Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 457 Burn a fire for them

"Let's go back to Beijing."

Jed said with deep eyes: "At present, only Liang Junning of Liang's Department Store has not disclosed the cooperation with Zhao Shanhe. This shows that the capital market should still be under our control. As long as the capital market is there, we still have a way out."

"So, the most important thing now is to go to the capital as soon as possible to appease Liang Junning, even if it is to offer a loss of money, he must be stabilized."

"Yes, then I'll book a ticket."

"Hurry up and order before we're late." Jed urged.

"Okay!" Wendy replied respectfully.


Beijing Hilton Hotel.

When Zhao Shanhe came back here, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon.He simply washed up and washed off his exhaustion before calling Li Qiuya's phone.

"Shanhe, how is your side?" Li Qiuya asked expectantly.

"all the best."

Zhao Shanhe simply uttered four words without a long explanation.

And even though he only heard four words, Li Qiuya could imagine how tired Zhao Shanhe must have been these days.After all, in just one week, Zhao Shanhe ran around six cities.

One a day, just thinking about it is tiring.

"Shanhe, in fact, our factory is developing well now. You don't need to work so hard. You still have to pay attention to your body. After all, your body is the capital of revolution. I don't want you to drag yourself down just to make money. " Li Qiuya said in a distressed voice.

"I know."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, feeling the concern revealed in Li Qiuya's words, and his heart was full of happiness.

What is his reason for being able to live again?

Naturally, it is to let Li Qiuya live a happy life!

Thinking of the harm he brought to Li Qiuya in his previous life, Zhao Shanhe felt very guilty.So now seeing that Li Qiuya can smile happily and think about himself all the time, he is very satisfied.

He said softly: "The things here should be over soon, and I will go back when it is over. Don't worry, after I go back this time, I don't think I will have to come out for a while. When the factory gets back on track, I will Take you out on a trip, let's go around."

"Really?" Li Qiuya asked in surprise.

Zhao Shanhe frowned: "Of course it's true, can I still lie to you? Didn't you say you want to go to the beach? Then let's go to the beach, and I will take you to the sea for a tour."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your return." Li Qiuya had a happy smile on her face.

The two chatted sweetly on the phone for a while, and it was not over until Han Chunming came back.

Looking at Han Chunming with an excited expression on his face, Zhao Shanhe smiled and handed him a glass of water.

"What's the matter? So happy?"

When Zhao Shanhe came back, Han Chunming didn't stay at the hotel, saying he was out on business.Zhao Shanhe didn't ask any more questions, but seeing him now, he couldn't help asking.

"Factory manager, a good thing, a big good thing."

Han Chunming picked up the water glass in front of him, gulped it down, wiped his mouth and said, "I've been looking for those small and medium-sized dealers to discuss cooperation for the past two days. At the beginning, no one was willing to cooperate with us. They all feel that they have been working with Green Arrow for many years, they are very familiar with each other, and they are too lazy to bother."

"But just now, I finally persuaded a department store, and they agreed to cooperate with us."

"Just one family?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"Yes, there is only one."

Han Chunming touched the back of his head in embarrassment and said: "I also know that the efficiency is a bit slow, but those dealers don't know what to think, as if they were bewitched by the Green Arrow, facing the conditions we offered, No one really wants to compromise."

"I'm also wondering, big department stores like Liang's Department Store have signed contracts with us, why are they still strong?"

"That's because their lazy thinking is at work."

Zhao Shanhe was not surprised, and said calmly, "It's not that they don't want to make money, or that they don't want to cooperate with us. It's just that when they think of breaking the current cooperation model with Green Arrow, they don't have that aggressiveness."

"Think about it, if you cooperate with us to sell Yile chewing gum, even if it's cheaper than Green Arrow, how much cheaper can it be? They don't want to make a fuss just because of this little money. In the end, their lazy thinking is controlling their brains , making them unwilling to break the established pattern.”

"Yes, you are quite right."

Han Chunming nodded approvingly.

"That's what they all say when I negotiate with them."

"In their words, they would rather make a little less money than to make a fuss. Because you toss and toss, and there is not much difference in the middle, they don't bother to toss."

"The mouse is short-sighted!"

A look of contempt appeared on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth.

"They are just used to being carefree in the capital, and they are unwilling to do such good things. You let them go out and see how the small and medium-sized dealers in Shencheng and Shanghai are doing?"

"He is the real businessman. Compared with others, they are like frogs being boiled in warm water. As long as you don't heat the water all at once, they will be slow."

"Then I will continue to persuade them." Han Chunming said unwillingly.

"It's not necessary."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands, and said calmly: "As I said just now, you have to heat them up, let them know that it's hot, and then they think about moving. If that's the case, let's light a fire for them. "

"How?" Han Chunming asked curiously.

"Of course it is to launch Liang's Department Store!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes shone brightly, he pursed his lower lip and said in a deep voice: "Go and contact Liang's Department Store and tell them that tomorrow I will go to their company to sign a contract in person, and let them build momentum, the bigger the better."

"I understand."

Han Chunming's eyes lit up, and he immediately said excitedly: "Those small and medium dealers have lazy thinking because no one competes with them."

"In this case, let's launch Liang's Department Store and let them know that the biggest distributor standing in front of them has been replaced by our Yile Chewing Gum. If they continue to cooperate with Green Arrow, the only thing waiting for them is A dead end."


Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently, and said slowly: "Didn't you say that you just got married? Then you don't need to talk about the rest. When the signing ceremony is over tomorrow, you don't need to go to them, they will take the initiative to come to you .If they don’t come, let’s just ignore them and just replace them all and cooperate with new dealers.”

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth raised a confident arc.

"I believe that those dealers who cooperate with us for Xiangpiaopiao milk tea will be happy to represent Yile chewing gum."

"Then I'll contact Liang's Department Store." Han Chunming stood up after speaking.


After watching Han Chunming leaving excitedly, Zhao Shanhe glanced at the list of small and medium dealers, sighed softly, and said to himself: "Jade, our business war should end tomorrow. "


Beijing Airport.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Jed brought Wendy and the others out in a hurry, and they couldn't wait to give orders as soon as they got in the car.

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