In Beijing at the beginning of July, something happened in the business world.

If this incident had been done in the past, it wouldn't have been such a sensation, wouldn't it be a normal signing and cooperation?What's more, the two parties who signed the contract are only two companies that can be said to be small in scale.

One is Liang's Department Store in Beijing.

The other is Shanqiu Foods, a county-level private enterprise.

But that was before, not now.Under the background of Zhao Shanhe's plan to destroy the green arrows in six cities, this signing ceremony is very high-profile and special.

The signing ceremony held by the two quickly spread throughout the business community in Beijing.

"Did you know? Liang's Department Store and Shanqiu Food have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement."

"Shanqiu Food? I've never heard of it."

"It's the factory that advertised chewing gum and milk tea on CCTV."

"It turned out to be that one, but it's not right. Isn't Liang's Department Store selling Green Arrow chewing gum? Now that it has signed a contract with Shanqiu to sell Yile, can Green Arrow agree?"

"Your news is too late. Hurry up and find out. What time is it? Where is the Green Arrow? The Green Arrow is probably about to be squeezed into the door."


Green Arrow headquarters.

The continuous rotation during this period made Jed's not-so-healthy body even more exhausted.In addition, one bad news after another came one after another, which made him seriously ill, so that he couldn't come to work on time the next day.

He is resting, but some people are not resting.

For example, the executives of the Green Arrow.

One by one, these executives began to deal with the troublesome things in the major markets, and they were all thinking about how to solve this wave of returns.They couldn't help but rejoice in their hearts, fortunately there was no chaos in the capital.

However, this idea was quickly and ruthlessly shattered.

Someone came to Green Arrow headquarters to return the product.

This person is Huang Rumeng.

It was Wendy who received her.

Wendy looked at Huang Rumeng, who was still familiar, and asked with a sullen expression: "Manager Huang, do you have to do this? Isn't your Liang's department store clearly planning to take advantage of the fire?"

"Take advantage of the fire?"

Huang Rumeng smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Wendy, it seems that your Chinese skills have improved recently, and you can even speak the idioms of our country, which is very good. But then, I want to correct you, I don't call it taking advantage of the fire, It’s called doing things according to the contract.”

Speaking of which, Huang Rumeng held up the copy of the contract in his hand.

"This is the contract that the two of us signed at the beginning. There is a clear clause in it. It says that if Liang's Department Store wants to return or exchange the goods in the future, Green Arrow will not use any excuse to stop it."

"What? Could it be that you, a foreign company as big as Green Arrow, want to say nothing? Do you want to violate the spirit of the contract?"


Wendy was speechless.

She regretted it to death!

Is this contract forged?Was Huang Rumeng telling a lie?No, neither.The contract is true, and what Huang Rumeng said is absolutely true.This is the contract that Green Arrow signed with Liang's Department Store in order to open up the capital market as soon as possible.

But at that time, Wendy never imagined that such a thing would actually happen today, but now it's just sitting on wax.

"Manager Huang, can't we discuss it again?" Wendy softened her tone.


Huang Rumeng slapped a piece of paper on the table, and said in a strong tone: "Wendy, we have brought you a total of two truckloads of goods from Liang's Department Store, and the cars are now parked in the underground parking lot of your Green Arrow headquarters. field."

"This piece of paper contains the purchase list of these two trucks. You can check it. The total amount of money you want to refund to us is 200 million. I think this amount of money is just a drizzle to you Green Arrow. You Settle it with us quickly."


Wendy raised her eyebrows, and her face turned cold.

"Manager Huang, I can't decide this matter. Let's talk about it after I report it to President Jed."

"Okay, you can report if you want to, but I want to tell you, you'd better settle it for us as soon as possible, otherwise I'm afraid your parking lot will be full of cars in a while."

Huang Rumeng smiled lightly and raised her fingers and began to fiddle with them leisurely.

Wendy was on pins and needles.

"Sit down for a while!"

Just when she stood up and just walked out of the conference room, and wanted to report to Jed, she was surprised to find that several executives walked over with gloomy faces.

"what happened?"

"Go and see for yourself."


Wendy walked out suspiciously, but when she came outside and saw the scene in front of her, she froze on the spot.

There are more than a dozen trucks parked outside the Green Arrow headquarters, and this is not counted, there are trucks coming from a distance.

Each truck was loaded with boxes of Green Arrow gum.

There were a few people standing next to each car, shouting loudly to return the goods.

"return the goods?"

Wendy's tender face suddenly turned pale.

Has the trend of returning goods spread to the capital so quickly?

What can we do now?

Where does the Green Arrow have so much money to pay?

Her whole mind was empty, and she knew that the green arrow was going to be over.

"Wendy, what should we do now? President Jed?"

"The president didn't come today, he is resting at home." Wendy said tremblingly.

"It's already like this here, why is he still resting? You should let him deal with it quickly. If he doesn't deal with it quickly, there will definitely be trouble."

"Okay, I'll let him know."

The whole Green Arrow has become a mess.

If you think that it is only the Green Arrow headquarters in the capital, then you are wrong. The branches in other cities are also like this these days.No one wants to suffer a loss, but wants to get the money as soon as possible.So if Green Arrow doesn't give it, they won't leave.Anyway, it is a waste of time, who is afraid of whom?It's exhausting.

When the news about Green Arrow reached Zhao Shanhe's ears, he was looking at the promotion plan of Xiang Piaopiao Milk Tea.

"Director, the Green Arrow probably won't be able to handle it anymore." Han Chunming said excitedly, his eyebrows browing with joy.

"Whether they can bear it or not is their business. From now on, we just need to watch the show."

As Zhao Shanhe spoke, he held up the plan and said with a smile, "Don't bother with Green Arrow anymore. Next, it's time to focus on the promotion of Xiang Piao Piao Milk Tea."

"Yes." Han Chunming immediately restrained himself and sat upright.

"Chunming, I've already told them about other places, and it's the same with you here. To know whether our Xiang Piaopiao can successfully squeeze into the top sales circle, we need to look at the promotion below."

"You should know, what is the most deadly market weapon for our milk tea?" Zhao Shanhe stared at Han Chunming with a serious expression, and asked unhurriedly.

"Channel!" Han Chunming said in a deep voice.

"Yes, it is the channel. The channel is king. Whoever can control the channel will be invincible."

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes as he spoke, and slowly asked a question.

"Tell me, given the current situation in the capital, how are you going to master the channels?"

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