"Brother, help, someone wants to kill me."

Seeing who the middle-aged man came in, Liang Feng yelled like a pig, and stood up from the ground, clutching his stomach and screaming incessantly.

"What are you yelling about? Who wants to kill you in broad daylight? Shut up now!" Liang Zhang shouted angrily.

It's not that I don't know what kind of virtue you are, you must be jealous of someone in the sales office again, and you have been beaten like this.deserve it!It should let you suffer a little bit, so that you don't always come to Laozi's site to make troubles, and sooner or later, Laozi will be cheated to death by you.

Even though he thought so in his heart, Liang Zhang didn't show it on his face.

No matter how Liang Feng is his younger brother, no one can beat him.

"Brother, I'm not wrong, he was the one who hit me!" Liang Feng pointed at Zhao Shanhe and shouted.

"Manager Liang, the matter is not like that, listen to me, there is a misunderstanding here..."

Just as Zhou Xiu wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Liang Zhang waving his hand. He said with a livid face, "Misunderstanding? What kind of misunderstanding can there be? Even if there is a big misunderstanding, you can't hit someone!"

After speaking, Liang Zhang looked at Zhao Shanhe: "Do you know what you are doing? I can call the police and arrest you at any time!"

"Catch me?"

Zhao Shanhe took a deep look at Liang Zhang.

"Are you Liang Feng's brother Liang Zhang?"

"Yes, it's me."

"So you are also in charge of the Moon Bay community project?" Zhao Shanhe asked playfully.

"Yes." Liang Zhang said proudly.

"Then I'm surprised. If this is the case, shouldn't you most hope that the sea view house can be sold? Why are you confronting me here? Don't you know that I want to buy two sea view houses? "Zhao Shanhe said and raised the contract in his hand.


When he first came in, Liang Zhang, who didn't know about it at all, was dumbfounded.

He originally thought that Zhao Shanhe was jealous of Liang Feng, that's why he hit him, but he didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe came to buy a house, and he made two moves.

This is the God of Wealth!

You usually can't find someone you want to find, and you have to confess to someone if you find it, but you are talking nonsense here, and you are talking about calling the police to arrest him. Isn't this nonsense?

Really, if he dared to drive away the God of Wealth, the big boss above would definitely hate him to death. As it is now, if the big boss finds out about this, he will probably pack up and leave.

He knew how ruthless the big boss' methods were.

Thinking of this Liang Zhang, I couldn't help but feel chills in my heart.

Go to Nima's Liang Feng, I knew you were a swindler, and sure enough, I'm really going to be swindled to death by you this time.

Liang Zhang who was secretly cursing Liang Feng in his heart, his angry face just now seemed to be juggling, and he smiled all of a sudden, and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Are you here to buy a house? Then let's sit down and talk. .”


Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said casually: "I originally wanted to buy two sea view houses, but now seeing you, I suddenly don't want to buy one."


Liang Zhang's face suddenly changed.

"Brother, look at his appearance, does he look like someone who can afford two houses? He must be a fake, maybe he is the actor Zhou Xiu came from somewhere, and he wants to deceive us here. You Don't be fooled!" Liang Feng shouted hastily.


Liang Zhang couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, and looked over suspiciously.

"No, I didn't find anyone to act. They really came to buy a house. Mr. Liang, you have to trust me." Zhou Xiu said quickly after meeting Liang Zhang's gaze.

"It doesn't matter anymore! I don't care whether you come to act or buy a house now, it depends on how you do it."

"If you can spend the money today, we can talk about everything. You can ask me to give you an apology. But if you can't get the money, hehe, then today's matter is not easy to talk about." Liang Zhang scanned Zhao Shanhe up and down, speaking threateningly.

"After all, you are still threatening me, and I am very disappointed in you."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, put the contract on the table, tapped his fingers, and said casually: "Moon Bay is a project invested and constructed by Runshi Real Estate, right?"

"Of course." Liang Zhang responded.

"If I remember correctly, Runshi Real Estate should belong to Lu Yuan Group, right?" Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

Hearing this suddenly, Liang Zhang's heart trembled, and he looked over with a stern expression. He was guessing Zhao Shanhe's identity.

Who the hell is this guy?What kind of background do you have?Could it be that you know the big boss?It doesn't make sense, he just opened his mouth with a non-local accent, and I haven't heard that the big boss has such relatives in other places.

Or is this guy just pretending?

Is he trying to scare me with this?

Thinking this way, Liang Zhang still answered.


"Yes, that's fine. I'm afraid I may have admitted the wrong person."

Zhao Shanhe took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone number.


"President Lu, don't come here unharmed."

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

President Lu?

Liang Zhang's face changed suddenly.

Could it be that the opposite is Lu Yuan, the big boss of Lu Yuan Group?

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

"Director Zhao, hello, why did you suddenly remember to call me?" Lu Yuan was a little surprised.

"I don't want to trouble you by calling you, but the problem is, I can't do without calling. You have to solve this trouble. If you don't solve it, I'm afraid something will happen." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Lu Yuan frowned slightly.

"What's the trouble?"

"I'm at the sales office of your Moon Bay Community. I'm just about to buy two sets of sea view houses, but who would have thought that a person in charge here called Liang Feng wouldn't let me buy them!"

"That's not enough. He still spoke rudely to me and wanted to hit me. Now there's another guy named Liang Zhang who treats me very badly."

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips slanted slightly, and after he glanced at Liang Zhang meaningfully, he slowly asked word by word: "Mr. Lu, I just want to ask, isn't your sales office built here to sell houses?" Is it?"


Hearing this, Lu Yuan stood up quickly.

This surprised the company executives who were in the meeting. They all looked over subconsciously, guessing what happened, which shocked Lu Yuan so much.

"Director Zhao, if that's the case, I'll go over now, you wait there." Lu Yuan said anxiously.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and casually flipped through the contract in front of him as if nothing had happened, not bothering to take another look at Liang Zhang.

"Brother, fake, this guy must be a liar, he must be fooling you. Can someone like him know our boss Lu? This is no nonsense!" Liang Feng added fuel and jealousy angrily.

"shut up!"

Liang Zhang is terribly guilty now.


Could this be a liar?Although I didn't hear the content of the phone call, have you ever seen any liar who can cheat so calmly?Which liar can have such a calm demeanor?

"That I want to ask..."

Jingle Bell!

Before Liang Zhang could finish speaking, the office phone in the sales office rang harshly. After Sister An ran over to answer it, her complexion suddenly became bright.

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