"Go to Liang's Department Store."


The domineering tiger-headed Ben galloped away immediately.

"Mr. Jed, have you ever thought of a possibility?"

Wendy, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, bit her lip. She didn't want to say this at first, but she finally said it. She was afraid that if she didn't say it, she would be guessed by herself later, and Jed would put all her anger away. Take it out on her head.

"You want to say that Liang Junning may have already cooperated with Zhao Shanhe, right?" Jed leaned back on the seat, raised his head and slightly closed his eyes and asked.

Now he has regained his composure, and is no longer as panicked as he was a few days ago.After all, no matter what, he is also the president of Green Arrow in China, and he is a big shot.

A big man should have the aura and mind of a big man.

"Yes." Wendy nodded.

"Whether there is such a possibility will be discussed after meeting. I don't like random suspicion without evidence." Jed said word by word.


after an hour.

In the office of Liang's Department Store, Jade met Liang Junning.

Speaking of which, the two are no strangers. After all, in the past three years, the cooperation between the two is still very tacit.

Just because he is no stranger, no one will hide what he said.

Jed asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Liang, I think you should have heard about what happened to our Green Arrow recently, so I want to ask, what do you think? Have you ever thought about giving up the deal with our Green Arrow and going with Zhao Cooperation between mountains and rivers?"


"Mr. Liang, we Americans don't like to beat around the bush. I know you met Zhao Shanhe, so don't try to lie to me. Just say what you have."

Before Liang Junning spoke, Jed reminded with a serious expression.

"In this case……"

Liang Junning didn't mean to be twitchy, and said frankly: "Jade, you are right, I did meet Zhao Shanhe, and I can also tell you very responsibly, our Liang's department store has never Starting today, I will no longer cooperate with you Green Arrow."

"From now on, all Green Arrow chewing gum in Liang's Department Store will be taken off the shelves. According to our original contract, I will return all Green Arrow chewing gum, and you have to take it back unconditionally, so you'd better go back now, hurry up Find a way to raise funds, I believe this is not a small sum."


Hearing these words all of a sudden, even Jed, who had already prepared himself before coming here, was still like a thunderbolt in an instant, looking at Liang Junning with disbelief in his eyes.

"Liang Junning, you actually cooperated with Zhao Shanhe?"


Anyway, Liang Junning has already spoken out, so there is no need for Liang Junning to be embarrassed anymore. He looked over calmly, shrugged helplessly, and facing the angry Jed slowly said: "Jed, you don't have to be angry about this matter, and you don't need to be angry. There's no need to look at me like that."

"I can only say, there is no way, whoever made Zhao Shanhe offer such a good offer, I have no way to refuse, and it is impossible for me to refuse."

"Why can't you refuse? We, Green Arrow, can agree to whatever conditions he offers. No, what I offer is better than what he offers." Jed said anxiously.


Liang Junning drooped his eyelids, and said casually: "I believe that you have no way to give the conditions Zhao Shanhe offered. Jed, you should stop being stubborn. This is the case, and I will give you a piece of advice as a friend. "

Jed's face was livid.

"Since your Green Arrow has lost the right to sell in six main markets, that is to say, the Green Arrow has completely lost all markets in China, then you might as well quit as soon as possible! This way you can go a little more decently." Liang Junning said slowly Said slowly.


Jed slapped the table and stood up, pointed at Liang Junning and shouted angrily: "I will never quit, just wait and see, my Green Arrow will definitely stand up again, you will regret it sooner or later! "

"It's up to you." Liang Junning said lightly.

"Let's go!"

Jed turned around and took Wendy away.

"Mr. Liang, Jed is upset." Huang Rumeng said after watching Jed's back disappear in front of his eyes.


Liang Junning walked slowly to the window, looked at the sky outside, and said with deep eyes: "Anyone who encounters this will be disturbed, but no matter how disturbed he is, he should know how to advance and retreat, and know whether to choose or not."

"The sooner he gets out, the better it is for him. The more he stalemates like this, the more dangerous it will be. At that time, not only will he get into trouble, but he will also completely drag Green Arrow into the abyss."

"What you said is, do we really want to return the product?" Huang Rumeng confirmed.

"of course."

Liang Junning raised the corners of his lips, and said with a sneer, "I suggested to Jed just now, but he didn't listen. If that's the case, then we can do whatever we want. There are so many Green Arrow chewing gums, we can't sell them anyway, and we can't let them go." Shall we pay the bill?"

"Yes, I will arrange this right away."


Green Arrow headquarters.

Jed, who came back here, has a long face. No matter who sees it, he will subconsciously stay away, and he dare not take the initiative to talk to him, for fear of being severely reprimanded.But even so, several high-level officials came into the office, and they had something to report.

"President Jed, just received the news from Shencheng that Jian Zhengkang from Baqiu Company, together with several other dealers, went to our branch to return the goods."

"It's the same with me. The Lu Group in Modu also wants to return the goods."

"Five cities and five main markets. We have invested a lot of products. It's okay if there are a few returns from time to time. Now all these dealers are asking for returns together. We can't afford it."


return the goods!

Jed's already restless mood became even more annoyed after hearing the bad news.

"Return the product? If they want to return it, just give them a refund? What did they say at the beginning, how did they sign the contract? Tell them, if you want to return the product, it's impossible! We, the Green Arrow, will never accept such an illegal return from them. , not only do not accept it, but also hold them accountable and make them pay liquidated damages!"

"Go ahead and tell them so."

Jed yelled loudly.


Several executives walked out.

Wendy was about to speak, but when she looked up, she met Jed's eyes like a mad bull.

"You go out too."


When everyone left and he was the only one left here, Jed grabbed the water glass on the table and smashed it to the ground, opening his mouth for a series of angry Mie insults.

But does name-calling solve the problem?


Although he scolded fiercely here, the trend of returning goods in several cities has not weakened in the slightest, but has become more and more intense.

They have no reason to say that after signing the contract with Shanqiu Foods, they still have Green Arrow's chewing gum, and it's okay to keep it, as long as it can be sold.

But the problem is that if they do this, they will be disqualified from cooperation by Shanqiu Foods. Do you think they can lose a lot because of small things?Of course not, so they all chose to return the goods by coincidence.

And this storm of returning goods soon spread to the capital.

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