Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 473 What is the origin?

"Mr. Liang, I'm looking for you." Sister An raised the phone and said.

"Who?" Liang Zhang shouted distractedly.

"It's Mr. Lu."

President Lu?

Liang Zhang's heart skipped a beat, panic flashed in his eyes, he turned around and trotted over, picked up the phone in a panic, and said respectfully, "Mr. Lu, it's me."

"Liang Zhang, you are so brave. I asked you to be in charge of the Moon Bay project. That's how you are responsible? Some people go to buy it, but you still don't sell it? What? Are you trying to mess up my Moon Bay project? ?" Lu Yuan crackled and taught Liang Zhang a lesson as soon as he opened his mouth.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Liang Zhang's back, and he quickly explained: "No, Mr. Lu, you misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding? Take care of Director Zhao, I'll be there soon."

Lu Yuan hung up the phone after speaking.

At this time, Liang Zhang didn't have the slightest doubt. He knew that he really hit a hard rock this time.

Although he still doesn't know who exactly this director Zhao is, how can someone who can make Lu Yuan attach so much importance and come here in person, say it simply?Damn Liang Feng, why do you say you provoke such a master?

Are you tired of living?

"Director Zhao, what happened today is all my fault. I didn't discipline my younger brother well. I will ask him to apologize to you now."

Liang Zhang pulled Liang Feng over as he spoke, without any hesitation, and said with cold eyes: "Now immediately apologize to Director Zhao, hurry up!"

Liang Feng was dumbfounded.

Liang Zhang, are you stupid?You are my brother, what is your relationship with this man?Don't you usually take care of me all the time?Why did he ask me to apologize to him in front of so many people today? How can I have any face in the future?How can you let me come out to hang out in the future?

Even if you beat me to death, I won't apologize!

Liang Feng pouted his neck and refused to speak.

Sister An was also dumbfounded.

She could tell that Zhao Shanhe was not easy, otherwise Lu Yuan would not have made the call himself, but Liang Zhang, you did it too decisively, right?Let Liang Feng apologize?Are you sure that you can't handle this person?

Thinking of this, Sister An looked at Zhou Xiu with a fiery look in her eyes.

Zhou Xiu, you are really lucky, you can meet such masters.

Zhou Xiuna?

Also standing there with a dull face, her brain is not enough. In her opinion, Zhao Shanhe should be a rich man, but no matter how rich he is, he will not take it in front of Liang Zhang. nothing cheap.After all, Liang Zhang is the person in charge of the Moon Bay project, and it's not something you, an outsider, can provoke casually.

But what do you see now?

Liang Zhang bowed his head to Zhao Shanhe!

Not only bowed his head, but he also asked Liang Feng to apologize to Zhao Shanhe?

My darling, you must know that Liang Zhang has always been a calf protector, no matter what Liang Feng does out of the ordinary, he will talk to Liang Feng and help Liang Feng solve the trouble.

But why did he suddenly change his sex today?He actually started to clean up his younger brother who was causing trouble everywhere!

What the hell is this guy from?

"Hurry up and apologize!"

Liang Zhang couldn't help but get angry when he saw Liang Feng's stubborn appearance.

Nima's Liang Feng, are you really my younger brother?Why are you ignorant at all?

Can't you see that I'm saving you?If you say no, hurry up and apologize, comfort Zhao Shanhe before Lu Yuan comes, and settle this matter, then you can wait to be dealt with.At that time, even I can't save you!

Thinking of this, Liang Zhang kicked out, hitting Liang Feng's popliteal directly.

Liang Feng fell to his knees subconsciously.

"Director Zhao, my younger brother is usually a bit arrogant. Now I have him kneel down and apologize to you. You have a lot of adults. Don't be as knowledgeable as him." Liang Zhang said sincerely.

Liang Feng bit his lip tightly, lowered his head, and remained silent.


Seeing Liang Feng like this, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth in disdain, sat on the chair, and said unhurriedly: "Do you think he is apologizing? Since he doesn't want to, don't force him."

"It's okay, I'll just wait here for Lu Yuan to come over, but I want to ask him, is the house he built for sale?"

"Liang Feng, hurry up!" Liang Zhang shouted angrily.


Realizing that Liang Zhang was really furious, Liang Feng quickly suppressed the bewilderment and anger in his heart, and apologized to Zhao Shanhe, his heart was so stuffy that he was going crazy.


I was the one who got kicked, but now it's fine, and I need to kneel down and apologize to the person who beat me, what kind of world is this trampling?Is there any justice in this world?

"I can't bear your apology, go and rest where you are cool!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand casually at Liang Feng, ignoring his unwilling apology, then looked directly at Zhou Xiu, and said slowly: "Miss Zhou, come on, please continue to tell me about the rest of the seascape in Moon Bay Community house."

"it is good!"

Zhou Xiu endured the panic in her heart, sat down, and began to introduce word by word.

"You shameful thing, stand up quickly and get out of the way!"

Seeing this, Liang Zhang knew that Zhao Shanhe would not give him any more face, so he had no choice but to let Liang Feng stand up and go to the side. He hesitated to speak, thought for a while, and walked aside.

"Mr. Liang, what's going on?" Sister An asked in a low voice.

"Ask me? How would I know."

Liang Zhang's heart was burning with anger.

"What is the origin of this man? How did he know Zhou Xiu so well? Does Zhou Xiu know him? Did Zhou Xiu bring this man here to buy a house? And what house did he choose?"

These are what Liang Zhang wants to know.

But how could Sister An know so much, she could only tell herself clearly.

time flies.

It didn't take long, just about ten minutes, when there was a harsh sound of tires rubbing the floor outside the sales office, and then Liang Zhang hurried out.But before he reached the door, several figures hurried in from outside.

The leader is Lu Yuan, the president of Lu Yuan Group.

"President Lu, I..."

"shut up!"

Lu Yuan glared at Liang Zhang fiercely, and the anger in his heart burst out, "I'll settle your business later."

Liang Zhang's face turned pale immediately.

"Hello, Director Zhao!"

When Lu Yuan saw Zhao Shanhe, he strode forward with a smile on his face, and stretched out his hands proactively.

Zhao Shanhe also stood up, walked forward with a smile on his face, shook hands politely, and then let go.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to trouble Mr. Lu to make a trip in person."

"Director Zhao, look at what you're saying, it's too far-fetched. If you had said earlier that you wanted to buy a sea-view house, why would you need to work so hard? Just say a word, and I'll take care of it for you. Pick any house you want, I'll see you off!" Lu Yuan said with a big smile.

"I don't dare to send it to me."

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he raised the contract in his hand, shook his head helplessly, and said a word slowly.

A sentence that made Liang Zhang's scalp tingle when he heard it.

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