and other miscellaneous things, you just throw it away again." Go in a lot, right?"

"Tell me, how much money can you waste? Hmph, you have a little money, and you don't know what your last name is. If this factory loses money, you will have to owe a lot of debt, and you still have the mind to drink .”

Tian Lihua looked at Zhao Shanhe who raised his wine glass, and suddenly became angry, and opened his mouth to scold him.

Li Jianguo also lowered his head, ignoring his son-in-law's toast.

He also felt that what Tian Lihua said was right, this matter was obvious, if Zhao Shanhe really said that he could sign the bill, he would come back in despair early.

"Mom, don't say a few words, Shanhe has already worked hard to make money."

Li Qiuya, who came over with a plate, couldn't help but blushed when she heard this.

Zhao Shanhe is her man, and men have dignity and face, so it's fine if you scold him once or twice, can you still say that every time you meet?

This bit of face is not given to Zhao Shanhe, how can he hold his head up in the future?


Tian Lihua, who was already full of anger, slammed her chopsticks on the table, stood up, and said to Li Qiuya: "You girl, you are really hopeless!"

"What kind of medicine did he, Zhao Shanhe, give you to make you so foolish? Forget it, let's not eat this meal, Lao Li, let's go home."


Li Jianguo stood up and wanted to go out.

"Mom and Dad, wait a moment!"

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, and said without any annoyance: "This is not what you think, I will come back early not because I failed at the promotion meeting, but because I have already won a lot of money." There are fewer orders, so we have to hurry back and focus on some production."

"I got the bill, so I came back early? Zhao Shanhe, are you lying and not drafting now? If you really sign the bill, why don't you stay there and continue to sign the bill to earn more money? Who would have trouble with money? ?"

"Do you think we will believe you if you just say it casually? You are too narrow-minded. You would rather waste your money than lend it to Xiaocheng. I see you through."

After finishing speaking, Tian Lihua walked out angrily.


"Don't call me dad, I don't have a capable and good son-in-law like you!"

Li Jianguo glared fiercely, caught up with Tian Lihua, and the two left side by side.

Seeing his father-in-law and mother-in-law leaving in such a hurry without giving him a chance to speak, Zhao Shanhe shook his head helplessly.

Could it be that I am really so unbearable, and your habitual thinking cannot be changed?

"Qiuya, let me see them off."

"No need to go!"

Li Qiuya walked back to the room, sat on the chair, and said sadly: "If they want to leave, they can leave, Shanhe, I'm sorry, they are really too stubborn."

"Silly girl, what did you say to me? I'm sorry!"

Seeing Li Qiuya's appearance, Zhao Shanhe came forward with some distress, stroked her hair tenderly and said, "Don't worry, I won't be angry with them, they are our parents no matter what. "

"But in a few days, I believe they will completely change their opinion of me."

"What do you mean?" Li Qiuya raised her head in a daze.

"Because what I said just now is the truth, I rushed back to urge production quickly, otherwise the orders won will be delayed." Zhao Shanhe said with a raised hand.

"Is there really a list? How many have you signed?" Li Qiuya asked happily.

"The number of signings this time is not too's enough to be busy for a while." Zhao Shanhe paused for a while.

"Not much, how much?" Li Qiuya's curiosity was mobilized.

"It's only 100 boxes, about [-] million yuan."

Zhao Shanhe sat at the table, took a sip from the wine glass in front of him, and said calmly.


Li Qiuya couldn't help crying out, her beautiful eyes widened.

Thirty thousand boxes! More than 100 million yuan!

Not to mention meeting, Li Qiuya, who had never even heard of such a large amount of money, looked over in astonishment.

"Shanhe, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

Li Qiuya asked stupidly.

"What are you doing lying to you? The 20 deposit has already been paid, how can this matter be false? Besides, the contract has been signed, so you can put your heart in your stomach."

"As long as I can deliver the goods within the specified time, the rest of the final payment will be a lot." Zhao Shanhe said cheerfully, holding his wife's hand.

"Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Li Qiuya asked in surprise.

"Is such that……"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, Li Qiuya still couldn't wake up from the surprise, she muttered to herself.

"More than 100 million! You can sell this popsicle for so much money, which is more than what our textile factory earns."

"It goes without saying, Qiu Ya, why don't you just resign and become the boss's wife with peace of mind." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Let me think about it again!"

Li Qiuya blinked, feeling a little moved.

"Come on, Qiu Ya, to celebrate our success in getting the order, join me for a toast." Zhao Shanhe raised his glass and said.

"En!" Li Qiuya nodded.


The two drank it all in one gulp.

"Cough cough!"

Just after drinking this glass of wine, Li Qiuya choked on the wine and coughed. After she coughed twice, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she threw herself into Zhao Shanhe's arms.

"Shanhe, I feel so happy now."

"Qiuya, what's the point of this, I will make you happier in the future."

As he spoke, he kissed Li Qiuya's pretty cheek.

If it had been done before, Li Qiuya would have resisted symbolically, but she was still a little shy.

But today, she seemed to be stimulated by the news. Not only did she not resist, she even took the initiative to cater to it.

Thunder and fire.

The spring is infinitely beautiful here.

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