"Mr. Lu, if you can sell me two sets, I will be satisfied."

clap clap!

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Lu Yuan seemed to be slapped hard by Zhao Shanhe, feeling the burning pain all over his face.

This is not a joke, it is clearly slapping his face, and the slap is crackling.

You build a house, but you don’t sell the house after it’s built. What are you trying to do?If this gets out, what will people outside think?Do you think you are stupid if you have a lot of money in Runshi Real Estate?Or is it that you, Lu Yuan, are doing things extremely absurd?

Lu Yuan glared at Liang Zhang again, and hated Liang Zhang to death in his heart.

"Director Zhao, don't joke with me. Take this as my brother's fault. If you say you want to buy a house, I can really give you one." Lu Yuan said to Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Forget it, Mr. Lu, I don't like to owe favors."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, without any intention of holding on, and pointed at Zhou Xiu: "Then I can sign a contract with her to buy a house now, right?"

"Of course!"

Lu Yuan glanced at Zhou Xiu and directly ordered: "Since Director Zhao said so, then I will give you an internal discount, [-]% off, and you can go through the formalities for Director Zhao."


Li Qiuya and Zhou Xiu were left to do the next thing, while Zhao Shanhe and Lu Yuan came to sit in the office. As for the two brothers Liang Zhang and Liang Feng, no one gave them a second look from the beginning to the end.

Anyone who is familiar with Lu Yuan's work style knows that Liang Zhang is definitely over this time.

"Director Zhao, you said you are serious. If you want to buy a house, just call me. Why is it so troublesome?" Lu Yuan handed over a cup of tea and said with a smile, "Come on, try it, This year's Biluochun, tomorrow's."

"Mr. Lu, what you said is wronging me. How did I know that this project is yours? I brought my family to see the sea, and then I thought the environment here is very good, so I thought about buying two sets of sea view rooms on the spur of the moment. , who would have thought such a thing would happen.”

"But I didn't say that your project leader is too small." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Don't mention it, he is from my wife's family, or do you think I will arrange for him to take care of this place? But there was no reason before, and now I have finally found it. Don't worry, he will no longer be the person in charge here. , I will fire him." Lu Yuan said lightly.

"I have nothing to worry about. Anyway, even if he disrupts the situation, he disrupts your business." Zhao Shanhe laughed and said indifferently.

"Yeah, so this shit-stirring stick has to be taken out."

Lu Yuan waved his hand and stopped talking about it.

Zhao Shanhe didn't continue to ask, he knew that Lu Yuan would definitely give himself an explanation.

After all, no matter what, Lu Yuan Group has just signed a contract with Shanqiu Foods and is the agent of Shanqiu Foods in Haicheng. Lu Yuan will never say that he offended himself because of a so-called Liang Zhang, right?

And this is also Zhao Shanhe's trump card.

He wanted to buy a sea view room, but he also wanted to clean up Liang Feng, who made this guy's mouth so stinky.After Li Qiucheng investigated and found out that this project belonged to Lu Yuan Group, Zhao Shanhe was ready to take advantage of it, but he didn't expect Liang Feng to act so boldly and openly provoke him at the sales office.

That's right, let's take it away.

"Director Zhao, have you ever thought about entering real estate?"

The two were chatting, when Lu Yuan suddenly said such a sentence.

"Into real estate?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head casually, and said without thinking: "Mr. Lu, I really haven't thought about entering real estate, as you know, I'm in the food and hardware business, and I don't know anything about real estate, so forget it. "

"That's a pity. I think with your current strength, you should really take a diversified development path like me."

"You should have heard of it, right? My Luyuan Group not only has a department store business, but also has a retail business, such as real estate and financial industries. I have also been involved. I even want to play in the technology industry. You know These are the fastest-growing industries, and it's a pity that you don't come in."

Lu Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "I'm not like Mr. Lu. Your family has a big business. You can play whatever you want, and you can play well with diversification. I'm just the factory director of a county-level enterprise. I Be it Shanqiu food or Hetu manufacturing, they are all in their infancy and are still in the groping stage.”

"My current thinking is to make the two factories bigger, more specialized and more refined step by step. As for the rest, I really haven't thought about it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe smiled casually.

"Besides, I'm different from others. I don't have much ambition, and I don't have much energy to expand my business. So just do my own small business honestly."

You have no ambition?

Are you a small business?

When Lu Yuan heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched twice, and he looked at Zhao Shanhe with a speechless expression.

If you don't have much ambition, can you go to CCTV to advertise?

If you are a small business, can you kill the foreign company Green Arrow in one go, forcing them to close all the stores in China and completely withdraw from the Chinese market?

Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, we can't be so low-key.

I think, you are different from what I think now, why are you so hard to deal with like an old fox at a young age?

But since you don't want to get involved in real estate, forget it. If you want to, I would also like to use your cash flow to lure you into the property, and then we will go to the Eastern Province to invest and build a building together.

The two continued to chat.

In the sales office.

"Does any of you know who this Director Zhao is? How can we let Mr. Lu come here to meet him in person?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't look like a simple person."

"I remembered, and I said why he looked familiar, so it was him!"

"who is it?"

"He is Zhao Shanhe, the director of Shanqiu Foods who signed a contract with our Luyuan Group some time ago! Yes, it is him!"

"What? Zhao Shanhe of Shanqiu Foods? Isn't Shanqiu Foods the company that produced Yile chewing gum and Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, defeated Green Arrow, and now almost dominates the entire domestic chewing gum market?"

"Yes, it's him!"


Several sales ladies gathered together and chattered, their faces glowed with excitement as they talked, and they all subconsciously looked towards the direction of the office, all regretting in their hearts.

I knew that I should have come forward to receive him, so I missed such a good opportunity. I must know that I might still be appreciated by Zhao Shanhe and fly on a branch to become a phoenix.

"Zhao Shanhe of Shanqiu Food!"

After hearing this identity, Liang Zhang's heart was completely chilled.

Let's just say that this man has an extraordinary temperament, but he didn't expect to have such a big background.You said that even this group of sales girls knew Zhao Shanhe's glorious achievements, how could he not know?It is because of the clarity that I am even more afraid now.

He knows better than anyone how Shanqiu Foods signed a contract with Luyuan Group.

This enterprise is a veritable raptor across the river.

"It's over! It's really over now!"

Liang Zhang wants to cry but has no tears.

But at this time Liang Feng came over again and said something that made him want to strangle Liang Feng to death.

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